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Death Guard blog (pic heavy)


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I am working towards a tournament in november at which I will participate in a team battle with a daemon player. I am not sure if we'll be using a chaos space marine force, a daemon force or a combination. For effectivity a pure force (it's only 1500 points) will be better I think, but the deadline helps for making some effort. I was thinking of including Epidemius, which is in a "start to paint" stadium. No converting (so no pics yet). My friend and I played a game this week, using beasts of nurgle amongst others. The ForgeWorld ones are very nice (but expensive). The fact they can represent both a spawn (CSM) and a beast of nurgle (daemons) is appealing to me. I started making my own version. Pics below. More will follow. I am also planning to built the great unclean one which is lying in my drawer several years now. The thing about it is that it's so small! And the GUO of FW is very expensive (although beautiful!!) and sóó big! I will try to buff it up a little. See how that turns out...






Some awesomely twisted work here, I'm loving the stream of corruption from the Daemon Prince hitting the Scout. Looking forward to seeing that painted.


It is already painted :lol: See previous page. Sorry about all the pics, may take some time to upload when you browse this thread.

It is already painted :( See previous page. Sorry about all the pics, may take some time to upload when you browse this thread.


So it is. :) Very cool, exactly how I'd imagine a Nurgle psychic power, or indeed weapon of any type to work - all bile and filth.

Started painting my spawn or beast.





I also started with my great unclean one. As I said earlier, the model is lying in a drawer for years (the older edition with one version of the head), so it's easier to take him than buy the one of FW. Maybe later, when I make a daemon army. (it can be Ku'gath). Problem I have with the GW version is that it's so small. Even my daemon prince is bigger! The FW model is too big for play really, but as a centre piece it's perfect.

Just a start:


First nurgle spawn / beast of nurgle is finished:






Some progress with my pimped GUO:



Stuff the turkey:




I am really satisfied about his face. Simple really :lol:


I made the pics smaller intentionally because they don't show that much yet. Now it's coming more into shape:







Wicked stuff, well executed convertions and great painting. Top notch work. The guo's head somehow really remind me of ripleys offspring in alien resurrection. Yeah, i know, a crap ass film bordering on murder on such a classic series, but i think that the guo would look really awsome painted up in the same pale slimy yellow fashion as that creature.



Did some more work tonight. I was thinking what to do with the chain arm. The skulls which are originally on it are old fashioned and a bit too soft. Browsing through my bits I was looking for something heavy but light. Metal bits were too heavy, a plastic dreadnought close combat arm is perfect. Of course it will be painted Ultramarines blue, (I started an Ultramarines army when the Macragge box came out and I have about a 800 points painted). I will pick it up again in the near future. The blue will make a nice contrast with the earthly and fleshy colours.

The head found it's place, of course a rough fit. Lots of detailing to do. I magnitized the arm for easy transport, storing and of course preventing damage or bending.







Did some more work today. Not completely satisfied about the base, looks a bit dull. It will be a tank or something. Got to damage it, put a ladder on it (the GUO has been summoned on it or it's host has climbed the ladder ;) ) There's a lid at the bottom, I can store dice in it! ;)

Still needs more work, but it's getting there I think.

The antlers are a kind donation from a friend of mine, he bought the Forge World version but didn't use them. I had to make them smaller :( because they were too large. Making them myself turned out to be a lot of work, so I cut them up.






Epidemius in undercoat. Busy on the banners. Greenstuff needs some more defining.


Almost finished! Just a few details, base and than... undercoat and painting! :)






how did u get such a fantastinc texture for the skin??


I have a metal rod with blunt (round) tips, it's the sculpting tool I use the most for my nurgle forces (besides the sculpting tool from GW). Furthermore, I have made greenstuff moulds from the original model and blend them together. Why try to sculpt skin with veins and such when GW's sculptors have already done that? :)


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