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The Legion of Taurus - a Chaos Marine army log


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Thanks everyone for your kind comments; and thanks especially to anyone who checked out the You Tube vid! :) I will add more in the future.

Wow. Where'd the Skull Champion's axe come from?

Thanks TempusCorvus, the axe is from the original plastic WFB Chaos Warriors. I think you'd have to do a bit of a search of eBay to find them now!

Great looking army. As I lazily get my chaos army together, this provides inspiration to keep at it.


I'd love to see this army in person. I may just have to get off my lazy bum and finally make it down to apocalypse for the gaming night.

Thanks Khepera - you should also pop in to Bury Wargamers at some point if you get the chace! ;)



Right, quick update this time, showing off something completely different, by way of a plug for a side project that is linked to this one.


Basically, I have been working on Big Mutants this week - I want to eventaully be able to field a formation of L&tD in Apocalypse games with this army, so these are models I'd always planned to work on. I got these last weekend as I had a voucher that I'd won in the painting competition for my first Skull Champ model.




I've made a start on adding some 40k-esque detailing:



Finally, a size comparison shot - I didn't realise till I got these models how big they are!



...and this final pic segways neatly in to a plug for the side project - I will work on more Mutants and Cultists for this army, but I also want to field a small army of renegade guardsmen (one of which is pictured above) with the Legion of Taurus; I have started work on this, and as I can't show pics here, if you want to see more check out my log over at The Ammobunker: The Tauran Covenant.


Right, plug over, I will return in a day or two with more pics - including wip Raptor Champs, Rhinos, and more cool stuff...


Till then, thanks for looking! :)


But maybe try to paint up what you have so far? Or at least half of it.

Trust me you'll feel good after that.




And I'm friggin eager to see more stuff painted and displayed en masse.



Did you think some more on their fluff/background? You should (if you haven't already) make a fluff article on them. They truly deserve it!


But maybe try to paint up what you have so far? Or at least half of it.

Trust me you'll feel good after that.




And I'm friggin eager to see more stuff painted and displayed en masse.

Thanks :) Yeah I do plan to get on with some painting - it's just, after spending 2 1/2 months on one squad of Berzerkers, I didn't exactly feel like picking my paint brushes up in a hurry, ha! ;)

Did you think some more on their fluff/background? You should (if you haven't already) make a fluff article on them. They truly deserve it!

Do you mean these Big Mutants, or other units in the army in general? Don't worry, there'll be some significant motion on the whole fluff-side of this army in the not too distant future... ;) :)

So, having introduced some more wip miniatures, you're probably thinking 'hang on a minute, you've got so many wip miniatures, when are you going to start painting some more?!?!?!'


Well, I am aware of my painting back-log, and to that end I am aiming to finish some of the outstanding miniatures and tanks that are still wip, so I can begin a year (or more) of painting.


To start with, I made a big effort yesterday to get loads done on the Raptors. I'd started some more and had left some of the others in an-unfinished state - but I'm getting there now:



That's 23 Raptors, with a variety of special weapons, Icons, and Champions, so I can field up to three squads according to need.


You might remember some of these from a few months back, well the most recent additions were Icon bearers and Flamer dudes:



I also made some Champs:



I magnetised their arms so I can field them according to needs:



Just some touching up and detailing sculpting work to do on these, then they'll be done. Then I have to magnetise 23 Jump Packs - should be fun..! :rolleyes:


More pics soon, thanks for looking! :D

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I don't think it's too late to wish everyone a Happy New Year! :) Thanks for your kind comments too.


i wonder how many models you have now?

I don't know, I think I've well over 100 individual non-vehicle miniatures to paint; I'll have to sit and do an itinerary at some point!

Was thinking to myself about having some banners on my assault marines but thinking it would look weird, but you've managed to pull it off and it looks pretty sweet.

Yes, I can imagine how this dilemma is relevant to you... Do it, i think it'll look great in your army!


Well, work continues, but before I share pics, seeing as it is the start of the year and all, I just wanted to talk about my plans for this army in 2011. Basically, I am concentrating on three things with it.


1: Finishing outstanding construction projects


As hard is it may seem to believe, I feel that I am reaching the limit of what I intend to build for this army, at least in the short term; I would like to start clearing my backlog of unpainted models some point soon! :lol:


To that end, over the Christmas/New Year period I did a few things.


Firstly, I Magnetised the jump packs on all the Raptors – they now actually look the part!





As well as that, I finalised the Green Stuff detailing on them, so once gun barrels have been drilled and sand glued to bases, they can be primed and will be ready for painting!




Although it’s not an outstanding project as I hadn’t actually started them as yet, I’ve been meaning to construct two Rhinos and a Land Raider. The reason I’ve put this off is due to the time it takes to do the tracks – you might remember the style I’ve used from my previous Rhino and Predator. So after several evenings spent measuring and cutting I amassed the tracks to start two new Rhinos.


Also thinking tactically, I decided I needed more fire power, so these new Rhino’s aren’t mere Rhinos… they’re Havoc-backs! :lol:




I originally intended to make the hatches fit the hole for the Razorback turret by cutting plasticard to fit. Unfortunately, I do not have much luck with Plasticard – every time I touch the stuff it looks like it’s been hacked by a blind woodsman ;) That’s inspite the fact I have a circular cutting tool and everything!


So I resorted to plan ‘B’, which was gluing a patch underneath then putting the hatch-mount for the Havoc launcher on it. I plan to get round the gap that’s left by putting guitar string to make it look like exposed cable. I’ve started, but I still think it looks bare, so will add more.





Continuing with ‘finishing old projects’, I returned to the Vindicator I started just over two years ago (!) – the only thin I wanted to do was add some chains to complete the possessed look. That’s done, so it can be primed for painting!





Then there’s the three Defilers that I assembled almost two years ago (!) (Again!). When I was assembling, there were some pretty bad gaps left on the main hulls (this is inspite the fact I went so far as to sit on them whilst the glue dried… :pinch: ). So I’ve gone back to them, and started adding some welding effect with Green Stuff:





On to the next part of my plans:


2: Paint units to make up a 1,750 tournament list!


This one is seemingly straight forward, I would like to take part in this year’s Call of Kthulu tournament in Huntingdon. It should be sometime in the final quarter of the year, September or later, so by then I need 1,750 points finished. It will include stuff that I’ve already assembled & painted, but a lot of stuff that I haven’t, including (most likely) a Daemon Prince, Plague Marines, Obliterators, Raptors, at least one Defiler, and more Rhinos. I will start working on one of these chosen units over the coming weeks, and completing this list will be the priority.



This leads rather neatly on to the final part of my plan:


3: Paint units to put on Codex: Legion of Taurus


Basically, my intention is to collect all of the background I have written for this army in to (what will possibly be) at least two booklets; one detailing the full history and timeline of the Legion of Taurus, the other being a gallery of finished units, including fluff pieces on each one.


For the first part I need some illustrative GW/White Dwarf style ‘battle pictures’ of my miniatures on gaming boards against various armies; for the second part I just need decent pics of units and individual models. So I will paint my way through the army with the intention of getting these pictures.



So, to sum up 2011 in a nutshell – less building, and more painting :)


Pics when I have progress to report, thanks for looking! :lol:

nicely done mate.. just got to wet those paint brushes. :pinch:


im in the same boat, i just brought 1500 points of chaos and i now have to assemble them all (with planned conversions) and get them painted..

its a tall order

A problem I've had with magnetising stuff, it falls off all the time. You've used bigger magnets then I have, but just remember not to pick them up by the jump pack!


I very much like the chains and possessed look. It's amazing!

Thanks for your kind comments ^_^

For the Bullfather and the steppes of Zharr Naggrund!


Oh wait, wrong Taurus...

Ha! I didn't realise the Chaos Dwarfs have a Taurus thing going on. I would like to see a race of halfling-sized tech-building xenos introduced as allies for Chaos in 40k though... :D


A problem I've had with magnetising stuff, it falls off all the time. You've used bigger magnets then I have, but just remember not to pick them up by the jump pack!

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean! So far they've been okay, but like you say I'll just have to make sure I rememver to pick them up by their bases... :lol:



Well, having said that I'd do a lot of painting this year, well I haven't exactly got stuck in to it yet. The significant reason is that, to put it simply, I don't know where to start! Here's why:




So, to list everything, that's:


- 28 Chaos Marines

- 7 Plague Marines

- 8 Khorne Berzerkers

- 15 Terminators

- 10 Bikes

- 23 Raptors

- 2 Obliterators

- 3 Defilers

- 1 Vindicator

- 2 Daemon Princes

- 2 Lords


That's well over 100 models! :) And it doesn't even include the two Rhinos and Land Raider I'm in the middle of building...


To complicate things further, thinking about the tournament I plan to attend later this year, I had a game recently which made me question whether I'm better off taking two units of Obliterators, instead of one and a Defiler. So I've started cutting up an Obliterator to make another team... Then there's the fact I'd like to take 10, not 7, Plague Marines to this tourney... They're so long-winded to build I think it'll push out any chance I have of getting the list painted for the tourney...


I think, however, as the Marines are the bread and butter of this army, I will get stuck in to painting another squad of those. I'm a bit busy with Real-Life stuff over the next few weeks, so I doubt I'll get much done, but when I do make some progress I will post pics here. Till then, thanks for looking! ^_^

I originally intended to make the hatches fit the hole for the Razorback turret by cutting plasticard to fit. Unfortunately, I do not have much luck with Plasticard – every time I touch the stuff it looks like it’s been hacked by a blind woodsman ;) That’s inspite the fact I have a circular cutting tool and everything!


LOL ;)


despite your 'blind woodsman' abilities with plasticard you have created a rocking havoc-back! that's the first time i have seen it done that way - i may have to use that with my death guard.

  • 3 weeks later...

Right, I'm back with an update! Thanks for your previous comments guys! :)


After several people over at The Ammobunker forums suggested it, I have added a crossed-chain to the top hatch on the Vindicator, so that it looks more secure:




By the way [shameless plug mode], if you like the look of these chains and would like to add some to some of your models/conversions, I have some spare that I'm selling here: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=200569268133 [/shameless plug mode] ;)


So that's ready for painting!


Speaking of which, when you've made a pledge to get some of the 100+ unpainted models in your army waiting to get done, what else do you do but...



...make some more models!



...Err, hang on... ^_^ :lol:


That's right, I just haven't been in a painting frame of mind as of yet. This week however, I have been 'blessed' by Father Nurgle, who has seen fit to strike me down with a very unpleasant throat infection. As I had time off work and a few days to myself, I decided to honour the Plaguefather's blessings, and make some more Plague Marines:





To be honest though, I actually wanted to do at least 4 or 5 more Plague Marines for the Tournament list I intend to get painted, so I can field a squad of 10 instead of the 7 I currently have; and to have the option of a variety of weapons load outs. I started on 5, but seeing as I eventually wanted to add two more squads of 7 to this army, I thought I might as well just make a whole squad...


But now I've made these, I'll concentrate on painting, my emphasis will be on getting things done for the tournament I hope to attend later this year.


I will endeavour to start sometime soon - though at the moment February's looking a bit busy for me (not to say I've just got Dead Space 2, which won't help :D ), I'll post pictures as soon as I've made some progress.


Till then, thanks for looking! B)

Oh man looking gooood!


I think one of the chains on the Vindicator needs some straightening out so it looks like the hatches are straining against it, trying to open.


The Plaguemarines look really good, that's some good GS work and I deff like the use of the old powerpacks. Have fun with gettin' all that shizz painted :lol:

  • 1 month later...

Thanks for your comment, GooseDaMooose! ;)


Well, it's been a long time between up-dates. The last month and a half have been very busy for me, so I've not really had time nor inclination to do anything hobby related.


I'm starting to feel like getting back in to it though, so I've been working on a couple of things.


Firstly, I want to get some tank interiors done so I can finish assembling them. I've started on the interiors for two Rhinos and a Land Raider, which have been painted Shadow Grey, highlighted with a mix of increasing amounts of Skull White, then given Devlan Mud wash. I think there are a few places that need touching up, but after this stage I shall add a bit of weathering to them before painting details such as monitor screens, lights, etc.


Not a terribly exciting pic, but it represents the first painting I've done for a few months, so enjoy! :P





Next, continuing with the 'I've got so much stuff to pain I'm going to concentrate on painting but I'll still carry on making stuff' theme of the last few posts, recently a local model shop was selling off their Warhammer & 40k stock at 50% off, so I treated myself to a couple of things - including this Rhino; I'd been thinking that I ought to give my Khorne Berzerkers a dedicated transport, so this gave me the excuse. Making this has been fun, as I've really been going to town on scratches and damage.





Yes, I know that the gunner conversion is a little too close to this piece of internet satire for comfort, but I wanted to make sure that there was no confusion about which Chaos god the crew worship! ;)


It may be a bit pointless as when the tank has been assembled you generally can't see much of the interior, but I couldn't resist the temptation to go to town a little, adding some skulls (souvenir's for the squads being transported, no doubt :D ), and smashing up the console:





I will continue to paint up the tank interiors I've started, so more pics as progress continues.


Till then, thanks for looking! :D

You might not have Dan Abnett write something about the Legion, but I hope you don't mind if I eventually write something?


This thread is awesome, by the way. Your converting skills are awesome, and for your sheer ability to construct a unique Chaos army, you deserve having that pointed out multiple times.


Speaking of keeping that army along that unique feel, shouldn't the guy on the rhino have his horns forward? Although that would make it hard for him to see...


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