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Sword Master


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It has reallie been a while since I've done up a single model like this. I've been editing the other units in the army moreso than creating something new, but the pose came to me one day and I had to do it... ;) I originally only had him without the JP, but figured I'd like the option to field one. I had planned to use him as a company champion at first... but I guess he got promoted...^_^











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Well MS, Looks like you did it again, and again :D Magnets can be used to enhance models in areas That I think people have only begun to envision and this is one of those awesome ways of handling things.


The Jet Pack is awesome with the shields and shoulder pads. Love the linkability of the pad fin and pad itself. The JP shields are awesome as well and make for a very mecha style control surface. I like it alot.


The legs and added knee pad enhancements are very cool. What I think would push it over the top is to actually see control thrusters attached to the shoulder and arm sheathed by the fin/shield. Sort of like how Mike Fichtenmayer did with his Gelgoog



What also might be cool is to figure out how to maybe add a magnetized thruster module at the rear of the greave as well. That would be pretty incredible, even though this model is insanely cool already.


And then what ties this into a gothic feel is the style of the sword, the medieval armor cues and rivets. All really well balanced and sci-fi.



Well done sir, you've turned a corner for me now when I think about how to model for multi-purpose setups, and a different way to view SM armor altogether. :D

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The shoulder guard design came from the one I did on my Landtrain Chappie, which was inspired from a gundam conversion I saw at a local store. Only he, thus far has any control mechanics on the pad, every one else has theirs bolted down for now. I followed the design through with the JP, only for aesthetic reasons. I did think of control vanes, but somehow it doesn't feel marines have that kind of tech just yet. I admit that I've always had a thing for the oversized backpack designs of gundam.. so yeah.


The legs are stock legs with the trims sculpted over the knees, and putty layered over the shins. The rivets were then glued on after. It is based of the Master of the Arsenal model...


The arms were taken from a variety of sources. His left arm is taken from the vehicle gunner with hand from the RW sword arms. His right arm is a bolter arm, with the hand taken from the Devastator box. It is the one that is holding the ammo. Both arms have had their upper arms repositioned and sculpted. The sword is taken from the RW box too...


His head is a custom head, shaved down and resculpted off a beakie helmet.

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  • 5 months later...

This has serious potential IMHO. The pose is truly ace... don't mess it up! (No pressure though ;) )


Beyond the pose, I would say this is truly an inspiring character for your chapter and being such, I'd really like to see you attempt some iconography. He's deserving of some special iconography... For example, I'm thinking of some of the stuff you'd see on Marnius or his special guard.


This is looking really amazing. The sword pose is really what makes it so far. Very powerful. He's ready to duel.

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