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my version of a reaver titan or better: wolflord-titan


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  • 6 months later...
i want to see more :)


ok ... so here we go ... :








and the smaller already got the basic paintscheme applied....:




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Dark Claw, leave old threads alone to die. This is two Ive seen you do today. Be careful not to get someone elses thread melta'd or get a warning. (Wow, I sound like an annoyed Kurgan)


Edit: I didnt see Bobs reply sorry for the rant.

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WOW! i thought this thread died for good :P very nice to see some progress :)


and i'm def planing to finish this beast within 09. :D


but at the moment my problem is, that i broke my right hand and almost wasn't able to finish my current games-day-germany project for next sunday.

so i had to learn to paint with the left hand. the fact that the other hand, that is holding the model i relatively stiff due to the cast makes it even harder.

but i'll promise, that i'll continue with this titan, as soon as i got rid of the cast, which will me in 3 weeks.


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is it not SW :'(


other than that truely sick stuff as usual

can you do ANOTHER scale shot with ur creations again? they always look ausome

is the newest (small) one bigger than the first titan u did?

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You sir are either Truly insane or incredibly brilliant i think its both.... and now that i have beheld such a wonderful creation i have nothing left to live for "BLAM" very loud gun shot that echoes in very empty bitz box.


and its not even done!!!!


and seriously stop hurting yourself you might get beat up by yammering fans.

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  • 1 month later...
No no no, its not Thread necromancy, its only been just over a month, Thread necromancy is when its over 12 months, after 3 is a Thread "attempt", 6 months is flogging a dead horse, but come on, its only been a month, leave the wet fish for the 3 month mark
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