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Basically what the title says, does dipping work with Blood Angels or the colour "Red" in general..? I know it works well on yellow and light colours and if it does it would make my job much easier.. So if anyone has done this technique could you leave a comment and possibly a picture of the finished product, thanks in advance everybody 8D
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I don't think it would work too well, although I've never tried it. The fact that I've never seen anyone doing it in the 7 years the board's been running would suggest likewise.. :)


Dipping seems to work best on organic/pale/clothed minis, neither of which fit with red power armour. The dip sits in the curves to provide shadows, with the gloss of the dip providing the highlights.


There's the Fighting Tigers dipping guide here, but it's done on a Scout, ie an organic/pale/clothed mini.


Or the general guide on Dysartes.


Good luck.. :)

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The Dysartes effect on the Tyranid looks really nice, not so much of a fan from the GW Canada one though.. I'm guessing that dipping wont be a good choice for Blood Angels or anything with power armour :tu: Just thought that it would make my job easier and come out with a great result
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Jazzman has short memory
Short memory! That post was October 2006: I can barely remember what happened last week, let alone last year. It's one of the joys of old age.. :)


And I don't know who painted the lousy Canadian army, man that's some shoddy work.. :D


Either of you fine chaps care to pass on some tips for dipping BA then?

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one is dipped, one is not


from a dysartes guide: " I use a pot of "Liberon Bistrol Lakk" for dipping, this stuff is a polyurethane stain, with a silk 'matt' finish, it can also be found in high 'gloss' (shiny). The website for the producers is www.v33.com it is quite expensive, but should be available across Europe, there are comparable dips in the UK/USA [more on this later-Ed].

It takes between 12 and 24 hours to dry, if you make a mess, then you have to clean it up with White Spirit. "


I live in italy, so I use the stain v33 sells locally.



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I'm not a big fan of dipping marines, but a friend of mine used army painter quick shade on his nids and I have lately tried it on my fantasy orks. It works really great and isn't that shiny. I think its not really much of a difference to floor wax but for those of you who don't like to experimenting get a that has been tried <_<. They also have a few other interesting things like base coats in different colors and much more. well here is the link.



Ah I forgot to mention you can also paint it on as you would using inks. That works great and gives you more control. The only drawback is that you'll need turpentine to clean the brush.

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Greetings all,


I am a exclusive dipper (bad painter, old, busy with work, kids, returned to the hobby after to long an absence - lots of excuses!)


I have dipped BA but they didn't turn out good at all.


However I have a crimson fists army that really took well to dipping - believe it or not!


I'm sorry I don't have any pictures of them, but I may remedy that soon, I owe this forum that much, having been a lurker for a long time :)

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You can dip marines, I dipped Space Wolves last year for Adepticon and they came out looking pretty good. Use a black stain, give it some good flicks, and you have to be willing to touch up the fig with a paintbrush that has some thinner on it. If you just dip and flick, it won't come out as good, because the stain is viscous enough to pool on some of the big flat surfaces, like the shoulder pads, etc. You may have to go back and touch-up some spots, like the shoulder pads, by just painting back over the stain. And give it a couple good shots with a matte sealant.


Because the stain is much more viscous than inks, it doesn't behave the same. My goal is to have a solid tabletop quality army, not win awards, and it's great for that.

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It can work on dark colors as well, as I said, I have a crimson fists army plus an Inquisitor with IG all black and red gore - turned out wonderful!


I will post pics as soon as my daughter brings the camera back from vacation... just you wait!


The big dipper

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