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Black Templars army blog, Updated 28th.


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Hello all,


I've been working on these guys last couple of days. I wanted a more exciting look to the last Terminators I will have for some time. So I wanted them to be in motion, and I'm really chuffed with what a simple cut to the back of 1 leg and some angling can do.


These are still WIP so the Gst is still quite rough in places and they need based. I have another 10 I think left to assemble and will all be in a running stance. Also some will feature the steadily spreading GK style helmet.







and the Chaplin, still not a real big fan of the head, but its the only skull looking helmet I got, Looks ok though.






and a better pic of the weapon, I'll list the parts later in a ruch at the mo.



c&c welcome

fantastic work on the reposing. You have really given some life to what would be some fairly static models.


Keep up the great work ;)



Man... now i wish i thought about this when i started my terminators ages ago...

Cheers both, the stace is caught in time, so its as if hes about to grab the lower part of his Power weapon and smyte someone good. It is a fairly limp looking hand in this pose but it worked for me. Could say hes about to bit*h-slap some heretic up side the head. :)


What do you guys think of the weapon?. I made it so its a two handed weapon, so for making up rules sake it would add +1 to strength or somthing like that.


The Chaplin is kitted out with


2 handed power weapon the "ROD OF FAITH" for lack of a better cheesey name.

Holy Orb

Melta bombs

frag/krack nades ( I suppose)

Bolt pistol ( which is holstered) can only fire if not charging same turn.


Was thinking of teleport homer, but always use LRC to do the delivery thing.

Nice work. I really like the crozius of your chaplain although it might prefer him swinging it with both hands. At the moment it looks a bit as if he is looking at the litanies he has written in his palm so he won't forget them :P.


Although running termies are not really my taste I think you managed the running pose quite well for the chaplain the thunder hammer guy to the right and the lightning claw guy in the middle. The rest looks more like toppling over to me. One more on less. Strange running poses can happen easily I mean just look at the standard running khorne berserker ^_^ :D .


I think they are simply leaning forward to far or have their legs in slightly unnatural positions. I did a quick search on google and maybe this is of some help to you for the remaining termies. -> linky

Ok, update time. I finished the modelling of the Terminators for now will probably add some more details later on before painting them, as well as the Chaplin. As have a few boxes of standard marines and assualt marines to stick together, so don't want to use all the BT blig bits.


Its hammer time.





Some L claws







The group





Was pondering while making them just how many Terminators I actually have, so I went to the many rooms that my army is currently residing in. So here we are, as most of my army is currently unpainted and largely unbased, this is the main reason for turning this thread into a blog rather than making loads of indiviudal ones. I'll try and keep pics to a min for those with min bandwidth.


These are all my assualt Terminators, led by 2 chaplins and a few characters.




and my shooty ones




Thats 45 Terminators, not counting the ones that have failed the modelling test and those that became conversions like my Helbrecht model.


As always C&C welcome, as long as its constructive ;)

Well, as another terminator aficionado, I'd say I like them alot. I too didn't want my guys to look so static so I took the approach of trying to get them into poses that look like they are hunting for something. That turned out Ok.


However, for assault marines, your guys really look like they are charging in and I think you've imbued a nice sense of energy in their poses. I'm definitely capturing these pics for reference when I get there with some assault termies of my own.


Good job.


Oh, and I like the chappy a lot, but I would have to agree with a previous comment about considering making the weapon two handed.



  • 3 weeks later...

Well its been a while since I've been able to do anything, so a quick update on my Chaplin. I added some ribbons to the his weapon and just in behind the skull&wings thingy on the top.


These are the best pics I could get for some reason my camera is on strike for decent pics of close ups.




  • 3 weeks later...

Finished My LR Vanquisher. Didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it but still happy with the out come, may add some chains to it but its got aplenty of BT bling. Now for battle testing and rules.


Some pics of completed LR-V






And the link to the WIP thread.




As always C&C welcome.


Next Project. Finish my Thunderhawk thats been sitting around all over my house for the last 3 years odd, and i've moved since i bought it so was happy to find all the parts. THANK GOD.


Some pics of work I did 3 years ago. Includes interior, scratch built Throne seat for Helbrecht and one of the pilots has a cup of tea from the Golden tea urn.














Stuck the wings on today, but will be a half hour before i get pics of that. Not that its too exciting.


(Edit)pic update.

And here we are, see if you can spot the little bitty SM. This monster takes up the whole work station, good thing theres not much in the way of modelling left.




Wow that tank has turned out extremely nice!!! It's still seriously overarmed but it looks really impressive ;) ! Only the two lanterns somehow look out of place. Don't get me wrong I like the idea and the look, but imho they seem a bit "detached" from the rest of the tank.

Brother Bohemund, I know what you mean, I invisioned them a little more blended into the tank if that makes sence. But they do look like they have been plonked down on top, maybe with a lick of paint will blend them in a little or some skulls at the base maybe some candles.


On another note, does anyone like the T-hawk so far?. I'm planning some slight mods to the missile racks on the wings and extra fuel tanks as the inside has been fitted to carry more troops plus Helbrecht, or anyone important.

:verymad: WOW! That is amazing! All of it is actually.

How on Holy Terra did you make the throne and the whole altar thing? And do you plan on making a Helbrecht model sitting on the throne? That would be way cool. The tea has me laughing too. The Land Raider Varient looks very intimidating. The Terminators and Chaplain are truly phenomonal. Keep up the good work Eberious!


Brother Fredrik


Thanks both.


The Throne was (to be modest) fairly easy. Started off with P-card base. The seat was made from various parts, the arm rests are cut from the heavy bolter mount from the LR sprue, the seat is a side sponson support thingy(you know the thing that the Lasscannons sit on). The stand is made from a Rhino exhuast armour panel and the targeting arrry for a hunter killer missile and a few pipes from the Defiler mace weapon and a few chains. The red painted parts are Greenstuff.


The arc behind the seat and the sides were made from parts from a leman-russ side sponson housing and the vents from a jump-pack, the pillars were made from p-pipe with GSt candle dishes. The decals are a aquilla from FW, Egale haeds from the commander backpack and seals from FW.


The altar was simple. The marble is part of the T-hawk just painted, the candle rack ,candles and skulls are cut from the Chaos spiky bits sprue and the flames are GSt. The rest speaks for itself. But I'm not sure where I got those kneeling pads from, came in handy though.


To be honest it was all very (to my surprise) very easy to put together, as long as you got the right parts.


Anyways a little update on the build. Today I will be moddifiying 2 of the missile racks to hold 2 missiles instead of one as want to add those extra fuel tanks and its quite likely the building part will be done today(baby depending of course) so it can sit somewhere and collect dust for the next few months. :D





I think I might try and make it so the main gun can be swaped out.




I thought I would explain the title "Army progress, hopefully have them all done by Christmas" part. I have a mass of unpainted, primed but no paint finish, models to be re-modeled and painted, uncompleted projects and a sizeable army still in boxes yet to be brought to life. So at some point I will get a Army group photo to show the extent of what I got to do by Christmas. I have set myself this Target date, as been collecting BT SM's since the limited edition Emperors Champion was available for that weekend many years ago and have so many models unfinished its starting to build up and P*ss me off, as its a lot of money thats been invested. But thats no ones fault but my own. ;)

Ok, this took me almost all afternoon to get together, and I quote




Most of which is already assembled, just needs a lot of love. To be honest I've never actualy seen my army all in one place, and have to say theres a little more than I expected. There are still random SM's here and there not in the shot as in various different places in many different bits.


First up, hows this for a armoured spear head?



Just the LR's



And the manpower.



This shot was taken blind as was hard against the roof, pretty good shot I think.



As said stuff still in boxes.



And a update on the Terminators, I've managed to d oa little painting on this one so far. I decided to paint the squad before doing anything else.



As always C&C please.


(Edit) I think having this finished by Christmas might not be possible, so took up the call of the Imperium thingy.

Wow man!! Your army is enormous. I wish I had a force like that. Your thunderhawk interior is beautifully done. I also like that new termie you posted. All this makes my mouth water with what your army will look when its done. There are alot of good BT armies going around lately.

Thanks infamousagenda, and with that heres another progress report on a near finished CC Terminator. I like these close up shots, cause it shows where the painting needs correcting or improved.






To save bandwidth for others, I'll update it with my T-Chaplin when done and then the final squad when fully painted.


C&C as always please.

Well I could'nt help myself, I just have to add some blood splatter to the cloth and try my hand at real effect blood and some battle damage.





C&C welcome

I love your tabards, they look very cool! Any chance of a recipe? Also, do you plan on adding blood spatter to the termie? Cuz I can't see any atm... :lol:


That is going to be one helluva big army...I would love to play against it. Only one problem, I would need to grab a plane to do so :lol:


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