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a question


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hi all,


having played a lot of games recently with my raven wing I used a lot of Blood Claws parts and had a few left over, so I assembled them, and carried on working on my "painting black" as im trying to really master it, when id finished I started on some yellow and red with some nice shading, and i have to say they looked really good.


I then started in my mind (like most gamers) picturing squads of them... so the question is this, players create thier own chapters all the time using codex Space Marines but is it legal using codex Space Wolves? I know for Dark Angels you can by creating a succesor chapter but seeing as Space Wolves dont have succesor chapters, if I went to a tournement could I use them?


really want to paint my 500 points of "Blood Hounds" but also I really want to field them in battle.



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There's no reason you cant


They can be the yellow bunnys with SW ruls as long as you tell the one your playing against what they are.


If you do want them to be SW succesor, they can be a lost company, one that did not like the new Great wolf and went on there own path.

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Indeed you can. I repainted my Space Wolves a long time back. I made the Imperial Lions. And I wrote my own fluff for them. Just tell the tourny guys you use space Wolves. I have stuff to read for people at the tournies so they can get the different feel of the Imperial Lions to Spaces Wolves. But they are geared the same way. They fight the same way.


I also have a few Space Olves floating around too, and am going back to basics this winter with an all SpaceWolf paints as Space Wolf force.


Most people will not mind and alot will like the ideas you come up with.

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Thanks for the reply's,


well since this morn ive painted 5 blood claws, 1 wolf guard battle leader and have also maybe nicked one of my ravenwing speeders and given it a repaint.... i feel this new "Blood Hound" lost company is going to take over...yes it has hehe.

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  • 11 months later...

Probibly cause mainly people who play "lost companies" tend to still like Space Wolves just want a little bit of their own flavor so they keep the grey-ish colors. My Space Wolves are Fenris Grey but actually look very much like the color of the Crimson Fists (just without the crimson gaunlet(s)), heck I've been asked if my AoBR was a Crimson Fist because I have the "fingers" of the power claw in Scab Red....I meant to finish it with some Blood Red but never got around to it.


In any case, making your lost company (or even Chapter, because there is nothing stating you can't make you own successor Chapter, even if the "fluff" says there are none) is something that you envision and create. I've had a friend of mine of really likes the Blood Angels perpective (the whole Space Vampire thing) but wanted it in a different color...so I painted up a Midnight Blue with Gold trim Space Marine model and she loved it. The fluff behind it was they are of the same gene-seed as the BAs but they are recruited from a night world so they favor the dark dark colors.


Don't let anyone tell you what you can or can't do with your company/Chapter....as long as you clearly state what Codex(es) you take your rules from, and as long as those are legal to use, then you can have as much fun as you want.

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  hell5AnGeL said:
im sure this has already come up...but are the reg players among you finding it easy to use your wolves with the new codex?


I've played less games with Space Wolves in 5th than I have 13th company, but that's just because I'm trying to get my fill in case they get rid of them. When I do play Space Wolves, I have great success and can't loose in 5th. :wub:


As for your color scheme, it reminds me of death company, and I love me some death company. :wub:

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  hell5AnGeL said:
anybody know of anyone whos ever took a lost company to a tournement?



i took the lost company to hubcon and came out 4th out of 15 if only my painint was better. would have won all my games too but NOooo someone had to bring a landraider and abbaddon

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