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Angels Sanguine Redux


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No, I didn’t make the legs retractable. I guess if I really wanted to go overboard I could have removed the back door altogether, used plasticard to create the inner working and made the legs so they could be pulled into the hull for quick transport.

Maybe I’ll try that the next time I need to paint up Whirlwinds. But for now, the static pose suits me fine.


Albeit, I do need more Sentinel legs to finish the job on the new one.


Cheers, -OMG

I've been getting some past articles moved over into the Librarium. To that end, I worked with the marine painter to document the iconography I've been incorporating into my AS. Here's one example image from fourth squad, "Bastus."


I did get the models I needed to finish off the attack bike, one VAS squad and most of what I need for the two Razors. I'll have time to work on them this weekend so more to come shortly.


I’m just about done with the Attack Bike. In fact, I hope that I can get it all painted up today and post the completed work tomorrow.

Overhead view:


Putting it together:


Dismounted Biker:


Nice to see this finally come together. -OMG

If I work hard I may be able to contest that second best slot but #1 is already taken. Cheers, -OMG


My thoughts exactly OMG. But your Angels Sanguine would definitely take #2 hands down. :( Great mini's and the attack bike is coming along great. BUT MORE DEATH COMPANY!!! :)

I’ve been working with the Librarium guys to get my IA article for the Chapter. To that end, I was playing with the SM painter to get the following images:



The DC marine illustration still needs work. I’ll most likely revise it for the final publication.


I finally got that attack bike done.




There are more pics in my gallery (and blog) for that matter.

I’ve also begun work on a Laz/Raz with some conversion elements in mind:


And I’ve also been working with the new MKII Vet models to augment my Vet Assault squad:


I believe that they should shape up rather nicely. Now that I can see them put together I’m more confident that that’ll look good with jump packs. The guy two-fisting the flamer & bolt pistol is my favorite so far. That fav pick tends to change as I paint models but he’s the forerunner at the moment.

Cheers, -OMG

Thank you very much good brother Luc. BTW, what have you been working on lately? You must be holding back. Aren’t the new BA mods treating you right? Just let me know and I’ll take care of them for you.

In the mean time, I’ve been working on building up my two outstanding tanks. Here’s the state of the first Razor:



I think it’s starting to come together.

I also got a partial fulfillment of my Forgeworld order so I now have more of them Red Scorpion helmets. I used the last one I had on the Attack Bike gunner above. I may start building up those guys as well.

So that’s the status, -OMG

Haha! Love the sneaky marine in the hatch. Love little details like that. Also liking the sculpture murals (not sure what the word is) on the front. Very nice indeed - have you seen the space wolf landraider that was done like that on the painting forum? Really artistic way of representing veteran vehicles and stuff like that.


The guy controlling the lascannons on the second pic looks abit precarious doesn't he? :verymad::

Thank you very much good brother Luc. BTW, what have you been working on lately? You must be holding back.



Brother Jazzman and Morticon command such a terrifying presence that I have been afraid to post LOLcats.


Life gets in the way at times. I moved to vicinity NYC and started a new job where I actually have responsiblities. Luckily, I have found a new club where I get to play weekly.


I have been working on filling out my tactical squads to 10 men and a couple razorbacks with forgeworld rhino doors. I should complete the tac squads today or this weekend and I have based coated my razorbacks. Some Mk2 vets should be showing up soon so I will start on my 2 drop podding VASs. Then a single Baal. I will put an update on the site soon... possibly a "Task Force Drakones" thread like this one should it be wanted. Actually, expect to see one of these soon. The amazing creativity and skill you are putting into these models may force me to step my painting up a notch...

The guy controlling the lascannons on the second pic looks abit precarious doesn't he? ;):

I commented along similar lines in my blog. Check that out if you have a care to.



Brother Jazzman and Morticon command such a terrifying presence that I have been afraid to post LOLcats.

They scare me too for lots of reasons (let’s post about something else :pinch: ).



I will put an update on the site soon... possibly a "Task Force Drakones" thread like this one should it be wanted. Actually, expect to see one of these soon. The amazing creativity and skill you are putting into these models may force me to step my painting up a notch...

Step it up pal that would be great to see. So yes, that’s emphatically wanted. Start your own blog here at the B&C for that matter. There are some other BA blogs out there so more are always welcome. Duma’s got a great one started made greater still solely based on the fact that he’s doing Angels Sanguine as well.


@Duma: My hat’s off to you sir, you have impeccable taste. B)



  • 2 weeks later...

Here's the first Vet assault marine - though I think he could still use some touch-ups.

<+++Image removed+++>

Here's also where I stand with the interior of the first Razorback I'm working on:



I'll write up a blog article on the progress when I get the chance. I'm also hoping to get a lot more done on the Razor through the day tomorrow.

Cheers, -OMG

The change on the model was subtle but needed. I just did not like the look of the wings on the jump pack. So here’s the revision.


Also, I got some work don’t on the top gunner for the first Razorback. I think it may very well turn out to be my favorite tank to-date (and I’ve never been one to really like modeling tanks).


Cheers, -OMG

  • 1 month later...

Since I need to be spending more time in the PC&A forum I thought I would close off this thread. If interested in the progress you can still following along in my blog or the PC&A related posts.

At least I did get this Razorback done - finally.



Guys, as a mark of respect to OMG's rather awesome painting skills, I'm going to pin this thread and close it in a day or two, so we get used to checking his blog out.


Thank you for one of the best painted armies I've ever seen.

Thanks for the plug Jazz. I’ll be sure to drop by the BA from time-to-time and update the Showcase thread with new stuff. When I get my 4th edition army complete, I was going to take a fresh round of pics anyway. I hope to see more of you at the PC&A.


Then, summer will come around, Vth edition will change everything and I’ll have to do it all over again. Oh well, this is life gaming in the 41st millennium.


Thanks again, -OMG


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