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The Astartes Vocates

Commissar Molotov

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Well, is that a bad thing? Arguably, the Tyranids are one of the biggest threats facing the Imperium in 999.M41. As far as I can recall, the only Chapters facing the Tyranids are the Thousand Swords, the Sublimators, the Alpha Wolves and (possibly) the Warlords. That's only a quarter of the Vocates. The Castigators have fought the Tyranids sporadically, but they haven't mounted sustained campaigns against them.
The Black Watch: Last I heard, Doc's transferred to Germany. And yet he seems to have worse internet than he did when he was in the depths of Iraq! Either way, - The Purity of Form is a pretty decent one. Last I heard, he was editing the article slightly, but the article's been mostly complete, even back when they were the Iron Knights, so... I don't forsee them changing too much anyway.


Ironic, ain't it? The problem is, I could have had internet in my room almost a month ago, but there were rumors that I might have to move to a different room, and you have to sign a one year contract for the internet service here. That means that if I move rooms, I either let the new occupant have free internet or I buy out my contract. :blush:


As for the Black Watch, yeah, I'm pretty much done with them. All I'm trying to do now is rearrange the IA to make more sense and tweak some of their background (especially the Homeworld section). That said, they are who they are.


As for the new ideas, I only skimmed them, but it sounds like we're on the right track. I'm psyched that the project is back from the dead! As soon as I get more time, I'll read more and give some feedback.

This is a small conversion I did, after re-reading the Alpha Wolves notes by Nine. If you come up with a complete color scheme for them, I'll paint him up. But here he is for now...






Nice - I like the wolf skull on his breastplate. There's a real sense of rugged, utilitarian brutality about him. Interesting indeed.


I've been doing some work on the Purity of Faith Chapter which I'll hopefully be able to put up some time soon.

Nice - I like the wolf skull on his breastplate. There's a real sense of rugged, utilitarian brutality about him. Interesting indeed.


I've been doing some work on the Purity of Faith Chapter which I'll hopefully be able to put up some time soon.

Thanks for the comments Mol. I fully agree that it somewhat gives off the sense utility, with the pouches. I would love to paint personal heraldry and markings for this guy.


I look forward to the 'Purity of Faith' Chapter. ;)

Speaking of which, what's happened to the original site?

He deleted the forum content.


Did I?




I'm actually planning to delete it. It's not really that needed, I think, especially what with Darrell and Barret (and you, of course) having joined the evil empire. ;)

The forum itself is still there, just all the content is no longer accessable.



Edit: Apart from THIS Chapter Standard bit.

I'm actually planning to delete it. It's not really that needed, I think, especially what with Darrell and Barret (and you, of course) having joined the evil empire. ;)

The forum itself is still there, just all the content is no longer accessable.



Edit: Apart from THIS Chapter Standard bit.


Ah, well if it's still there, I haven't deleted it, have I? :lol:




Back onto the matter at hand:


With regards to Purity, I had considered a Chapter based around the Eye of Terror. They'd need faith to stand resolute before that gaping rent in the fabric of reality and remain steadfast. Just like the Redemptors needed faith to continue at the edge of known space. I liked the idea of a Chapter having to balance the conflicting demands of being Vocates AND Praeses. Praeses would entail guarding the Eye of Terror, to the near-exclusion of all else, whilst the Vocates would include aiding their Oathbrethren, and seconding Marines to the Honour Company (in order to hunt down the Reapers).


It could be interesting to see a Chapter having to balance and manage various duties and oaths without over-committing itself. I had imagined using the shield as a big thing for them. Their faith is a shield, a guard against the depredations of Chaos. And the Chapter is a shield itself, defending the Imperium.


Just some initial concepts.

Good ideas Mol. I like the thought of a Chapter having the burden of many duties at once. Protectors of the Eye, yet members of the Vocates and Oathbrethren. The only thing that confused me was the fact that they are part of the Vocates, the 14th founding, when the Praeses is another founding much later on. How are they part of two foundings? I do like the direction your taking them so far, so please bear with my stupidity and explain. I like the connotation of the shield realating to the matter, it is very fitting. Now post some more, when you got it written up (or thought out, whichever comes first ;) ).
The Praeses Chapters aren't from any specific founding. Rather, they're a group of twenty Chapters assigned to protect the Eye. The earliest we know of are the White Consuls, from the second founding. The Relictors are supposed to be twentieth founding, and they're Praeses, too. And yet Chapters like the Iron Hands, on the doorstep of the EOT, aren't considered Vocates.
The Praeses Chapters aren't from any specific founding. Rather, they're a group of twenty Chapters assigned to protect the Eye. The earliest we know of are the White Consuls, from the second founding. The Relictors are supposed to be twentieth founding, and they're Praeses, too. And yet Chapters like the Iron Hands, on the doorstep of the EOT, aren't considered Vocates.
I must have completely read the small tid-bit in the 'Eye of Terror' Codex, wrong. Thanks for clearing that up.

Of course, by 'aren't considered Vocates', I meant 'aren't considered Praeses'.


This just in, from chatting with Barret:



-Mirror-Cult: The Chapter is a rigid "theocracy" dedicated to the belief that all men can and do reflect the Emperor, in the way that a planet reflects the sun and thus appears to have its own light. They believe the spirit or soul must be purified and cleansed (and kept thus) in order to properly reflect the Emperor's light. This is achieved through a subsuming of individuality into the Mirror Cult. Recruits are subjecting to horrific rites and rituals designed to erase their personality, and thusly cleanse their souls. As they age and grow in the Mirror Cult, they slowly regain their personality (or more accurately, develop a new, or "true" one). This is how each man/Marine reflects the Emperor's light in their own way. Captains are the paragons of this transformation, being both individuals and avatars of the Cult. Chaplains act as the shepherds on the path of the Mirror Cult, encouraging those who show promise and culling those who don't. Librarians, as psykers and thusly more akin to the Emperor immediately and yet untrustable, are fell, alien Others who have attained a state that is inhuman. They wear the Mirror-Helm to symbolize this.


Techmarines, who already mirror the Omnissiah in spirit (Rite of Pure Thought, etc) seek to mirror Him in flesh.Mirrors are a huge part of their iconography. They have a technique that imbues a mirror with psychic energy, such that any who look into it are forced to view a reflection of their souls, which can be anything from discomfiting to mind-breaking. The Mirror-Helms worn by Librarians are the most common of these, though the most notable example is a massive fresco in their Fortress Monastery (probably a space station) that depicts an imaginary scene of the Emperor and all eighteen Primarchs just before the Heresy in which the Emperor's face has been replaced by one of these mirrors. Any visiting the Chapter must thus be tested.


We're using "Marines Ascendant" as the Spirit-Chapter name. Seems to fit pretty well.


I'm going to be doing a progress report pretty soon to see how we're going.

Commisar Mol, can I say your just a breath of fresh air into my hobby. I was considering quiting the hobby altogether until I started following the castigators, now I (even though I am a xenos at heart) have been given the impetus to push my marine army forward (as any WH40K player should have almost a complete space marine army). My army will most likely be an antagonist,but I feel they (space marines/stormtroopers) are the backbone of this hobby... I loved the space marines from the get go and as I progressed to other armies I still feel a soft fuzz feeling for my battle brothers. so you have definitely kept my little fire burning.



on that note I wish the Astartes Vocates could include my new DIY "reiksguard" ... that is until I find an original name that I am searching for for my DIY chapter

That's a pretty nice conversion for the Alpha Wolves. Very rough and ready looking. He would make a good sergeant. :lol:


As for a color scheme, I really haven't even thought of one yet. I think something like gunmetal gray would be an appropriate main color? If we stick with gray and orange, then maybe something like this:


Alpha Wolf


Now to the feedback I got for my last Alpha Wolves post.


With that said, why a fortress world?

I picked up the fortress world because such a place has the most obvious reason to have a ruling warrior caste. And a ruling warrior caste would no doubt appeal to a chapter such as the Alpha Wolves. However, having it as just a recruiting world would be preferable and avoid many problems. The last thing I want to do is have to focus on why the Administratum isn't giving the Alpha Wolves a hard time.


The idea of the chapter living on a over-hunted, near-dead world is interesting. I say "near-dead" because there would surely be some organisms left that aren't worth hunting. Matter of fact, what if the Alpha Wolves turned their homeworld into a (to use an AVP term) "Hunters Planet". They might take the apex predators from across the system and worlds they operate on back to their home world just so those predators can be hunted for sport. Of course that is an unnecessary addition and may even distract to much from the chapter itself, but cool nonetheless.


With regards to the combat drugs - firstly, why?

You presumed right, it's because the drugs make them stronger. But they don't want to be strong just for the heck of it. I guess you can compare the Alpha Wolves to the body builders and athletes that end up using steroids. Since the marine's birth, he has been competing with his peers in order to advance in society and rank. The only way to do this is through showing you are the strongest and most able. When these boys become Alpha Wolves, nothing really changes. The pressure to be the best and strongest leads some of the marines to take combat drugs and train constantly so that they may advance within the chapter and bring more glory to the Emperor (and be recognized for it).


So yes, it is a lot better than sleeping with their mothers. :lol:


And that list was pretty much off the top of my head; I still like the idea of the Alpha Wolves fighting in the thick of a Tyranid invasion. But if so many other Vocates are doing the same thing, I guess Orks would be fun too.

Thanks for the comment on him Nine, the suggested color scheme you posted, looks awesome. :lol: It's just I can totally picture a battlefield with orange/grey armored figures running head on into waves of the dreaded Tyranid foe.


I really like the idea of the Alpha Wolves competitive nature. They still strive to be the best, even once becoming a Space Marine. I'm assuming some of their ranks, would include criminals, and killers, and the like. This bit, would really push the feeling of a Caste system even more so, than already. Especially if an old felon rose to the rank of Captain, stirring more conflict than the norm, in the chapter. As for battling against the Orks, I think it would fit quite well. Both living in different, yet dishevelled societies.


Just some simple thoughts.

I picked up the fortress world because such a place has the most obvious reason to have a ruling warrior caste. And a ruling warrior caste would no doubt appeal to a chapter such as the Alpha Wolves. However, having it as just a recruiting world would be preferable and avoid many problems. The last thing I want to do is have to focus on why the Administratum isn't giving the Alpha Wolves a hard time.


The idea of the chapter living on a over-hunted, near-dead world is interesting. I say "near-dead" because there would surely be some organisms left that aren't worth hunting. Matter of fact, what if the Alpha Wolves turned their homeworld into a (to use an AVP term) "Hunters Planet". They might take the apex predators from across the system and worlds they operate on back to their home world just so those predators can be hunted for sport. Of course that is an unnecessary addition and may even distract to much from the chapter itself, but cool nonetheless.


This seems wrong to me. The most obvious world that'd have warriors ruling would be either a tribal of feudal world. Fortress Worlds are effective giant planets of Imperial Guardsmen. Whilst that's a military society, it's perhaps not a militaristic one. It strikes me that the Imperial Guard are designed to follow orders unquestioningly. When it comes to a Fortress World, I see a dour population used to hardship - sacrificing today's rations so that the manufactora can produce things vital to the war effort. They do everything they need to do for their world, and they do it because they're told to.


But that's a sort of 'greater good' mentality that doesn't seem to work with the Alpha Wolves. They seem to be far more competitive. Something that wouldn't manifest on a fortress world. They wouldn't be fighting eachother - rather, they'd be fighting whatever force is about to invade their world.



And that list was pretty much off the top of my head; I still like the idea of the Alpha Wolves fighting in the thick of a Tyranid invasion. But if so many other Vocates are doing the same thing, I guess Orks would be fun too.


Depends. It strikes me that the Alpha Wolves would be going after whatever threat is greatest to them. The greatest Challenge, etc. I think Sigismund was complaining because the Sublimators seem somewhat focused on the Tyranids in recent times. The Thousand Swords are also Tyranid-centric recently, what with their homeworld lying dangerously close to Inquisitor Kryptmann's cordon. I also understand that the Warlords are anti-Tyranid-ish.


But then there's plenty of other Chapters that aren't. The Angels of Perdition, the Judicators, the Execrators, the Castigators... so I don't especially see it as a problem.

I was just pointing it out. I'm considering dropping the Tyranids with the Sublimators and going with some Orks. I'll probably end up keeping the Tyranids but in a lesser role than which I initially envisaged them as.

You raise the interesting point that it would be good to work out what all our Chapters are doing in the present day. I see the Castigators being primarily focused on heretics and the like. The Fourth Company (under Captain Timon) is the widest-ranged, having fought the Tau in one campaign, whilst Captain Sirius of the Third has led a number of Campaigns against the Tyranids. To me that fits with the Castigators' focus on purity. If needs be, they'll gladly fight aliens, but they tend to find themselves preoccupied against heretics and traitors.


Still, at least we have the Zodiac semi-finished, now:





I wrote this list earlier:


- The First Swearing

- The Fall of the Reapers

- The post-fall purge.

- The Second Swearing

- The Honour Company/The Alpha Wolves breaking away.

- Maltheus and the Zodiac

- Relationships between the AV Chapters

- AV Campaigns (Zarath Strand, Symien, the Tau Campaign)


We've detailed more of the Reapers' fall - though we haven't discussed the consequence - the Vocates attacking their homeworlds, the Thousand Swords getting caught up in the battle for Thermo-Pylon E, etc. We'd also need to discuss the second swearing and the formation of the Honour Company.


Anyway, just putting that up there so we can discuss things further.

I was reading through, and I though that "Purity of Clarity" could be a good one for the Reapers. This could be interesting, as it contrasts with how the Apothecaries lost sight of the ends in pursuit of the means, and how the Reapers had their moral vision obscured.
You raise the interesting point that it would be good to work out what all our Chapters are doing in the present day.


Well, this is the last thing I have the Black Watch doing:


999.M41 – Abbadon’s 13th Black Crusade: The Black Watch dispatch an expeditionary force to the Scarus Sector in order to help the Reapers. The Black Watch joins Task Force Hebenus Exitus led by Chaplain-Captain Versalius of the Reapers. Captain VanGordon of the Black Watch takes a seat on the Task Force’s council. The chapter takes up a defensive position on the forge world of Nysa Stromolo throughout the campaign, fighting tirelessly against Orks and Chaos Space Marines alike.


Present - Captain VanGordon leads a detachment of Black Watch to the Abraxis sector.


Of course, the whole Abraxis thing passed me by due to RL issues, so I'm thinking of dropping it entirely. As a whole, the Black Watch is focused on fighting Orks (and to a lesser extent, other alien races due to their close ties with the Ordo Xenos).

Ok, just doing some random thoughts on Maltheus' work. I've tried to incorporate the various bits and pieces we had on him. Feel free to rip it apart <_<


Inquisitor Maltheus first came into contact with the Judicators sometime in the middle of M37. His witnessing of the Trial of Ordeal of an Imperial Governor whose PDF had turned against him piqued the Inquisitor's interest. The belief of the marines in judgement and the absoloute certainty that they were entitled to do this worried him. He carried out further research into their beliefs and history, attempting to find how their beliefs had come about. At this time, Maltheus was a member of the Ordo Hereticus. He had been fairly successful in his work, having completely eradicated the insidious Cult of the Golden Wyvern in the Dardinian Sector and penetrated the mysteries of the murder of Arch Deacon Dorian.


During his delvings into the Judicators chapter, the Inquisitor was reassured immensely by the chapter's conduct. In particular, the Trial of the Warlords was the ultimate example of this chapter being justified in their choices and beliefs. Maltheus continued his research into this event, eventually uncovering the deeds of the Warlords. Interested why the crimes were not enough to warrant higher punishment, Maltheus continued to probe. Eventually he uncovered a relationship between the two chapters was found. Maltheus found the two chapters had still continued to meet after the event, something a little strange considering their previous transaction. He heard rumours of an ancient bond, an ancient promise. His investigations into this lead to the publication of his work, the Treatise Vocates.


To be continued....


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