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Changes to the Space Marine Painter

Brother Argos

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One of the issues that has plagued the SMP since its inception last year has been the need to cache the images it produces to reduce server load and increase performance. After some time struggling with the problem I have found a solution which should improve the speed of the SMP slightly and reduce the Cache size for all the painters. The Cache size was filling the Servers main drive every 20 days or so (160gb or so), this should now stop and only cache images that are being viewed multiple times.


I am going to give this a couple of days to test and if it works out well, I will change the Termi and Chaos painters too.


As Wargear uses the core SMP image generator it inherently will gain the benefits.


Now this annoying problem is hopefully out of the way I can return to the more interesting and rewarding task of adding features to the Painters.

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In an effort to standardise the Space Marine Painters ... the Chaos Space Marine Painter has now been "click & paint" enabled.


This feature works in the same way as the normal Space Marine Painter ... simply click on the piece of armour you wish to colour and the Colour Selector will appear next to where you clicked. Make your colour selection and then click "select" to paint the armour selection you chose.


This change is still in Beta ... if you notice anything odd .. please post here.

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Continuing todays efforts to standardise the Space Marine Painters ... the Terminator Space Marine Painter has now been "click & paint" enabled.


This feature works in the same way as the normal Space Marine Painter ... simply click on the piece of armour you wish to colour and the Colour Selector will appear next to where you clicked. Make your colour selection and then click "select" to paint the armour selection you chose.


This change is still in Beta ... if you notice anything odd .. please post here.

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