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Alpha Legion Army Project

Kaleb Daark

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Hi there


I used to plan on building an Alpha Legion army so I started painting this fellow. Not sure I´ll have the time nor the money to build the entire army I planned (especially since GW closed down on bitz), but I´ll try :P


here´s my chaos lord









quite a simple custom, but I´m quite happy with the result.

I mostly used Possessed marines, terminator lord, WhFB chaos warrior head, two tanks dragon heads and a left over axe of the WHFB chaos maraudeur limited ed.

He's a bit mutated I guess but.....


Kaleb Daark :)

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im sorry, Kaleb Daark, but this model is too good to fit in a little post so ill just say this:




lol ^_^ a seriously great mini - ive been painting non stop for 5 years, adn im still not as good as you :) vert impreessive adn inspiring - 11/10 :)



Now correct if i am wrong but did you get the idea for the blade from the Kaleb Daarks blade, Dreadaxe?


Surprisingly no I didn´t, I didn´t even thought about that.... Till now. A 40k version of Kaleb Daark would be a great project....

Thanks for the idea.



Kaleb daark ;)

Congratulations on such a fine model.

Great painting, great mixing and most important...great taste!

Somtimes is good to see that a mini doesnt need to be Greestuffed to look great and unique.

Go with the Kaleb Daark project, Im absolutely sure you wont dissappoint your fans!!

Malal will be pleased!!!!!

I really love that axe, where is it from?


It´s the terminator lord axe + the head of the limited edition Chaos Marauder from storm of chaos


Thanks brother Sangarunya, I´m indeed no sculptor so I try to get the best of the bitz I can collect.And I´m already looking in my bitz box for the Kaleb Daark project.


One question tought.... Terminator or Power armor?....


Anyway, Thanks you Brothers. I´ll try to finish it ASAP, and I´ll post pics along the way



Kaleb Daark :)

im sorry, Kaleb Daark, but this model is too good to fit in a little post so ill just say this:




lol :) a seriously great mini - ive been painting non stop for 5 years, adn im still not as good as you ;) vert impreessive adn inspiring - 11/10 :)






Jup gotta agree here,


If this dude is WIP I'm terrified how he's going to look finished!


Great model! Love the Alpha Legion colour scheme. It's post like these that want to make me put more efford in my own models 2 thumbs up.

Well, if you plan to do a Kaleb Daark model I am sure that you would not disappoint.


There is plenty of stuff on the net for inspiration. Trust me i once thought of making the Sons of Malice with all of their fluff but it did not follow through.



Any chance of a recipe on how you did the blue/green armor?


Of course.


first coat of midnight blue,then a coat regal blue. the edges were painted in 3 steps: 50/50 regal blue/snot green, then snot green, then fine lines of goblin green.

but i'll post pics , it'll be clearer




Kaleb daark

Good job, good conversion.


I don't get how the Alpha Legion is now one of the obscure chapters. They were one of the first 20. They fought all over the Horus Hersey. They had very popular specific rules a codex ago.


Maybe you should to the B&C Alpha Legion painting tutorial. Last I checked they were the only Chaos Legion no one had volunteered to do, check with Nihm.

I was planning to paint a 10 man Alpha Legion squad some months ago... just for fun..


I bought a squad, build them, pre-mixed some paints, tried them on some other minis to get the right 'dark blue armour with green highlights' thing, and then I gave up.. got bored to paint...


But your mini, Kaleb, is giving me some true motivation to paint this poor AL squad waiting in a drawer...


Keep up the good work !


:D thedef' :D

By the way, how is this WIP? What are you still working on ?

I still have the base, the severed heads, the hooks, the axe and some details I want to add.


Maybe you should to the B&C Alpha Legion painting tutorial. Last I checked they were the only Chaos Legion no one had volunteered to do, check with Nihm.


Sure sharing is my modo. I'll happily make a tutorial, but I'm new , and I'm french so there might be some mistakes and some terms i might not know.

Keep me posted on this, i'll prepare it.


The whole piece is really very stunning. Oddly enough, i think my favorite part is the amount of detail you put into the impaled Space Marine helmet.


Really says something about your commitment to the project.


2 reasons for the details

1- it's a trophy, i don't see a lord picking up and showing the helmet of a simple marine, it has to be at least a vet. Somebody who was a little harder to defeat.

2- I really want to improve on the detail painting, this was a good opportunity.


I bought a squad, build them, pre-mixed some paints, tried them on some other minis to get the right 'dark blue armour with green highlights' thing, and then I gave up.. got bored to paint...


But your mini, Kaleb, is giving me some true motivation to paint this poor AL squad waiting in a drawer...


If I have inspired someone I'm very honored keep me informed of your job.


Thanks very much brothers for your kind words about my humble work. And as soon as my walllet is refilled I'll do this Kaleb Daark project( i couldn't stop thinking about it for 2 days, I have my idea now ;) )

I'm also working on several other projects but I think I'll have some pictures of the finished figure by wenesday.



Kaleb Daark ;)

  • 4 weeks later...

Here it is


he's finished.


Here's Lord Passdhaar of the Alpha legion ( :P to Adrian Pasdar aka Jim Profit aka Nathan flying man petrelli)








He's finished.... except the eyes, I,'m considering red OSL


What do you think people?


and more to come....





this is of course WIP ....


ALL comments and criticism VERY WELCOME



Kaleb Daark


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