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The Legion of Taurus - a Chaos Marine army log


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Biohazard & GreatCrusade08 for your kind comments! :)


Here are the Plague Marines with their rusty parts done:







Very quickly, the recipe for this was:


- Basecoat of Scorched Brown

- Rusty coloured pigments

- Wash of Dark Flesh

- Wash of Graveyard Earth


Yes, that's the very same recipe as in Forge World Masterclass Volume 1...


So I am currently working ont he diseased, fleshy parts and detailing. AS well as these, I have the Obliterators about 90% finished.


My deadline is Friday morning, so I can get everything varnished and put away for the tournament the next day.


I *should* finish them all... should... ;)


More pics later this week, thanks for looking! B)

THanks lads for your kind comments! :)


Okay, good news - I finished the Plague Marines and the Obliterators, so my army is fully painted for the tournament tomorrow, thank goodness! :D


Very quickly, here are a couple of pictures of the Obliterators all together:





And the finished Plague Marines:




I will post more and better pics ater Sunday, as well as pictures of the full army, and some more detail shots.


Till then, thanks for looking! B)

Thank you for your kind comments lads! ;)

  wokkers said:
yay! the legion of taurus is complete!

Thanks, not quite but I'm getting there! I think I can field almost 2,500 points of painted stuff though which is cool.


Well, I had a great time at the Kthulu tournament yesterday... I did pretty sucky in gaming terms (lost 3 out of 4!), but enjoyed every single game :)


Here's the army I took to the tournament - apologies for the blurry pics!








The highpoint for me however was coming away from it with this...




It's really great to have the work and dedication I've put in to this army acknowledged! :P


So now I have to decide what to do with one of these...




I have some ideas ;) but they can wait for now...


I will get some better pictures of my units/models and post them here, but till then, thanks for looking! :D

Thanks very much gentlemen! :) @zincite, probably the highlight of the day was one of the Obliterator teams sniping the big Plasmagun from the top of a Leman Russ Executioner! Shame I didn't have the same luck the rest of the games :D


Here's my report of my experience that day - an excuse to post more pics of the army ;)


The games themselves were learning experiences to be fair.


In my first game, I played a Blood Angels army - of B&C's very own RebG, and I made a total school-boy error when I committed most of my army forward, then forgot that in his Storm Raven was a squad of Death Company and a Dread with Blood Talons. This cost me the game really, as I lost my objective.








Still, it was great to play against this army - the Storm Raven conversion was excellent, and went on to win the Single Best Model award for RebG!





My second game was against the Imperial Guard guard army of a bloke who goes to the same club as me, I've played him with it twice before and struggled with to be honest - barely scraping a draw the second game. Having said that, this game was a tense and memorable game, which literally came down to the last shot of the game - I was contesting an objective with one single Obliterator, and it weathered fire from a combined platoon, two veteran squads, an infantry squad, before finally sucumbing to a plasma cannon shot from his Executioner!





My third game was against a young lad with a Chaos army, on the bottom table. I won the game, but didn't feel very good about it to be honest! He clearly hasn't been playing all that long, and most of the units in his army were proxies (his chosen were a mix of Terminator and Bezerker models, for example). It was an interesting game though, pretty much everything we did each turn was cancelled out by the other player the next turn! In the end I won I think simply because in the final two assaults I had more Chaos Marines (backed up by Lesser Daemons in one case), which meant I rolled more dice and could force more armour saves.


My final game was against Bolter and Chainsword's very own Captain Idaho, who went on to win the Most Sporting Player award, and deservedly so. He didn't go easy on my army, but never once did I feel he was being beardy or cheesey, in fact he was constantly reminding me of things I could/should be doing to get shots in! It didn't help me that game that my dice completely turned against me - the first two turns I missed most shots or couldn't wound, and failed stupid numbers of Armour saves!


However, I didn't do any favours by deploying and moving my transports right in front of his gun line of 3 Dreads, Razorback and Tac Squad with Lascannon. In his first round of shooting he'd either stunned or immobilised all three of my Rhinos, leaving my troops to slog across a battle-field of heavy fire.





Anyway, I enjoyed everyone of the games which I think is the most important thing :)


Oh, and another pic of my army, taken by the tournament host Matt (aka greatcrusade08):



  firestorm40k said:
3: Paint units to put on Codex: Legion of Taurus


Basically, my intention is to collect all of the background I have written for this army in to (what will possibly be) at least two booklets; one detailing the full history and timeline of the Legion of Taurus, the other being a gallery of finished units, including fluff pieces on each one.


For the first part I need some illustrative GW/White Dwarf style ‘battle pictures’ of my miniatures on gaming boards against various armies; for the second part I just need decent pics of units and individual models. So I will paint my way through the army with the intention of getting these pictures.



So, to sum up 2011 in a nutshell – less building, and more painting ;)


Pics when I have progress to report, thanks for looking! ;)

I would be deeply honoured to help you write this codex! :) Play-testing, fluff-writing, anything! Please? :)

  Skirax said:
I would be deeply honoured to help you write this codex! B) Play-testing, fluff-writing, anything! Please? ;)

Hello Skirax, thank you for the offer, that's very kind of you! Basically it's written, but I need to get pictures of various units for the illustrations - this also include some units which I currently don't have painted! ;)


If I need any help with anything else along the way, I know who to go to, thank you ;)

  firestorm40k said:
  Skirax said:
I would be deeply honoured to help you write this codex! :) Play-testing, fluff-writing, anything! Please? :D

Hello Skirax, thank you for the offer, that's very kind of you! Basically it's written, but I need to get pictures of various units for the illustrations - this also include some units which I currently don't have painted! ;)


If I need any help with anything else along the way, I know who where to go to, thank you ;)

The homegrown rules forum? :P


So, is this project done, or just reached tourny legal?

  Dark Apostle Thirst said:
So, is this project done, or just reached tourny legal?

Do you mean the army? Well, it's been tourney legal for a while, I wanted to get the models and units done to take a force to this tournament that was reasonably competitive and yet still reflected the background of this army. I acheived one of those, ha! :)


Apart from that, no this army is far from finished - I still have 15 Terminators, 24 Raptors, 10 Bikes, 15 Chaos Marines, 21 Plague Marines, 5 Berzerkers, 2 Rhinos, a Land Raider (plus 1 to convert) and a Vindicator to paint. Oh, and a Lord, 2 Daemon Princes (I Plan to make a third!), and a Forge World Brass Scorpion! :P


So no, it's far from being finished ;)



With regards to the Codex, it's not really going to be a rules tome, rather it is a collection of all the background and narrative that I have written for the army, including pieces relating to specific units and 'characters'. Apart from rules of one of the Lords in the army, there aren't really any home-brew rules in it.


Like I said, I need to finish a few units to get pictures of them for illustrative purposes - that's what's holding up the production of this, the pictures!

I joined B&C only recently (after being out of the hobby for over a decade) and spent a most enjoyable time looking through this thread and watching the Legion of Taurus grow. Excellent work.


I wondered if you had thought about adding some Khorne Juggernauts, perhaps converted to a more bullish appearance? I don't know if they're still useable in the latest version of 40K but they'd look bloody good. Or even converted further with some minotaurs to make minotaur-centaur like demons.

Or as a bit of fluff/scenery, a Brazen Bull, perhaps with a loyalist being forced into it...


Anyway, looking forward to future developments.

  firestorm40k said:
Thanks teku :D
  teku said:
What are those papers on the last pic?

They are background text for each of the units :)


Hmm cheers! Now I know what to do ^.^! Went through the thread again and read all your fluff :P

Gonna try and fix a codex for my Nurgle Angels Warband Angels Sanguine.

Hello Kierdale, thank you for your kind comments; I feel very honoured that you have taken the time to read through all of the goodness-knows how many pages of this thread!


  Kierdale said:
I wondered if you had thought about adding some Khorne Juggernauts, perhaps converted to a more bullish appearance? I don't know if they're still useable in the latest version of 40K but they'd look bloody good. Or even converted further with some minotaurs to make minotaur-centaur like demons.

Now, when I read that idea, I must admit that a maniacal grin did slow spread across my face :devil: then part of me inwardly cried ‘Noooo! You already have far too many models still to paint for this army!!!’ :P But it’s in my head now, so I expect it will eat at me until I relent and do it. Dagnabbit! :D


As for the Minotaurs, I’m already using some to represent Big Mutants/Ogryns in a small renegade Imperial Guard/Lost and the Damned force I occasionally work on to accompany this army.


  Kierdale said:
Or as a bit of fluff/scenery, a Brazen Bull, perhaps with a loyalist being forced into it...

I like this idea also – the next time I make some themed terrain to accompany this army, I will incorporate it.


Thank you for your suggestions, you’ve given me a lot to consider for the future! :)

  • 2 months later...

Hello all :) Well, it's been a while, and here's an update... of sorts.


Since busting a gut to get those units ready for the tournament in September, I've stepped back from this army quite a bit. The only new stuff I've worked on are some renegade Guardsmen for my Tauran Covenant Chaos-themed Imperial Guard army, as well as some more Plague Marines - I've enjoyed making and painting the Plague Marines for this army so much I want to make a full force of them. I'd considered trying to get this army finished over the next year, but I decided I'd wait until the next Chaos codex is released, to see what good stuff we're going to get (I hope!) ;)


Anyway, here's the Plague Marines, at least as far as I got with them - I've not really had much in the way of hobby mojo since the end of October :) also we're moving house over the next couple of weeks, so I won't have any time for a while until we get sorted out. Sorry, I ramble - the picture!




This wouldn't make a very exciting update, but I have another treat in store! As this week marks the Fourth Anniversay since I started work on this army, to mark the occasion here's some pcs of everything I've painted for the army so far. Enjoy!







Plague Marines:


The Brotherhood of All-Sight (my counts-as Thousand Sons):


Berzerkers. Rargh!


Chaos Spawn - although they're pretty useless in the game, these still remain some of my favourite modesl in this army:




My recently re-named Lord Minagoroth and some of his Terminator elite:


And finally some Legion of Tuarus Marines - the meat of the army :)



So, anyway, once we get the move out of the way, I will still be continuing work on this army - the coming year will see me concentrate on finsihing a handful of units to complete the 'illustrations' for my planned 'Codex: Legion of Taurus'. It's all written, it just needs pictures and compiling!


Till the next time I update, enjoy the pics, thanks for looking! ;)


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