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Vaaish's Progress Thread


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Thanks. You are right he is getting ready to hit the strut. There is a reason for that though. To get the speeder to sit properly without falling off the peg I had to have it sitting on that strut but so it wouldn't spin off I had to add the peg in front to hold it and keep it where I wanted it. Perhaps when I get to the other ones I'll figure out a better means of pinning it into position.

I've started work on the power sword, and I think I need to get a more intense green into it looking at it outside. Bolt pistol arm is done so that leaves finishing up the sword, backpack, head, and figuring out what I want to do with the should pads.



I think I know what you mean. I'm also toying around with ideas for a similar base but haven't had any good ideas so meanwhile it'll have to stay on the flying base ;)


I like the subtle glow of power sword it goes very well with the gold armor. what color did you use for that?

I still need to go in and brighten it up a bit since it came out too pale for my liking though the end effect will still be somewhat subtle. I built it up with thin layers of catachan green to snot green to goblin green and then white. I need to hit a couple of areas with hte straight goblin green again to give it a bit more kick.

absolutely stunning stuff man

you finish is seamless, and the detail is phenomenal

are you going to do anything special with the backpack?


its a bit random an amazing painter and sculptor like you to go for the macragge marines isn't it?

did you get they set or buy the components because if you bought the set i would love to see the painted crashed aquila


one query how did you paint the green on varas' gene seeds

Thanks. I haven't decided on the pack. I've already base coated it so I think the farthest I'd go with the conversion is figure out a way to attach the iron halo to it. Most of the bling on it will make it stand out anyway... part of me wishes I had one of those old style diamond backpacks and attach the eagle heads to that. Ah well.


Well the reason behind the macragge marines was that those were the first minis I'd painted. My friend and I decided to get the set so we could practice a bit on the nids and since i was building a marine force it's give me a bit of practice with that too. Actually the crashed lander isn't quite finished. Still have the main body to go but I kinda got sidetracked with building my actual force for the time. If you feel like mucking around,




has all the pics of the lander and models I've done so far. I think img0019- 23 has a few pieces of it.


IIRC the geneseed was probably a base coat of catachan and then build up the same ways as teh power sword but with more yellow in the final glow areas.

Well got the pads all finished up so that leaves the head and base to finish up. Might start on the head tonight but either way I'm shooting to get it completely finished by monday night.






Finished up the commander tonight. just letting him dry a bit before sealing the model. Very nearly destroyed the model by dropping a can of black spraypaint on it, thankfully it missed both the model and base. I'm also debating adding in the iron halo, but I can't think of a good place for the thing.


So here he is, Ma'a-Kherew, chapter master of the Nesewdjet-Nedjety






  • 1 month later...

got a bit of time to work up the plama gunner and now I'm a little stuck with the pose since I somehow lost the pointing arm I planned to use between walking out back to basecoat and coming back in. I'm attempting to modify and arm to have the knife on it but I'm a little meh about how it's turning out. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


He's about 90% done right now with a few tweaks to the top of the gun itself and obviously the left arm. On top of that I have the chapter icon and company info to add to the pads.





And the Plasma gunner for squad 1 is finished. I tried a different mix for the bronze this time around and I think it worked pretty well. I'm debating moving onto the first rhino/razorback or doing the the second speeder.




Thanks, yeah it is highlighted, but it's bronze not gold and fairly subtle.


I started the rhino. Almost got all the pieces cleaned up and I finished magnetizing the rear door. I was trying to make the latch system as unobtrusive as possible since i hate partially blocking the door to get it to work. This method seems to do alright.




Thanks y'all!


Setomidor: It's really quite simple, you need some bake able clay like sculpy, a few straight pins, and some cardboard. use the cardboard to make templates for the shape then press it into a flat disc of clay and pull it out. this gives the basic shape and then you just impress things in or use the needles to create designs. when you are done, bake it, mix up some greenstuff and press it into the mold. after it hardens enough to get it out without losing the shape, trim it, and wrap it around the area you where wanting to embelish.

I honestly don't know what sprue that sword came from. I got it in a bitz bag from BWBits months ago and I don't play DA it also didn't have any specific markings on it.


In a slightly different vein, I've completed my army book PDF art and photos so here is the complete Book 1: Book One: Origins of the Nesewdjet-nedjety (change the PDF view setting to 2 up with coverpage or some images will break funny)

For the Iron Halo on your awesome commander you could use a horus statue on the back pack for example (given your GS skill I trust you to be good at designing it) and add the Halo around the Horus (master of heaven, the exalted) so it should fit the commander I guess...?


Keep going, great work!

I got an old style speeder today and it just begged to be put together so here is the test assembly and light conversion for my multimelta armed speeders. I guess it's kind of replaced the rhino while i design the extra armor. I'm hoping to basecoat him mostly tomorrow and get the metals finished up.





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