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Nesewdjet-nedjety completed thread


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Thanks. The have bee a good bit of fun to put together.


@carnage: I got the maccragge set to learn to paint on and so these are my first models. I have normal marines for the other 30 or so I still have to put together and I'm planning on spreading these guys in amongst the normal marines to mask the maccragge models.

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  • 2 years later...

It's been a long time since I've updated this thread, as evidenced by the broken links at the top from my server failure/switch a few months back, but I finally have something new to post in here. After probably 5 months of work on and off I present to you Venerable Brother Iret-ka, my chapter's first dreadnought. He was converted out of one of the AOBR dreads I have and eventually will have a second one converted as well as finishing up a seismic hammer arm to allow them to be used as Ironclad dreads as well. I hope you guys like him, I'd rate this as my most complex conversion project and probably one of my best paint jobs. The progress shots of the conversion are in my WIP thread.





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Had one of those new venerable arms been available I would have used it on there for sure. At this stage, it's a little too hard to adjust with how the AoBR arms are constructed. Hopefully I'll be able to get a couple for the next few dreads that I work up.


Stealth Edit: Full army shot

And one more for tonight... here is the full shot of my army minus some highlights the camera seemed to kill.



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Thanks, Guys! I think I may go back over the greens in the army and rehighlight them with a slightly lighter green mix so that the highlights are actually visible in photos. Here's the link to my WIP thread, there is a lot of Epic stuff in there, but the dread starts on page 6 I think.



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hehe... I'm horrible at responding to my own thread, but thanks! It really wasn't that hard to work with the plasticard. I find greenstuff much less forgiving.


Last week when I pulled out all of my marines to take a shot including the dreadnought and was disgusted by the horrible quality on some part of the models. Thankfully I hadn't tried to do many techniques beyond what I was capable of so I don't have to repaint all of my infantry. What this did mean was that this last week was spent touching up all my older models. The first thing was to go back in with black and sharpen contrast, mainly on the wrists, bumplate, and feet. After doing that I went back and rehighlighted the helmets and weapons on all of my marines since the highlights never show up in any of my photos. The last bit was to hit a few areas of the helmets with black to clean up odd bits and touchup the white highlights on the feet, knees, and helmets where needed.


While I feel I could probably use a bit of touchup on the metals and definitely the eyes since some of the eyes hark back to the days when I didn't leave a black edge around the lenses, I didn't want to spend that much time right now and I'm still not happy with the effect I'm getting with the combination of blue I've been using for the eyes.


Anyway, now that I've written a book, here's the updated marines:





And the lone lascannon gunner that doesn't get used much these days:


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hehe... you are quite far off if you think it's russian. The chapter name is in Middle egyptian transliterated to latin characters. It means Avenger of the Immortal Emperor (technically the the literal translation is Avenger of the eternal king)
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I thought I'd go completely authentic with my egyptian based chapter :P


It's not likely anything else will get done for awhile with the other projects on the table, but I do have a second dread to convert and three rhinos.

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Not really an update per se, but I did finish taking the updated photos of the tactical squads today. The front view makes it a little easier to seen more of what changed.



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