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My Deathwing


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So, this army is reasonably old - as you can probably tell from the models. And if you look closely, you'll see it is no longer actually legal either, since it was built and painted before the new codex came out. I have more models kicking about which I can add to make it tabletop ready, but I thought I'd post it to see what folks think just now (I had posted one or two before, but I have more now, and a better camera.)


The entire army




The Grand Master








Squad 1






Squad 2






These were done aiming for a slightly better than tabletop standard. I have details to add to try and personalize them (Squad and individual names) before they are 100% complete, but I wanted to see what folks thought of them.


Comments and criticisms are always welcome.





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Thanks for all the comments folks, I'm glad everyone likes them. As I say, I have some more to paint, which will give me some close combat troops and perhaps make these legal again - so I'm glad the colour scheme meets with approval.


@Master Caiphas and medusa_ritchie - the Deathwing winged sword icon does indeed come on a sheet of transfers. I forget which one - I think MR was right in that it is the old DA sheet. These ones however were indeed hand painted. I basically followed this tutorial which I found on the Fortress of Unforgiven. The only thing I did which they don't tell you to do was paint the original in Scab Red, then repaint the middle once I was happy with it in Blood Red and highlight accordingly. I didn't quite get down to 3 minutes per symbol, but it's a pretty effective tutorial.


Thanks again for looking folks.





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I like them. Don't forget the bases are illegal. You can't go smaller than the base size which now for termies is the...what, 40mm? Either way, the one that is one size bigger than those.


Good job on not abandoning the old termies!

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I like them. Don't forget the bases are illegal. You can't go smaller than the base size which now for termies is the...what, 40mm? Either way, the one that is one size bigger than those.


There is much debate over this. It is NOT a clear view one way or the other, and GW is (of course) damningly silent on the issue.


So don't change the bases 'less you want to, Widowmaker.

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Beautiful Old School DW's. Live the hand painted DW icons. The bleached bone has a nice even balance of white to bleach. Good control and they look great. The only thing I'd critique is the the bolters needing either to be drilled out or painted black holes. :) Belial looks good. Love the fluffy black sword.
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  • 2 years later...

And we're back...


That was only, what, 2 1/2 years per update? Sheesh!!!!


OK, I got a little bored painting Fallen terminators, and since i figured that the Fallen need someone to hunt them, I finally got round to finishing my extra deathwing.


See what you think.


Squad 1










Close Combat




Long Range




Squad 2










Long Range




Close Combat




Comments and Criticism welcome as always.





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Very nice Deathwing! Love the bone, may I ask how you did it?


Thanks Reyner;


Recipe for the bone? Sure... (I had to revamp it, since the original recipe used GW paints and inks that are no longer available)


I primed them white, then layered on;


Wash of Devlan Mud

Graveyard Earth

Commando Khaki

Wash of Gryphonne Sepia

50:50 mix Commando Khaki & Bleached Bone

Wash of Gryphonne Sepia

Bleached Bone

Wash of Gryphonne Sepia

Bleached Bone

Thin Highlight 50:50 mix Bleached Bone & Skull White


It doesn't take nearly as long as one would think... Longest amount of time is spent waiting for the washes to dry, which can be eased by batch painting.





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Those are awesome!


Where did you get the Retro terminators from? I cant seem to find them on the GW website :C


Cheers WNxKilljoy, I appreciate it. I have had the old school termi's since they were first available - 2 boxes of the RT Era Terminator Squad when they first came out, and I added the Deathwing when they camme out later. I have enough left to add 2 more squads to make the retro ones game legal (Only one heavy weapon per squad, not two as above)


What retro terminators? Those all look to be the plastic ones with an occasional bit from the Dark Angels sprue.



Psssst. Check the first set of pictures even more closeleir, you'll notice they are the old metal DA terminators that are OOP.


@Cypher 102 - What he said ;) The initial pics are old metal Deathwing and some of the even older RT era termis. I'm gonna go for the unintended compliment, and take it that you saw 'em and meant that I painted the new ones so close to the old ones that you didn't even notice the change (Yeah, yeah, in my dreams, right? :) )


Thanks for looking guys.



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