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my version of a reaver titan or better: wolflord-titan


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4th titan weapon! you havent even sorted the second and third and you are planning a fourth! i mean where will you put it

*thinks for a second*

oh wait reavers have the backmounted weapon dont they :tu:

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thanks for all the feedback given so far ...


meanwhile i added some antiaircraft guns on top ... and i attached to one of the legs an alternative armorconcept that imho looks much stronger than the old one ...





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further i decided to change the titans back again. i replaced the old stairway with a plain plate coming from a leo2-tank.





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wow, I must have missed a post this has really come on in leaps and bounds.


I always look with eagerness for that little tag that says new post by BobPanda!



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new leg armour although looks stronger doesnt look as good the origional looks like it was tailored to fit - which it was - the new one just doesnt look as fitting

the AA guns are a good idea will they be operated by men? although they are a lot smaller than the typical hydar flak cannons from FW but thats just a thought


whats happened tyo the back legs toes?? and why are you photographing it inside a glass cabinet?

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I have just read through this entire thread; and I have never once not been stunned at this model, its... well... GORGEOUS!

Much better than the FW one too!

Btw... I want to be able to buy these in plastic a few years in the future ;)


Best of Luck in all you do,


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  • 4 weeks later...

23 day-ish threadomancy-dabblers named 13SKULLZ and INQUISITOR LENSOVEN :P ;) :lol:


in any case, that is gonna be one mutha of a paint job!

awesome work!

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My word - this work is simply astounding! Cannot wait to see more!

My bedroom is basically a GW bitz box with a bed crammed into it and even I haven't got anywhere near enough stuff to build one of these behemoths! - Wow!

Just 'cos I'm old-school, you might want to check out some of the extra bits they used to stick onto Titans in Epic....my favourites include:

*) Shoulder-mounted Landspeeder pad for reconnaissance + (mainly) doing target-acquisition for stuff like rocket launchers/artillery;

*) Heads containing assault ramps (a la siege engine drawbridges) so that infantry can assault stuff (hopefully, the troops would remember to bring their jump packs, 'cos it's a looooong way down);

*) 'Battle-heads' containing lots of guns, or resembling daemons (e.g. the Khorne one resembled a Bloodletter and had a gatling-style cannon in it's mouth or big teeth to chomp down on people, whilst Slaaneshi + Nurgle heads had tongues);

*) The back-banner mounts had weapons-pits with things like multilasers/cannons (e.g. automated turrets like Tarantula's, or the manned gun-pits on the 1st Thunderhawk version's wings) - the only problem might be that even targets standing next to this Titan's feet could actually be out of range (lol).

*) Tails with maces and slashing blades;

Although it's not GW, you could even go "Mortal Kombat" / "Battletech" -stylee and put racks of missile launchers behind doors in the chest cavity (e.g. Cyrax, etc)?


Comment upon seeing the Wolflord Titan: "Oh my Sainted Aunt...we're all gonna die...!"



...said The Emperor...

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  • 2 weeks later...
And here I thought I was doing well in building a titan.... dayum.... heh I haven't even cracked open my bits box for mine yet... Some nice ideas for uses of parts there man. Keep up the good work.
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