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The Legion of Taurus - a Chaos Marine army log


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It remains one of the best themed army construction threads i ever saw. Keep it up! :) You inspire us!
Your work continues to awe and inspire me sir. I had a similar idea I never got around to of the interior of a Berzerker Rhino, full of skulls and broken equipment! Keep up the amazing work.

Thanks very much MT & Mr M, glad you're still enjoying my work! B)


I just spent an hour or so going through the thread, very nice army!

Thanks, I hope it was an hour well spent! :blink:


Looking good man, i really feel for you painting all those marines XD enjoy ;)

Ha! Thanks! I only have myself to blame :P


You might not have Dan Abnett write something about the Legion, but I hope you don't mind if I eventually write something?


This thread is awesome, by the way. Your converting skills are awesome, and for your sheer ability to construct a unique Chaos army, you deserve having that pointed out multiple times.

Thank you for your kind words of praise Dark Apostle; you would be most welcome to write something, I would be extremely flattered if you did! I myself am working on a collected 'Codex' for all the background I've developed for my army, so when I've posted that you might find it useful to refer to.


Speaking of keeping that army along that unique feel, shouldn't the guy on the rhino have his horns forward? Although that would make it hard for him to see...

Well, if this had been a Legion of Taurus Rhino I would have ;) but this one belongs to the warband of Khorne Berzerkers that have allied themselves with the Legion - so I get to paint a tank red, instead of Bronze, by way of a change. ha! :)

Ok, I've been chipping away at these tank interiors by starting on, erm, chipping the paint! :P I've added random scratches throughout the floors and on the hatches as well as some of the walls and doors. Some of these will have splodges of orange texture applied to make them look rusty.


Land Raider:





Rhinos (they're both pretty much the same, so I've only got a pic of one):



Before I do consoles and lights i want to wather these interiors further, so I am going to take my first step in to the world of proper grown-up model painting :P and dabble with some pigments...



Wish me luck! :confused:


Thanks for looking, more pics soon ;)

Thanks GDM! :)


Well, here are my first attempts at weathering with powders. It's a mixed bag, but fortunately as these tank interiors will rarely be seen it's a good enough opportunity to practice with these.


I think I might have over-done it a bit in places, especially on the Rhino interiors; I also experimented with getting textured rust by getting a wet brush, mixing some of the pigments, then sticking the brush back in so lumps of it stuck to the rust patches I was painting. I think it works better on bigger rust patch in the Land raider than in the Rhinos again.


Anyway, pics:





Next I'm going to do some weathering on the engine in the Land Raider - I've left that as I want to take my time to choose which pipes are going to be red rusty, have verdigris, and are just leaking oil! ;)


After that I'll do the monitors and lights etc, then that'll be the interiors done (at least as much as I intend to do on them!).


More pics when I've more progress, thanks for looking! :D

Looking good, man. I like it a lot! On the other hand, I'm a bit biased toward ultra-weathered mini's... ;) I do have a decent rust stain recipie for deep crevices and rust-bleed, if you're interested sir. Just let me know. Keep up the great work, brother!
I actually thing that that went rather well. :P

THanks Nihm! :) I'd say it's a good place to start in any case ;)


Looking good, man. I like it a lot! On the other hand, I'm a bit biased toward ultra-weathered mini's... ;) I do have a decent rust stain recipie for deep crevices and rust-bleed, if you're interested sir. Just let me know. Keep up the great work, brother!

Thanks 1000Heathens - it was acutally the rusty weathering in the interior of your most recent Rhino I was aiming for. So if you've any tips, advice and recipes I would most certainly be grateful to hear them, as I take my initial faltering steps in to the world of weathering powders :D

Right, I've done the Land Raider engine and the consoles/buttons/displays on the Raider and the two Rhinos, so I'm calling it a do on their interior detailing:





So now I will full assemble these, and get started on the exteriors (oh, but not before I've varnished the interiors and painted some gloss varnish on the screens to make them extra shiney! ;) )


That's the latest dull installment in the slow crawl-a-thon that is this log, more pics sooner or later :P thanks for looking! B)

  • 1 month later...

Thanks wokkers! :)


Okay, the slow crawl of non-events continues.


I've assembled the Rhinos and Land Raider, so can start painting the exteriors (just a couple of bits of scultping to touch up on the LR first:





I magnetized the the LR's Lascannons so I can remove them whenever theres a 'weapon destroyed' result against them:



So at some point over the coming weeks I will make a start on painting these - it'll be the first time I've had the spray gun out, which will be interesting... :lol:



Although I had intended to concentrate on these tanks and getting them done, I decided that whilst I'm painting tanks I might as well crack-on witht he Khorne Rhino, so I've painted the interior of that. I took a slightly different approach, painting over white primer, thinning the paints (shadow grey), so it makes the interior look much murkier; this was also my first attempt at sponging chips, which I think has resulted in much more natural and subtle looking chips and rust effects than my previous attempts on the Rhinos above:




Also, that's not the only bit of painting I've done if I'm honest, I painted a formation of mutants for an Epic Lost & the Damned army that I'm selling on eBay [/shameless plug] ;)


Getting some EPIC out to paint though has kind of rekindled my love of making and painting miniatures at this scale, so you never know, I might post some EPIC stuff on here soon..!


More pics when work progresses, thanks for looking! :P

Thanks all for your very kind words! :)


where did you get those gorgeous tank tracks?

Do you mean the Land Raider ones? They're from Forge World! :P


Wow that weathering really looks great! I've never gotten sponge-battle-damage to work for me, do you have any tips? The sponge either carries too much paint, or none at all..

I use the sponge from GW blister packs, I cut a corner off, then used that bit; dabbing the corner of it in the paint, then dabbing some off before applying it. I hope this helps!


Man, the bloody handprint really sets the whole thing off brother....absolutely gorgeous!

Thank you, I did muse for ages about putting lots of blood spatter all around the interior, but sometimes less is more, y'know? I thought the hand print would be a subtle but effective way of getting it across, so thank you for showing me it's worked, ha! :lol:

Yeah the bloody hand prints are just plain awesome. You are right though, either you do small "subtle" works or you can cross over to just ridiculous with blood all over every inch of the place. Now you did use a sponge on the battle damage right? Any good tips for that as I plan on maybe doing something similar for my Sons of Malice battle damage.

Thanks Natanael & Mr.Malevolent! ;)


Now you did use a sponge on the battle damage right? Any good tips for that as I plan on maybe doing something similar for my Sons of Malice battle damage.

Well, just that which I'd already stated:

I use the sponge from GW blister packs, I cut a corner off, then used that bit; dabbing the corner of it in the paint, then dabbing some off before applying it. I hope this helps!

I'm starting out myself with this sponge paint chipping damage, but i hope this helps. I'll probably have more to say on the matter when I've finished painting these tanks...

How did I miss this? Awesome work!


Though you might already have said it, and if you can remember, what was your painting recipe for the Bezerkers? They really stand out to my mind, finding a nice place between the bright GW colour scheme and the darker one may people seem to go for.

I tried out the sponge thing, I must've been doing something really wrong before cuz it was a piece of cake! :) Thanks for the advice!

Well, I'm glad to have been of help! :) I'll have to pop over to your log and have a look at how you've done...

Though you might already have said it, and if you can remember, what was your painting recipe for the Bezerkers? They really stand out to my mind, finding a nice place between the bright GW colour scheme and the darker one may people seem to go for.

Thanks very much Zincite :) My recipe for the Red on my 'Zerkers:


White Primer Base

Blood Red

Dry Brush the edges and upper parts of larger armour sectiosn with 50/50 Blood Red/Blazing Orange

Same again with Blazing Orange

Wash of Baal Red

Shade recesses with either Gryphonne Sepia or Devlan Mud (can't remember which it was, sorry!)


That's it!


Then be prepared to touch it up again when you paint the metalic areas (If you're like me, that is... ) ;) :D


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