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For old father nurgle


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Very cool minis indeed!!


I too like your plasma gunner a lot! Very cool pose, another idea people will do on their minis I'm sure.


Your painting is very good. Personnaly I really like it. Are you doing a Death Guard army or a Nurgle themed army? Because it works in both case, but I'd like to know a little more. Very good weathering and decaying.


Your Deamon Prince is very good. It has a striking pose, the classical scythe and a lot of pus and rot. But I personnaly think he may be a little slim for Nurgle. We're used to see them fat, bloated and on the verge of exploding sending guts everywhere. Maybe the wings could use a little decay too, IMHO.


Your Icon is simply great!! Your freehand is wayyyyyy better than most people (I'm too little, I'm not worthy) so don't worry, it'll still make people jealous! ;)


Your Worm really brings something new to Nurgle, I really like it.


Your Typhus is way more dynamic than the original. Great work on that one.


Can't wait to see more of your minis!


Giggity, giggity, gig-gi-ty!


thanks man, I do try to do my best ^_^

I'm glad you like my models!


Well it's going to be a deathguard army, a part of it that spit free with typhus.

(never really liked mortarion)

so now they are out in the galaxy holding hand and spreading disease :D


The daemon prince is currently being redone, well a bit anyway. I've changed his head and done some other stuff.

and well he might not be much fatter or over bloated, sure I enjoy my fellow fat nurgly guy as much as anyone, but I don't think they all have to look like that.



thanks man, I do try to do my best :(



And you do Great !


Your Typhus is very characterfull as the rest of your army, really nicely done. And your Daemon prince is just freaking awesome!



Great job mate I like it a LOT ;)



^_^ :D


Keep ´em coming!



Kaleb Daark

  • 3 months later...

Hey guys, It's been a while sins I last updated this thread, but here I am and I intend to bring this army up to 1500 point to a local tournament early in november. this is the list I'm going for right now, it might change a little.

Lord Holgar 155 pts

Daemon weapon, mon, melta bombs


Plauge marines 236 pts

Asp champ, pf, 2 plasmas, icon


Plauge marines 236 pts

Asp champ, pf, 2 plasmas, icon


Plauge marines 216 pts

Asp champ, pf, 2 flamers, icon


Terminators 295

Mon, 7 st, 4 combi weapon, 1 heavy flamer, champ, 1 chain fist


Chosen 171 pts

7 st, champ, 2 meltas, 2 flamer, icon of chaos glory


Greater daemon 100


Lesserdaemons 91

7 st



and here is some of my newly painted models. 4 finished pm's and another one in pip stage.


and a pip shot of the fifth, (a bit blurry though)



c&c are welcome :devil:



Thanks guys! and yeah, I know, the flesh didn't turn out really the way I wanted, but I'm not really the best photographer either. well, I see if I can do something about it.


Gresiloth: well it's quite simple. i start painting the model with gretchin green, then I paint thin stripes of rotting flesh, and then a mix of bleached bone/skull withe. the metal parts is boltgun with a wash of scorched brown and a highlight of mithril silver.



thanks soh!

well, I'm almost done with these guys now, just one left and he's currently being painted. so I just thought I'll show them of, and yes its Typhus skulking around in the background..




Hey all, some more progress done!

well I was thinking of making nurgle scouts and using them as chosen last week. well I had quite some inspiration lately and now their done, so here goes!




melta gunner 1


melta gunner 2


flamer guy 1


flamer guy 2


angry git 1


angry git 2


from behind




I love you!! :) Wonderful super duper idea! I was thinking of making a traitor guard army someday (when the new guard codex comes out) because then I can combine them for Apocalypse games, this is be-auti-ful!! Those are ghoul heads, are they not? They are awesome and perfect.

Your idea of making them chosen is very good, although you will have to explain how they get a 3+ armoursave from their armour. But hey, it's chaos, everything goes, right? :)

lord_bunny: thanks man, much appreciated!


Kerrigan: hmm.. thanks I guess :) well I thought that nurgle scouts should be at least as tough as normal marines :)

Yes it's ghoul head, I thoght they would fit kinda good. I'm planning a renegade guard army to, but it's a later project as I got lot left on my dg's.



Plastic ghouls... I thought they were LoTR evil bits at first. So ghouls plus plastic guardsmen = nurgle renegade guard.


Or is it ghouls + scouts = renegade guards.


I too have super long term plans for rebel guard both as variety and to combine with my existing Chaos forces. I planned to use a wide variety of stuff. FW, Necromunda, IG, Maurauders etc. etc. There are rumors of plastic great coat IG and there are 28mm plastic multipart Roarks Drift pith helmet guys made by Warlord games I think that has the online IG boards in a tizzy. People love the praetorians, I never understood the attraction. I liked the Valhalans or even Tallarns better model wise. Anyway I guess there plan is to use thse plastics as a base or addition to praetorian forces with updated lasrivals and other bits.


Some guard players already use a lot of non-GW tanks or tank bitz. There are some non-GW heads and such that work good on the existing plastic IG or so I've heard...


Rebel Guard doesn't fit in this forum or does it since they let the Deamon Legion in...

Well I got another update for you nurglings. firstly I've got some more nurgle scouts done.



melta gunner


flamer dude one and two, second on is still in pip mode.



and I've started building my first defiler


closeup on the base


and the driver



Muskie: it's ghouls + scouts :D

I think I'll use the chaos renegades from fw to make mu guard though.


well I've got some more work on my defiler done, I also started building my terminators but I don't have any pics of them yet. enjoy.





Mr maggot


finished base


and a little cute nurgling





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