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Here is my test marine. I wanted a grimy look to them, kinda like orange plague marines. But so far it doesn't look like dirt, it looks like My Vallejo Orange Fire is "chalky". I have tried to glaze it down with Parasite Brown, but so far to no success. Any Suggestions?






Edited by Dark Brotherhood



I think they look rather rusty tbh,although if that isnt the look your going for im sorry.If it is,i may be able to suggest something that can help.


When something rusts,a large chunk of it falls away,or bends out of shape and the outer ring of this part is the part that has the orange tinge.Just a thought,you could add large sections of a kind of texture browny colour to sections,to make them look really rusted.


Have you got any background for your army?? Id like to find out more about them =] Keep up the good work mate,i look forward to seeing more from you =]




The Red Dragon

Hey Red Dragon. While I didn't necessarily mean them to be rusty, I meant them to look dirty and embattled, so rusty doesn't hurt too much.


The Tiger Claws are the original name for the Astral Claws, who started the Badab War and became the Red Corsairs (as depicted in C: CSM). My army will be the representation of them during the seige, before they became a chaos army. Just search these forums for Badab War to find out more about them.

I agree it does look a little chalky and rusty, but overall it's a nice affect. Only thing I see wrong is the title. If these are set during the battle of the Palace of Thorns, then they are the Astral Claws, and are renegade, having a different scheme. :sweat:
I agree it does look a little chalky and rusty, but overall it's a nice affect. Only thing I see wrong is the title. If these are set during the battle of the Palace of Thorns, then they are the Astral Claws, and are renegade, having a different scheme. :huh:


Sorry, I'm oldschool. When the first article in White Dwarf came out on the Badab War, before there were anything but RTB001 Beakie Marines, they were the Tiger Claws. That's my story and I'm stickin to it. Recent fluff and codexes have changed the name to Astral Claws, and I object, because the first marine I ever painted was a bright orange beakie Tiger Claw. Call it nostalgia if you will. If it's a nice effect generally, I'll probably stay with the scheme. I just purchased some Tamiya clear orange to try out.

Rust?.....on 40k armour!.....imo rust wouldnt be even thought of...known of on SM armour/tanks or most materials unless its from a non advanced world,which wouldnt apply to SM in the first case!!

Shoot me down,buts thats how i look at the future!

Hmmmm.... very nice color work.


I'm not really seeing the chalky issue you're talking about in the pics, but it also depends on which batch of Vallejo paints you're using. Vallejo *Model Color* dry dead flat, and I've had issues with them looking really rough if I try to drybrush them at full strength, especially multiple drybrush color layers. Vallejo *Game Color* dry semi-gloss, and seem to drybrush a little smoother than VMC paints do at full strength.


I add a drop of water to VMC for my drybrushing work, and really work hard to get most of the color out of the brush before taking the brush to the model.


If you're layering, add even more water (final ratio of more water than paint!), which should fix your chalky issue.

I agree it does look a little chalky and rusty, but overall it's a nice affect. Only thing I see wrong is the title. If these are set during the battle of the Palace of Thorns, then they are the Astral Claws, and are renegade, having a different scheme. :D


Sorry, I'm oldschool. When the first article in White Dwarf came out on the Badab War, before there were anything but RTB001 Beakie Marines, they were the Tiger Claws. That's my story and I'm stickin to it. Recent fluff and codexes have changed the name to Astral Claws, and I object, because the first marine I ever painted was a bright orange beakie Tiger Claw. Call it nostalgia if you will. If it's a nice effect generally, I'll probably stay with the scheme. I just purchased some Tamiya clear orange to try out.


You go for it :devil:


As another 'old git' RT player I'm also revisting doing the first ever SMs I ever painted. You may get a few newer 'purists' moaning at them, but you'll get more kudos from the old RT era players (now if only we could get GW to do a limited run of the original beakies...lol).


A realistic looking orange is difficult, too bright and it looks all 'Day Glo'. I think you've pulled it off pretty well (as its one of the hardests colours to do well. I wouldn't pontificate too much at the moment and just drive on to finish the figure...THEN decide. After you have added all the detail, it may radically change the look (or lightness/darkness) of the figure. You may want to check out this http://www.fightingtigersofveda.com/index.htm


Its a DIY chapter, but follows the old Tiger Claws paint scheme. Go to the visitors gallery to see some good (and bad) stuff.


BTW You 'old git' :P

Edited by Mildew

Have you tried thinning your paint more if you are getting the chalky effect? Are you giving each layer sufficient time to dry? What is your orange recipe, it may just be that you are trying too much of a single orange without thinning it enough.


I got for a brighter orange but with a slight change in color choices you could get the darker brown-orange you are going for.


As follows over a black primer coat:


Vallejo Model Color:

981 Orange Brown

956 Light Orange

910 Orange Red

851 Deep Orange

911 Light Orange


final highlight with GW Golden Yellow




Have you tried thinning your paint more if you are getting the chalky effect? Are you giving each layer sufficient time to dry? What is your orange recipe, it may just be that you are trying too much of a single orange without thinning it enough.


I got for a brighter orange but with a slight change in color choices you could get the darker brown-orange you are going for.


As follows over a black primer coat:


Vallejo Model Color:

981 Orange Brown

956 Light Orange

910 Orange Red

851 Deep Orange

911 Light Orange


final highlight with GW Golden Yellow





Hey Kurgan! I am a big fan of your orange. Thanks for the advice. I want them to look like they have just let their armour go, or have just taken too much damage/abuse. My recipe is


Light Dusting of Chaos Black

Several Glazes of Foundation Macharius Solar Orange

Wash of Chestnut Ink/Water/Future

Several Glazes of Parasite brown/Orange fire mix

Five (so far) glazes of VERY thin Vallejo Orange Fire


I think i have decided that my issues are that my wash was too dark, and that the gloss of the wash is making my matt glazes of Orange Fire look weird. Several more of them, and a planned glaze of watered down Tamiya Clear orange, followed by Testors Dullcote will hopefully give me the desired effect. Then maybe I can have a Cult Of Orange Seal of Approval!

Rust?.....on 40k armour!.....imo rust wouldnt be even thought of...known of on SM armour/tanks or most materials unless its from a non advanced world,which wouldnt apply to SM in the first case!!

Shoot me down,buts thats how i look at the future!

While i did want them took look dirty, it is of course not possible to rust Adamantium. Just for effect!

Hmmmm.... very nice color work.


I'm not really seeing the chalky issue you're talking about in the pics, but it also depends on which batch of Vallejo paints you're using. Vallejo *Model Color* dry dead flat, and I've had issues with them looking really rough if I try to drybrush them at full strength, especially multiple drybrush color layers. Vallejo *Game Color* dry semi-gloss, and seem to drybrush a little smoother than VMC paints do at full strength.


I add a drop of water to VMC for my drybrushing work, and really work hard to get most of the color out of the brush before taking the brush to the model.


If you're layering, add even more water (final ratio of more water than paint!), which should fix your chalky issue.

Thanks Lion! I always use preposterously watered glazes, i try to avoid using full strength paint, and don't drybrush. I think it's the wash. Thanks all for the replies, hopefully I will have a pic of the completed basecoat up for commentary soon!

Edited by Dark Brotherhood
  • 11 months later...

Well, the past few weeks have been exciting, and i'll tell you why:


After completely failing to do anything more than make 1 measly test marine for my Badab Era Tiger Claws for the Call of the Imperium 2008, a few weeks ago I realized that Denver, Colorado's "Ghenghis Con" was coming up. There is a fairly well attended 1,750 tourney there. I decided to go, taking some of the youths from my LHS club down as well.


What this meant was that I would either have to finish the newly nerfed infiltrators of the Dark Brotherhood, or make a completely new list. As I am apparently a glutton for punishment, I chose the latter. I had three weeks to assemble, TRUESCALE, build, and paint a full army from scratch. I had one test marine.


And three and a half weeks.


Scarier still, i blew a week of that doing nothing.


The list is as follows:



10 Sternguard

30 Tactical marines

6 terminators

Thunderfire Cannon

Kronus Vindicator

Regular Vindicator.


All of the marines will be leg spacer truescaled, and the Sternguard will be Doghouse Pattern.

Well, the last two weeks were pretty crazy for me, hobby-wise. On January 29th I had completed the 'Megaman' truescaling on ten marines, and had one test model painted. And then I went insane. I decided I would field 1,750 worth of truescale marines in two weeks at Ghengis Con. Not completed, mind you, but at least assembled, built, and three color basecoated. I nearly succeeded.

During that time (it seems so long ago) I barely had time to sleep, much less post to my beloved B&C, but I did take quite a few photos. So this is my RETRO WIP BLOG FROM TEH FUTURE!!!


By the 5th, I had run out of Corvus legs (the legs of Beakies or mkVI marines) to truescale, AND Rezolution 25mm industrial bases. I had to get desperate. Yes, I truescaled a AOBR marine. Sue me. The dude on the right shows off his Berzerker wares, and his variant head. Unavailability of parts in a pinch is a recurring theme later.


I obtained some textured Evergreen and Plastruct styrene sheets and strips, and roughly cut them out and glued them on to the bases for an industrial complex look.


Here they are, mid preparation. Yes, the pictures get more exciting. Promise.


While these cured, I had some truescale marines to prime. This guy MIGHT be a little too tall!


Over the weekend of the 29th (i think?) i built and airbrushed two vindicators. One is a counts as Chronus vindi. Here is his Blingy Vindicator goodness:



Then i primed and Vallejo Yellow Ink'ed this guy:



"We all live with a Yellow Techmarine/a yellow techmarine/a yellow techmarine"

You get the point.

I'm fairly sure you can get a good bright yellow tone in other ways, but i prefer working up from a white primer base and yellow ink. Speaking of primer, I'm fairly sure this next picture neatly summarizes most of my life. Mmmmm.....PBR!


I had better break this up in to segments, so as not to crash the forum. Safety first!

Not sure if I should be just plain duplicating this blog bit on the WIP forum in PCA, but oh well. One of the fine admins will put a stop to my mad tyranny should they see fit.

So...after making my termies, including quite a bit of chest eagle filing (I am taking all of the aquila off of my army) and getting the techmarine basecoated, I had this: (ITT, Dark Brotherhood learns that the IRFANVIEW 'Sharpen' filter is mostly ineffectual if you are going to trim the quality of your pics by 30%...)


Then came the least enjoyable, but most rewarding part of the experience. I had to make 10 "Doghouse Pattern Gothic Marines". All at once. for those of you who haven't seen these (how did you get on the B&C?) the link to these are here:



I like how the first part of this article says "Please make all cuts carefully with the hobby knife. Lol.



Ow. You can't really see the rest of the cuts, but there are about a zillion on the pad of my thumb. If I am going to be my own hand model, I should probably cut my fingernails, says future self to past self. Cleaning the Chaos Warrior legs was the easy part of making these guys, as you will see later.

Here are some test marines I made sometime between the 29th and the 5th, waiting anxiously for "Codex: Bowlegged Orange Mahrens". I washed them with straight Devlan Mud, and painted them up from Macharius Solar Orange to Vallejo Orange Fire. The result is too extreme and garish. A few days later I discover a a magical way to get the orange I want, and I ended up redoing 8 of these guys. The arms are off so I can get more realistic shading and detail on them. Well at least that's the theory. The dude on the left is on one of my industrial bases, and the three others are on the Rezolution industrial bases (Don't Tell!).


So I call it a day on the 5th, and have this on the workbench, and a whole lot of trimmed Chaos Warrior legs in a box:



Here are the sternguard legs-to-be, waiting for the first round of sculpting. Yes, I am hecka oldschool. The blu-tac they are mounted to the paint pots with turned out to be a horrible idea, as it was impossible to sculpt without moving, dislocating, or otherwise flubbing the model. I later resorted to a microdot of glue on one foot, which did the trick.


On the 7th, I finished the bases which i needed for the rest of my tactical marines and Sternguard, as well as to make my Termies look like they were hanging out on the same planet as my Troops. Here they is:


And here's the whole shebang at the beggining of this particular day. In the background lurks the EXTREMELY DANGEROUS black spray paint THAT WILL KILL YOU TO DEATH. WARNING!! I guess British spray paint is quite a bit more lethal than here in the states.


Got the terminators primed first. You all know what primed termies look like, but here's a better shot of the custom made industrial bases. The bases in the background are the 25mm ones for my Sternguard.


Then it was off to the races with multiple thin coats of Foundation Macharius Solar Orange, as burdensome to complete as it was to type. In the background of the second pic, you can see the that i started sculpting the Doghouse legs, and apparently forgot to take a picture of stage 1. Meh.




Having been under this kind of pressure (and failed miserably, I might add), I wish you the best of luck. Things are looking good, I can only imagine what the results would be if you had more time.


In the background lurks the EXTREMELY DANGEROUS black spray paint THAT WILL KILL YOU TO DEATH. WARNING!! I guess British spray paint is quite a bit more lethal than here in the states.


Little known fact, the Brits have their ever-popular "flamethrower-in-a-can" and their spray primer in the same factory. Sometimes the labels get mixed up. Be extra careful, especially around the children. :D


BTW, PBR has everything a growing body needs, the magic can will see you through this ordeal!


I washed the Vindicator in several very soggy coats of Devlan Mud, and learned several valuable lessons.

A: Washing tanks sucks.

B: Devlan Mud, straight out of the bottle, was not going to do what I wanted it to do. It was too black, and stained the orange in a way that was going to be hard to repair when I glazed up to my base, and then highlight color.

Not to be discouraged, I tried a combination of mediums on a hunch. I mixed these with water(the Tamiya bottle is Tamiya Clear Orange, a glycol ether based transparent acrylic):


...and the resulting wash was so good I freaked out and posted about it in PCA,


to much mockery, and immediately washed all of my marines with it. It looked like so:



While those dried in the amazing Magical Wash, kids, I gave the Tech Banana another coat of VGC Yellow Ink. I chose yellow for this guy because a red Techmarine swimming in a sea of all that orange would look, as the Brits say, "a bit naff". Also, I was inspired by a few yellow Techmarines and Enginseers I have seen over the years. Check THIS DUDE on CMON out! Thanks Soylent Bob!


And another grueling day of hobbying came to a close. Whew! five more days that already happened a few weeks ago to go! It's like Doctor Who!

I love how you keep on teasing us when you could just upload the finished product. An impressive undertaking though.


Ha ha! It's for three reasons. One, I took a blog worth of photos, and it seems a shame to waste them. Two, I have so little time to post to this thread that I have to do it even in segments, even though it already happened. Three, the army was fieldable, but not finished, at the tournament, so after i get all of this mess caught up with present day this will be the continuing WIP thread. Thanks for watching!

I like how the first part of this article says "Please make all cuts carefully with the hobby knife. Lol.



Well you can't say I didn't warn you... :lol:


Great looking army so far mate, really nice work! I'm watching this with great interest! :D

Well you can't say I didn't warn you... :lol:


Great looking army so far mate, really nice work! I'm watching this with great interest! :)

Thanks Doghouse!


Couldn't have done it without you, so to speak.


Began the basecoating process, by glazing my washed layers of Solar Orange back up with an extremely thin version of the Foundation color. This process, it bears to mention, is extremely time consuming. I think I got 4 layers plus a touch-up layer on these guys before progressing.

The next day, I started in again on the doghouse legs. Here they are again mostly complete. This was very challenging, and taught me a lot about greenstuff and sculpting. I used Vasoline for my tool lubing medium (heh heh) as opposed to times before when I had used water. Much better.


And here's a closer shot of how they look before sanding.


I skipped one of Doghouse's steps when i sculpted the bottom of the boot, to save time and produce a look that was slightly less chunky. The "sausage" of the sole is left as is, using the pre-existing sole of the Chaos Warriors.


While those dried, I repeated the base glazes and magic wash on my Termies. Midway through, DISASTER STRUCK. Paint everywhere. I managed to live and tell the tale, though why I thought this event was important enough to share and photograph is now beyond me, as i have had sleep since then.




With the Termies drying, I set about finishing up the glaze basecoat on my tacticals. Heres the truescaled "Crouching Marine" with legs from AOBR. He is as tall crouching as a regular marine. Which I find hilarious. Another day down, another 5 until the tournament. Would i get the army completed? SPOILERS AHEAD: NO. (well, not quite).


A few pics of the Doghouse legs nearing completion. At this stage I was really worried that the legs were going to look too "pudgy" and give an anime feel to my Sternguard legs. It turns out that greenstuff just looks funny un-primed.



Finally! I get the torsos and heads on the Sternguard. Some of them looked a little "kilty", but they looked fine once the arms were on. After the torsos were mounted, i started sculpting Space Marine Butts. In a hurry, I decided to do the whole double box butt-greave thing in one go. This was a mistake. I don't have photos of this, but they came out marginally acceptable, a little big and lumpy. Backpacks will help.


Gave the Tech Banana an experimental Magic Wash coat of Devlan Mud mixed with Tamiya Clear Yellow, which came out pretty cool.


Shoulder pads. I'm using the Space Wolves custom shoulder pads, as a wolf print and a tiger print are virtually indistinguishable unless you are Crocodile Dundee. NORLY! Google it and see for yourself.


Cleaning these is annoying.


And i find myself at the squillions of tiny parts phase of the operation. I'm running out of time!



It is starting to look a little bit like an army now. Not a great deal of time left, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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