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Nesewdjet-nedjety completed thread


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It's been ages since I posted and update to this army, but I've finally finished up a project that's been languishing for years. I've kept saying I was going to paint up my rhinos but pretty much every other project got in the way. First it was 40k troops, then it was land speeders, then a dreadnought, three epic armies and a large commission, >5k Imperial Fleet for BFG... you know things happened. Anyway I decided that the running joke had gotten too old and set down to paint these up. I still have one more, but it'll be a good while before he comes into play anyway. I've learned several things through this project. To start, tanks and khaki are a pain without an airbrush; you shouldn't try out new weathering techniques on models that took three months to paint; and crazy hieroglyphs are possible. :P


I nearly ruined Rhino 1 attempting to do chipped paint. While the technique did alright, it just didn't look like the chipping I'd done with a sponge. For those interested the writing on the right side DOES in fact translate. Both rhinos are listed as being the Regiment of Re. It then gives the names for the rhinos. Rhino 1 (kerew) translates as "the chariot of the Justified, much beloved of Osiris who is upon his throne, the lord of eternity. The second rhino (akhet) translates "the charior of the Horizon, much beloved of Osiris who is upon his throne, the lord of eternity. In middle egyptian writing the words ma'a kherew literally mean the true of voice and was used as a euphemism for the deceased. Akhet, the word for horizon, can also translate as tomb. I realize it's a little arcane, but I thought it would be nice to add a tad of humor in the naming of a vehicle that tends to get labeled as a death trap. :)


So here you are, enjoy the somewhat messed up rhinos:






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Thanks, though I'm really glad to have these critters finished. Believe it or not, I'm actually running out of 40k stuff to paint. I'm a little surprised I've managed not buying anything new until the backlog has dropped this far.
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Thanks! The commander was actually one of the first models I've done conversion work with and I could probably do much better if I bothered to redo him. The chaplain was originally for the DIY swap two years ago but got appropriated after the event. The only pic I have on hand is from before I cracked him off the base and properly centered the model.






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  • 5 months later...

It's been ages since I updated this thread, but another project done.... or at least mostly so. The hulls in the pic might seem a little familiar to those of you following my thread and you would be right to think so. All this update is for is the turret plate and HB turrets on top to let me swap out the rhinos for razorbacks.


I had originally planned on doing these stock but I just couldn't abide the targeter bit sticking up so far on a rather short turret so I chopped one up and added the lens bits in the middle making a much cleaner looking turret.


I'd also planned on doing a bit of freehand on the doors in the middle, but my original idea didn't seem to fit and I'm at a loss of what else to do so I left it blank to fill in once I get inspired at a later date.





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This is the second Egyptian themed army besides my own that I have seen here on the B&C (Though I could be blind, it's a possibility), I feel all inadequate now.


Though I must know how you converted the dreadnought, since I've got a Dreadnought/Captain for my Chapter, and your Dread is the closest thing to what I have in mind.


Fantastic army.

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  • 7 months later...

It seems I've not really updated this thread for some time. I guess I've been pretty distracted but after much time and nearly a month painting I've finished up my Master of the Forge. Eventually servitors will appear, and I hope before Christmas, but you never know. I've got to say this guy just has so much detail that it took forever to paint everything up and even then it got a bit rushed on the harness. I tried a bit different lighting for the photos which mostly worked but seems to have killed the shading on the shoulderpads. Hope you like him!



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