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The Astartes Vocates

Commissar Molotov

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Although I am not part of the Vocates and I know you are not looking for any more, I noticed that you you were working on a more monastic chapter. I started some ideas for such a chapter awhile back but never fluffed it out. Here it is if you want to take and run with it.


Chapter Name: Crucifiers


Founding: Not decided


Colors: Red, Black and White


Symbol: A black hand holding a white crucifix


Geneseed: Ultramarines


Doctrine: Fanatically codex.


Beleifs: Completely loyal to Imerial doctrine and Dogma, submissive to the Major factions of the Imperium, and devience from the will of the High Lords is Heresy.


Just and idea, if I am sticking my nose in where it is not wanted I apologize, your IA's in general have been great reads and keep up the fabulous story.

Hey, IK, and thanks for the input. :yes: The biggest problem with your concept (from my view) is that the Crucifix has such huge, huge connotations. You can't use a symbol like that without being aware of those connotations - it's like having a Chapter emblazoned with swastika symbols, I feel. I mean, sure, ancient Roman torture/execution devices might still be in use in the 41st Millennium, but equally they might use other devices.


To my mind, taking 'monastic' to its endpoint within 40k, such a Chapter might well deviate from Codex norms. The thought of a Chapter that keeps vows of silence, even sewing their own lips together - that's something deliciously dark and gothic.


I can't remember mentioning monastic Chapters, though I'm sure I did - it was probably to do with the 'Purity of Faith' slot, which is now occupied by the (WIP) Shield Bearers. It's certainly possible we could potentially incorporate some of your ideas into them - perhaps you could post in further detail? :huh: 'Fanatically Codex' and 'Deviance from the High Lords is Death' isn't much for us to go on. :)

MOL, see my IA rough draft on the Purifiers, these are many of the ideas I had for the crucifiers and took your advice to change the name, please feel free to use them or the Ideas, with all the projects I am working on I dont know how fluffed out they will get.
  • 1 month later...
Its ALIVE!!! OR, Toyship rises again!!!! Hows everyone doing? I took a very long break from this, our beloved hobby, but i'm back, and ready for anything. Looks like there's a lot to catch up on, so excuse me as I read through this thread again to see where we are. I dont know if you guys want me to become master of the Execrators again, but I hope I can offer constructive advice/criticism!

Well, considering I'm the one that PM'd you, I'm very keen for you to work on the Execrators. But yes, as mentioned, the best thing for you to do would be to read through this thread. There's been a lot of work done on the Zodiac and the like since you were last around.


I look forward to hearing more from you!

So err, are you looking for more candidates or are you full? :P I look forward ot what will become of this and perhaps one day the website will return. :lol:




I figured you were busy with your twelve billion DIY Chapters? ;)

So err, are you looking for more candidates or are you full? :P I look forward ot what will become of this and perhaps one day the website will return. :lol:




I figured you were busy with your twelve billion DIY Chapters? ;)


I'm slain Mol, that was a deep cut in my pride. We will duel with an IA battle! ;)


Ah well, I would be willing to work on one again if need be, heck I did have the idea for one a while ago that fitted into this. But still, 12 million articles? That would be a dream for me...



I have skimmed the thread, and I feel that I have an understanding of the changes to the Vocates. Am I right in saying that the Execrators (4 o'clock) are opposed to the Reapers (10 o'clock)? As I sit here, I have this image in my head of the Execrators feuding with the Reapers even before the betrayal, sort of like the Dark Angels and the Space Wolves. This would lead to the Execrators particularly ticked off that they turned renegade, maybe leading them to pester the other chapters of the Vocates to provide more resources to the hunt for the Reapers. And.....this would lead to the Execrators thinking that the other chapters aren't doing enough to bring the traitors to justice. There might be a schism between the Oathbearers, with the Execrators distancing themselves. Something of that sort.


That said, I think im going to start from the ground up on the Execrators, "a frame up restoration" as they would call it in the Auto-body business. There was a lot I didn't like about the Execrators, but I'll keep what I think fits into their new idea.


Nine, I'm really liking the Alpha Wolves, so much that I may just have to paint a model or two, complete with combat drugs and slogans painted on their armor.


Anyway its nice to be back, I'll be doing more reading in this thread, and I'll be updating soon!

Mhmm, the Zodiac (re-printed below, for those that don't want to go looking) does have the Execrators and the Reapers opposed. Just one more thing for the Execrators to hate, I suppose. I'll see if I can dig up the old notes for the Execrators. Are you going to start a new thread so we can contribute on ideas there? :P



Mhmm, the Zodiac (re-printed below, for those that don't want to go looking) does have the Execrators and the Reapers opposed. Just one more thing for the Execrators to hate, I suppose. I'll see if I can dig up the old notes for the Execrators. Are you going to start a new thread so we can contribute on ideas there?


I plan on it, as soon as I get some stuff written down, I unfortunately have a new computer and don't have any of the notes saved, so Ill need to go digging through my fluff-pile.




I really like the Cult of the Mirror thing that was talked about earlier. It just makes me feel all tingly, I really hope it is used. :P

Here something interesting from Octavulg's thread here.

The Space Marines, generally, have no gods - they have warfare. And the Codex Astartes is the holy text of their religion.


While I'm not sure if many people would agree with such a statement, I think that perhaps Ninebreaker's Alpha Wolves would agree :) .


What say you??

Molotov and i were discussing the Execrators yesterday and we thought that they would have a good relationship wit Barret's Thousand Swords. The Execrators pretty much lost their homeworld to the Reapers, while the Thousand Swords lost their entire first company. It just seems that they lost the most to the Reapers/Harvesters, so they would be sympathetic to one another. Maybe they are the chapters who push for the establishment of the honor company.


Just a thought.

Hmm. I like it. It's been quite some time since I last read the Execrators, so I'll have to go do so.


That idea is certainly a switch from my earlier thoughts on Oathbreakers and the Honour Company, when the T-Swords were more indifferent to the idea. I think it's a change for the better.

Looking forward to it!


As to what we have been talking about, brothers! I seek your advice! Im thinking about putting together an army based on the Vocates honor company. I have a question though. What type of markings should designate the company? Molotov suggest something on their leg, and I tend to agree, leg or kneepad, but what should this symbol be? Possibly a scythe to Represent the Harvesters? Your input would be greatly appreciated, I should be starting to blog the progress within the week.

Well, my plan for the T-Swords was for them to mark any Marines who have returned from serving in the Honour Company with a white greave with a black, winged helix on it. However, that could be just a post-service thing if people don't like it.


That said, I think that the marking for the Honour Company probably shouldn't be as involved as, say, the Deathwatch, but it should be more pronounced than just a campaign badge. Maybe they repaint their left shoulderpad with a Honour Company logo and their Chapter icon on the right?



Still a lot to read in the thread, but thought I would let everyone know that I'm alive.


The Judicators themselves are mostly done. The article needs some reworking to explain a bit more behind why Eusebius became focused on judgement and why he felt so isolated in the new Chapter. Aside from that, though, the idea is essentially a done deal as of now.


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