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The Legion of Taurus - a Chaos Marine army log


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Hurry up and paint it already! Just kidding. But really I want to see one painted and I'm sure you'll do an awesome job! :tu:

Okay, I've only one pair of hands you know :P ;)


Seriously, I'll try to chip away at it in conjunction with the Raptors, which I'm slowly chipping away at...


can we expect the Decimator to be Taurified?

Oh yes... :tu:

...and here it is!




The 'Taurified' (© Kol_Saresk ;) ) Head - just need some Green Stuff to finish it off:



Now, a couple of dilemas. Firstly, do I add Taurus-style horns to the daemonic head on the Left leg?


Secondly, what shall I go for with the base - I'm toying with two ideas:


- dead marine, or

- shattered defence line


Help me decide, please! :woot:


Thanks for looking! :lol:

The Dark Gods accept your tribute. And I'm sure Tauras does too! :)


Hm, not sure about horns on the other head. May scream of overkill.


I agree with the dead Marine on a shattered defence line.


Maybe you could work a trophy rack with some Guardsmen to add extra flair. Or more Marines but I think that might again go into the realm of Overkill. Maybe a banner with kill-marks?

I say give Taurifying the leg a go. I don't think it would look to over the top, and really solidify the Tauran theme. As for the base, I'm liking the shattered defensive line with the dead marine sounds far too delicious. Nothing quite says rampaging Daemon engine than that.


Just a question, does it use a dreadnought base, or something bigger?

nice decimator-inator :D

the helmet works perfectly and i would personally keep the horns to the head alone as a signature mark and leave the face on the legs be

also another vote here for marine corpses and shattered defense line

Thanks all for your comments & suggestions!


@ ThisisJimmy - yes it's a Dreadnought sized base.

@Kol_Saresk - I think a trophy rack might over do it really, I'm not too big a fan of those on Chaos models - I think there's a lot more you can do to make a model look 'Chaos' than spikes, skulls and Loyalist helmets...


Anyway, in the end I decided to add horns to the daemon face on the legs, and I settled on a shattered defence line - I realised that there just wasn't enough room for a dead marine to fit on the base...





Just some Green Stuff to tidy up the horns on the head and the leg, add some sand to the base - then on to priming and painting! Though the Raptors will take priority over this...


More pics soon, thanks for looking! :D

You must live close to Forgeworld HQ or a major con site. They released more guns the other day, I'm too old to remember them all, which weapons did you choose and why? I've yet to see one painted so I'd like that. I'm still sticking with my no purchases until new rules vow, but I have some older Forgeworld models that need paint and plenty of other projects for when I do pick up the brushes.


It is hard to think of future 1500 point army lists when the rules and point costs will change soon, my army historically needs more anti-tank and more mobility and something like this seems to fill both voids...


Guess I'll have to take another peak at the PDF I downloaded.

  • 3 months later...

Woah, is it really 3 months since I last updated this log? Rumours of my demise have been greatly exaggerated! :P :D


Anyway, there have been a number of reasons why I've been so long with updates. Firstly, I've been planning a 40k Campaign at my local gaming groups, BWG, to run in September. Secondly, I have been painting a few Guardsmen, to include in pics for the Codex I'm doing for this army, and also because, well, I fancy an Imperial Guard army! :D Finally, I've also been working ona Top Secret Project, which I can't talk about here, but will reveal in a few month's time... :ph34r:


Anyway, between times I have been chipping away at the first 6 Raptors, and have now finished them. There were points painting these where I absolutely despised the colour scheme I've chosen for this army - it requires so much touching up to get right, both for the Bronze/Brass and then the Silver metallics. But once they're done it's like I've broke the back of them, and everything else seems to snowball - I had a week off last week and managed to get the rest of the details done in the space of 3-4 2 1/2 hour sessions. To be honest, I'm not totally happy, I odn't think they're the best models I've painted for this army, but they'll do.





If you look closely, you can see that it's been a while since I did the Eye Lenses on these Chaos Marines - if you look at the first one on the left of the first pic, then as they go along, you can see a distinct difference in quality.


Anyway, they'll do. My favourite of the batch is this one for obvious reasons :D






Next for this army, I'll aim to get the rest of this Raptor Squad painted. I did set a painting target earlier this year, but given 1) the advent of Allies in 6th Ed, and 2) the hopefully imminent release of a new Chaos 'Dex (please? Please! PLEASE!!!), there'll likely be new toys units to get for this army, so I'll want to accomodate them.


In the meantime we are moving again (!) at the end of this month, so after a game this afternoon my toys will be packed away ready to for the move.


Till the next update, thanks for looking! B)

Those raptors are great, really dynamic. Excellent use of kits! I much prefer them to the official minis, and I'm really tempted to kitbash some of my own now... at least, if they turn out to be worth having in the new 'dex.


I particularly like the chinsword pose on the bald dude, did you reposition the arm at the gauntlet, or is it a chainsword hand mounted on a different arm?

Thanks very much chaps! :)


I particularly like the chinsword pose on the bald dude, did you reposition the arm at the gauntlet, or is it a chainsword hand mounted on a different arm?

Right first time, just cut it off and re-glued it at a different angle. Simples but effective! :)

  • 3 months later...

Well, long time no see, B&C ploggers :D I've been quiet for the last few months - firstly, in real life I've been busy with one or two things (we moved yet again at the start of August, so we've had the upheaval and re-organisation that's associated with all that); secondly, with regards to my Legion of Taurus and associated Chaos Marine stuff, I've not been working on those so much because I've been working on a 'secret project' (which I refered to above). So what was that project?


Basically, over the last 6 months I've been making and painting a few Zombies for a one-off game at my local gaming club:




...actually, quite a few Zombies:




Alright, I actually painted over 130 of the freakin' things! :)



Basically, I've been running a 40k Campaign at my local gaming club, and wanted a Zombie-riddled Kill-team mission as part of the on-going narrative developing in the campaign.


I started these back in March/April time, and in the meantime the news about Typhus, Cultists and Plague Zombies in the new Chaos Codex broke - and I was very, very happy :D


Anyway, I ran the game yesterday, entitled 'Day of the Dead' (I'm nothing if not derivative :P ), here are a few 'action shots'







So, having got these painted, aside from the fact that I never want to paint another Zombie as long as I live :P it means I can now get back to Legion & Chaos Marine related stuff.


Firstly, there's Call of Chaos V which I'm taking part in - I'm painting 10 Havocs (2x Missile Launchers, Autocannon, Plasma Gun, Champ with Fist & Plasma Pistol, Icon Bearer, plus 4 other Chaos Marines); and my FW Decimator (which I plan to use in games as Forge Fiend). I'll post some pics later this week for that.


Secondly, I caved in and bought a Heldrake - I'm not a fan AT ALL of the model (which I think is one of the most over-priced models GW has ever produced - the same money buys a Storm Raven which has Transport Capacity for 12 Marines & a Dread, as well as at least 3 more weapons - on top of the obvious garishness of the design), but decided to run at least one aircraft - so I am currently trying to work out how to use the components from the kit to make something which doesn't actually look like a Dragon.


Finally, the new Chaos Codex has made me rethink a couple of things I was planning on using in this army, for example I've sold 2/3 of my Defilers; but it's made me consider some new things, so I'll be building some mutants which count as Cultists in the near future. Also, if you're wondering what's happended with my planned 'Codex' for the Legion of Taurus, that's still in the works - I'm just taking some time to get the pictures I need for it before I finally put it all together and complete the lay out.


Anyway, I'll be posting some PIP pics of the Havocs later this week, till then thanks for looking! B)


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