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The Legion of Taurus - a Chaos Marine army log


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@ zincite - you're welcome! :)


Well, time for an update.


First off, I've been working on painting the Rhinos, a process which has been much longer than I'd hoped inspite the fact I've been using a spray gun to basecoat them.


First up though, the prep - taping over the areas I don't want bronze. Naturally I forgot to do the headlights, d'oh! :$




This was my first attempt at using the GW Spray Gun, and it's been a mixed bag. From the off I was making things difficult for myself because I was spraying non-Foundation paints, metallics at that! I thinned the paint probably more than was needed, so the end results weren't terribly consistent - as you can see on these pics below:






However, I gave them another spray and that evened out the blotchy areas.


Next was the highlighting, I tried to be clever and do this again with the spray gun, making a mix of the Brass and Mithril Silver - this didn't work at all because the gun kept clogging :-/ so i had to do it the old fashioned way, with a large drybrush! ;)


So after highlighting, adding a Brown Ink wash, then another, then another :mellow: then highlighting again, and a further two washes :P and a final touch up on the highlights (!), I have finally conceded that the bronze is finished (if only to keep my sanity intact :D )







Anyway, other than this, what have I been doing over the last month?


Trying to get organised, that's what!


remember that tournament that I planned to take part in that I mentioned a few months back? Well, it has ben officially announced, this year's Call of Kthulu Tournament will take place on 3rd September in Huntingdon. That gives me 3 months to get everything finished that I want to include in my list. I've given it a lot of thought, but I've settled on the list I want to take - but this does mean I have to paint quite a few miniatures in (for me at least!) quite a tight time-frame. To give you an idea, here is what I need to paint:


- Daemon Prince

- 4 Legionnaires (2 with Meltaguns, 1 with Flamer & 1 Aspiring Champ with Power Fist)

- 3 Khorne Berzerkers (including a Skull Champ)

- 10 Plague marines

- 2 Rhinos in Legion of Taurus colours

- 1 Rhino in Khorne colours

- 4 Obliterators


Add to the mix I've actually got to finish assembling two of the Obliterators, when you consider it took me 2 1/2 months to paint EIGHT Berzerkers last year, 22 figures and three tanks is going to be tight for me! :D


Now I know what I need to do however, I decided to sort out my workstation so I can focus on the task at hand; it doesn't help that it is, to be quite frank, an utter mess:


So I cleared away all my various unfinished projects that have been cluttering the desk up, and left the paints and parts I need to get this finished.



It has worked somewhat, as I've been working on the Obliterators that need building - I will post pics tomorrow after I've done some GS sculpting on them. I have an afternoon and evening to myself tomorrow too so I should be able to crack on with the Rhinos too, so I'll post some more pics of those tomorrow (I hope).


Till then, thanks for looking! B)

from the first couple of pictures i was worried that you would have to strip them and start over, you really turned them around though and they are looking great. I messed with the same techniques when i was painting the legion of Taurus model in my army. I used my airbrush with metallics and found out how difficult that was the hard way.


Good luck with the model crunch time you've set, going too fast or loosing motivation really starts to stink when you have a deadline. You'll be happy come game day when everything is all done up and looking good though. Keep that mental picture!

  • 1 month later...

Thanks for your comments guys! :)


Hey, you use that Darth Vader head for your paint brushes too?

Yes, it's not quite big enough for a decent cup of coffee, ha! :P


So, it's been over a month since updating, I hoped I'd have more to show you (as in actual finished models), but this is as far as I've got:


- quite a bit done on the Rhinos, but still need to do the side doors, hatches, lights and weathering:



- I've done the bronze metallics on the regular Chaos Marines, need to highlight the trims before I can ink them, then I'll move on tot he other details of the models:



- I've done the red on the Berzerkers - apart from, after doing the actual Marines, I realised I had not done the axes :D



- I'm also 95% done with constructing the other Obliterators (just a bit of detailing done on the arm-pit of the lascannon one):






In all, progress is A LOT slower than I'd hoped, I wanted to have the Rhinos, Marines and 'Zerkers finished so I could concentrate on the Plague Marines; fortunately I have some time of in a couple of weeks, before the kids finish school, so while a have a few days to myself I'll get stuck in, finish these, and make a good stab at getting the Plague Marines underway (which I'm looking forward to painting immensely).


More pics soon, thanks for looking! B)

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you very much Daemonclaw, crucial and Mr.Malevolent for your kind words! :P


A month later than they really needed to be finished, here is the first batch of models to get this army ready for the tournament in September. Firstly, standard Marines - they look alright photographed, but I'm not completely happy, the silver metallics have come out looking very dusty and the shading & highlighting just hasn't seemed to work properly this time - can't say I rushed them though at 2 months to paint!:




And with their respective Tournament squads:




The Berzerkers - slightly happier with these, even if one of ths champ's eyes has been smudged:




...and with the rest of their squad for the Tournament:



And finally the Rhinos, which I feel quite disappointed with to be honest - I don't think it helps that the spray varnish has left them with a blotchy, rough finish :D :






...well, I say they're finished, just the cabling on the lights to do, but that's not a big job.


So, basically, I am a month behind now, and with less than 5 weeks to go, it's going to be tight to get the other units finished for the tournament. With that in mind, I'm going to drop the Daemon Prince, and take this chap as a counts-as Khârn instead. However, that still leaves 10 Plague Marines and 4 Obliterators. I'm hoping that the Plague Marines will be a quick paint job (famous last words! :P ) as they're more about rust and supurating wounds than precise, blended colours... Anyway, I've started with these - a basecoat of thinned Snot Green mixed with Bleached Bone. Next, highlighting, then Devlan Mud wash:




I will now buckle down each morning and get these done as quick as I can.


More pics as work progresses, till then, thanks for looking! :)

Loving the shade of red you got on those Berzerkers! The Rhino's turned out especially awesome, the bronze/brass really make them unique and the ram-skulls on the fronts look sutibly terrifing. Great job, man!

Thank you all for your positive comments :P


The metallics on your models look fantastic.

Thanks, it wasn't so much the bronze effect on the regular CSM that I was disappointed with, but I feel I rushed the shading on the silver parts, so they're not as graduated as I'd hoped.


With the Rhinos too, Ive spent about 4 months on and off on them, I was just waiting for a point during the painting where they'd just 'pop' (you know that 'eureka' moment when a model is nearly finished and you realise that it looks somewhere near to how you want it to look...) - but I never got that with these to be honest... :HQ:


Love the detail you've put into the Khorne Champion's face. Does that head come with the FW Berzerker kit?

Thanks; it's actually fro their Terminator set, so close enough! :)


I also like the shade of red you have on your Zerkers.
I like the zerks too, they have an old school feeling :)

Thanks again, they pictures are actually a bit brighter than real life - just got a new computer running Windows 7, and they've got rid of the simple auto-adjust edit facilities that Picture Viewer had

on Vista - once I've sussed how to adjust my pictures properly they'll look hopefully a little more subdued! :P



Anyway, I have an update - shock horror! less than 3 days since my previous one. Basically, I've started painting the Obliterators, but I've also painted a test of the highlighting I plan to do on the Plague Marines. I've been experimenting in getting streaky paint, streaking Bleached Bone over a wash of Devlan Mud.


I'm just looking to see if anyone has any advice (Plague Marine players especially) - I think for the final version I'll mix in some Skull White to really make the streaks stand out, but what do you think so far?




More pics soon, thanks for looking! :(

This is just stunning work. Your models are so characterful, and the overall paint scheme is unifying and distinct. One of the things that keeps me anchored to this hobby is the sheer inspiration demonstrated by its adherents, and this certainly fits that bill. Amazing work.

Thank you all for your very kind comments! :)


This is just stunning work. Your models are so characterful, and the overall paint scheme is unifying and distinct. One of the things that keeps me anchored to this hobby is the sheer inspiration demonstrated by its adherents, and this certainly fits that bill. Amazing work.

Thanks very much Dammeron, I'm glad you're enjoying this army log!


I have to say I am absolutely in love with that shade of red on the Berzerkers! You must divulge your secret recipe ;)

Thanks Mr Malevolent :) I have to say, it's not much of a secret, ha! ;) Basecoat Blood Red, Highlight with a dry brush of that mixed with Blazing Orange, then start shading with a wash of Baal Red; shade the lower parts and recesses with Devlan Mud, and then if neccessary the very deep creases with Badab Black. Time consuming, but it looks alright!


wow that 'streaked' paint scheme is frickin awesome, perhaps a fine white highlight might work? (im just guessing)
I'd agree, white highlights would make it pop. Using a large drybrush would probably do the job nicely, but feel free to ignore that, I'm obsessed with Drybrushing. :)


Thanks very much for your feedback! Yeah, I went down the route of using Bleached Bone then Skull White, and I'm pleased with the results!


So here are the Plague Marines, streaky slimy paint work done, now on to rusty trims and other parts:






My approach to paingint is very much an Indiana Jones one, e.g. I'm making it up as I go along ;) so the technique I used for this evolved as I was painting. Although it involved streaking the lighter colours over a Devlan Mud wash, to start with I was letting the wash almost dry before streaking; but as I went along I found that I was better off doing it while the wash was still fresh - you might be able to see the difference between these two Plague Marines, the very first and very last of this batch in order of painting:






So now I can move on to rusty trims, guns and other areas. As well as these, I've been progressing on the metallics on the Obliterators. In all, I feel confident that I can get these all finished before the 3rd of September for the Tournament.


More pics soon, thanks for looking! ;)


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