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Lion El'Jonson

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Some of you have seen my questioning thread in the Fortress of the Unforgiven. Well the decision has been made and work has started on the Primarch Lion El'Jonson.

He will have the Lion Sword, Lion Helm, Atificer Armour, Lion Shield and Master Crafted Bolt Pistol. I'm trying to push the bondaries of my converting further than with Krom (see my sig for him).

I'm in the process of getting his pose down and will post pics when that is finalised.

Started work on the left shoulder - this will be (when finished) a lions head. The opposite shoulder will be the DA symbol. Just want to get a bit of reaction for my new GS skill to give me a bit of extra drive on this model.



Feedback as always please.

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Yes it does a bit. My missus just commented that it looked like Aslan!


I think I might adjust the brow line and sort out the 'smiling' mouth a bit. Make it a bit more mean. The pad is a little bigger than a terminator pad, so that may give you an idea on scale. Anyone got any tips on scratchbuilding swords?

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Here's an update. More for scale comparison than anything. A Primarch is meant to be a head and shoulders above a marine (according to fluff and novels I have read) so I reckon this size is about right.

Done a bit of work to the legs. There is another layer of robes to go over the top of this to form a sort of overcoat with the torso. There will be a DA symbol in place of the imperial aquila that will be visible under the robes. The left arm (one with the Lion's Head) will be holding the Lion Shield. There will be various DA bits festooned over him with a Bolt Pistol holstered on his waist.

The other arm will be held out level pointing his sword (Based on Belakors from WFB) and the helmet will be facing down the length of his out stretched arm.

Still a load of work to go. Pretty much everything needs work.


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@ Maladon - I gather you mean the Transformer? I hadn't actually seen that figure before. I googled it to find out. i can see the similiarity though.


@ Dehumanizer - The Lion head has been worked on. It now has an open mouth waiting for teeth and now has a more angry brow line. I have seen that picture and a few others. They all seem to be different. Also it doesnt quite gel with the impression of Jonson i got from "Descent of Angels". From that i felt that Jonson carried over a lot of things from the Order (monk like life, robes etc) as well as integrating himself with the Legion.



The Gs on the legs doesnt feel right now i'm looking at it in the light of day and not a 11 o'clock at night so that will probably get changed a little. They dont look fluid enough. I started on the legs first as they are the one bit of anatomy i never seem to get right!

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these legs look much better, the robe doesnt look as flat and awkard on these ones


just a tip for faces, remember eyes are in "sockets" so they are mounted in a head, bulging eyes can look a bit weird


i also suggest you look into colour/clay shapers, they will help smoothen GS easier!




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@ Starks333 - This is only my 2nd big conversion attempt so my GS skills and also my set of tools isnt settled yet. Clay shapers were my next item on the wish list. Knowing me though i'l start again on the legs. Each time i do it seems to get better. Maybe on the 5oth attempt i'll be happy!


As for the head i was going for the lion Helm first, but set on a magnet so when i get a bit better with GS i'll attempt a face.

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Here's an update. I started again on the robes as i still was not happy with them. They aren't 100% as i would like but practice makes perfect.



I still have to work on the greaves and boots, also have to work on both arms, head and extras.

I am still undecided what to put in his left hand. Either MC Bolt Pistol or Lion Shield.

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Nice work.


IMO loose the second attempt in favor of the first model with the terminator legs, the model looks out of proportion, I am not digging the terminator head IMHO it looks daft, Give him a marine head, huge body small head = powerful appearence.

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The legs on the last attempt are actually taller than the terminators. The camers angle was poor so doesnt show it too well. The terminator head is not being used as it look wrong. Plus the fact the lion helm is a PA helmet in the fluff.


I may still go back and redo the lot. I'm such a picky person i'm never happy with what i paint, model etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The picky perfectionist in me has struck again. A new set of legs has been made from the remains of an earlier one. Im happy with how these are turning out so will probably stick with it.




Couple of questions for anyone reading:

1.Do the proportions seem right?

The fluff in descent of angels states that Jonson stands head and shoulders above his bother marines. A tactical marine stands to his chin as is so height wise its right but does his torso fit with the legs etc.

2. What to do with his left hand?

MC Bolt pistol with lots of brass DA iconography sculpted or a Lion Shield. If i go for the pistol i might hang the shield off his back or have it standing on the base somewhere.

3. To robe or not to robe?

The fluff for DA and Jonson give me the impression of warrior knights so some form of robing would be in order. I was thinking of a cloak that is hung around the torso, similar to an armless long coat, and a loing cloth. They will be sculpted to blow towards the sword side of him.

So lots and lots still to do but i feel that this project is pushing my skills (what i have of them anyway) as i have never scultped much more than fur and gap fillers before.

So all comments, advice, criticism, etc, etc will be appreciated.

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Very nice, if somewhat out of proportion. The Lion's midsection is far too thin- It look's like he's cheerleader, and SM's should NOT be so curvy (unless they are Slaaneshi marines. But that is different, somehow.) Bulking out his torso would really bring it together in my eyes. Well, that and glue. Glue always helps. :)



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GLue would help and magnets too. The arms are going to be magnetised so i can paint him easier, plus his head will be too so when i get confident enough to sculpt a face for him i can do a head swap.


The torso has still got a load of work to be done. There is a small collar to go around the neck, plus the gs-ing of his midriff. I have a belt to produce with a DA symbol on the buckle plus a few DA type accessories. Also a bit of cabling and ribbing to put on the the breastplate.


I've also started work on his back pack. With lions head for the exhaust nozzles and a large DA symbol on the back to give the pack a more ornate and crafted look.


Im using a bolter as a bolt pistol as a normal bolt pistol is too small, but its going to be a ornate as i can make it.

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Some more work done today. I feel the body is pretty much done besides some cleaning up.

@DGF: He definitely needed bulking out. Hope he's proportioned now. :rolleyes:

I will try to further 'artificer' it through the paint job.



The pictures also show him against a tactical marine. He's meant to be a head and shoulders taller so it looks about right. Arms, weapons, head and cloak to finish. Then on to painting.

On a side note though, the model is bloody hard! It survived a freak gust of wind blowing a sheet of plastic card off the shelf and taking him off the table guillotine style without any damage to the body. Though had is arms been stuck on it might be a different matter. The card has now been moved and the window shut.

Comments as alway appreciated.

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I didnt think my gs was up to a bare head so opted for the "Lion Helm". It will be worked on. I'm thinking of a roaring lion with the face within the mouth.

Bit like the big Gaul in the Russel Crowe film Gladiator (can't find a decent picture at the moment). Just concerned about lion overkill on the armour.

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