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Modelling: fly wings made easy


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hey all i have had a few enquiries about how i made my fly wings for the nurgle daemon prince so i thought i would try a tutorial

they are suprisingly easy to make so lets begin

first get some PVA glue (available from most hardwear stores also called woodworking glue)this stuff is great because it dries clear

secondly find an evergreen leaf (the waxy coated ones)choose the size you wish ,try to find ones with good pronounced veins and liberally apply the PVA glue over itlleaving it looking something like this


next the hard part :) leave it for about a day until it has comlpetely dried through until it is clear and you can see no white just clear .then peel it off it should be very easy


and you will have something like this


next cut it in half down the vein and fix the two wings to any kind of soft wire with superglue(fencing wire etc)this wire allows you to bend and shape the wings, and after this if you wish you can clean it up by adding greenstuff to the wire to bulk it out (which i am in the process of )

hope this helps cheers D ^_^

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next cut it in half down the vein and fix the two wings to any kind of soft wire with superglue(fencing wire etc)this wire allows you to bend and shape the wings, and after this if you wish you can clean it up by adding greenstuff to the wire to bulk it out (which i am in the process of )

hope this helps cheers D :)


I would like too see some more pics of that then.

Interesting, never thought off making wings this way..

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Alright I guessed right! I thought it looked like it was made from PVA glue... I just couldn't comprehend how you formed it. Using a leaf is a beautiful way to texture it in one go.


I think I might just have to loot this idea for making some Plague Raptors...


I have an idea to try your glue and leaf concept but with an imbedded wire frame. The frame should add some strength to the wing and provide a consistent size and shape across all the models (A must as I'm planning on making a total of 14 sets).


Thanks for the ideas sir.



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