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WOLF-TIME [scenario]


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The Rune Priest and Rune Lords have all gathered in secrecy within the depths of the FANG, certain "visions" have haunted the Priest and have consulted the runes for weeks. The Old Wolf, in an surprising and unheard of event has ordered every great company to return to Fenris. Mighty ships have gathered in the Fenris sector and on orbit of the deathworld known as Fenris. Its a rare occasion that all 12 great companies are present at the same time within the FANG; while the Wolf Lords gather under their banner, the Rune Priest fortell of "the coming" and a great gathering of the old and new. Hours later, alarm rings in the highest calibur.. unknown ships have entered space protected and watched by the Sons of Russ. The old ones such as Bjorn the fell-handed are awakened. Wolfblades from great Terra return to Fenris with high ranking court representatives within the House Belisarius of the Navis Nobilitae.


Lost companies have gathered and returned to Fenris, great wolf lords such as Sven Ironhand and his great company, Jotun Bearclaw's great company at first met with some hostilities within the Fang, but are later and eventually welcomed as every Fenrian born Space Wolf should be in a test of honour and a test of loyalty by the Rune Priest and Wolf Priest. Back in the cadian sector, mighty warbands of the 13th company exit and escort a great and mighty ship that which was has not been seen in the glory days of the great crusades. As they exit out of the Eye of terror only to be halted and detained by Imperial checkpoints and battleships. Who are later met in reply only a Space Wolf know how to... within days the 13th company sets foot back to Fenris soil, like relics from the past.. these old and mighty warriors are watched on with great respect and awe by each and every space wolf warrior who have gathered in the ice world.


The Old Wolf welcomes the 13th company back. Great Wolf Jorin Bloodfang speaks "the time has come.." interupted only by the mighty dreadnough Bjorn the Fell-Handed, saying "it is good to see you again my Wolf King, you have finally returned" a cloaked figure behind Jorin appears, those who have studied Space Wolf history quickly recognized the sword which the hooded figure carried.. showing his face the man says "once again we are legion"






When Russ returns, so shall the lost companies. The chapter shall be once again a legion, and the WOLF-TIME would usher only one thing.. there can only be war, the final war! Ragnarök "Twilight of the Gods"


I believe that the remaining loyal Primarch's would return to their own legion's/Chapters somehow, as Russ will to his Space Wolves. Which would cause a rift between the High Lords, causing a huge power struggle and possibly another civil war. Alliances would be made and broken. Sides would be taken, and rivalries would be made and fought. Causing confusion and fear throughout the Imperium.The forces of Chaos and other xeno's would use this opportunity to attack from all sides, crippling the Imperium. From the Eye of Terror, to the renegade legions of the maelstrom. To the far eastern fringes, the Tau Empire, massive Ork waaagh's.


As cool as Leman is and as much as I'd like to see him be the main hero, I'm sure the disappearance of his brothers and himself had its grand purpose.. as for the cure, I think Russ would rather help speed up healing his brother Roboute Guilliman with whatever cure he's found. Corax and Vulcan return to their own Legion, with enough force. After a short period of time, I believe Russ and his brothers.. along with the united legions would storm Commorragh with hit and run tactics on a rescue mission and help free Jaghatai Khan along with the White Scars. The Lion would return and settle unfinished business within his own legion/chapter.


Wolf Blade's are said to be the only Space Marines in Terra besides the Custodes, but I think Russ and the primarch's would agree that the golden throne was a temporary measure, and that the Emperor would be allot stronger against the chaos gods if his presence in the warp was complete.. in a tactical point of view, it would be beneficial to have someone fight chaos gods while his son's and their legions fought the chaos marines. I wont say anymore about the star child theory, because people have their own theories and opinions about it...... haha


I think some alliances would be made under the circumstances, Eldar fighting along side Marines and Imperial Guard. The Imperium is cut off, worlds are cut off.. Mar's shut itself out from everyone, mustering its own fearsome force becoming independent. Tau would either take this opportunity to take more worlds under their banner or help fight along side us, more and more of the Necrons would rise from their long slumber and make the odds against us even worst. It would be a total and complete gong show! and those who survive within the Imperium would reunite the Imperium and the worlds cut off from Terra, in another great crusade. The Space Wolves territory would be far larger. The Primarchs are either the new High Lords, or they just tend to their own territory. Allot would have died, maybe even some Primarchs. It would be a new world for everyone, but with a glimpse of peace throughout the galaxy.. its only to be threatened suddenly and eaten by the nids hahaha. In the end.. the of all the races, the squats save the day against the nids only saying "They're Always After me Lucky Charms!" this was for taking our homeworld! and Russ would join them in celebration and drinks, while laughing and poking fun at the Lion for being to way to serious and moody. as for an independant mars, its leader who proclaimed it after worlds have been shut off not having a becon that is.... I think the only reason why Mar's has always been with the Imperium is because of the Emperor, but not having the Emperor physically.. these tech dudes would cease the alliance and become independent but still would work along side the Imperium. The leader of Mar's is the Deciever itself, a Necron C'tan in disguised as a high ranking official who's risen in power in Mars. Which coins the term considering the Void Dragon, "keep you friends close, but your enemies even closer"


Russ : "that guy smells funny.. somethings not right here..."

Lion : "okay wolverine.. your just crazy and drunk"

Russ : "yer point bub? alright if you say so..."

Lion : "don't worry, I'm a good judge of character"


ohh how the plot thickens hahaha after the war's and the new great crusade, I wouldn't go as far as calling it 50K, I wouldn't even give it a time-line. Just Dark Millenium would suffice. Only way for me for me to see a complete reboot story-wise and consistent fluff haha, at least thats how I always pictured the 40K universe should go in the direction with the story I came up with.




sorry for the dramatics, felt like it needed to give some background to it, my question would be... its the Wolf-Time, what would you equip yourself with within the armoury of the Fang and why? my choice would be: I'd have my runic armour, and frost-axe, wolf pelt, wolf tooth necklace, wolf tail talisman, melta bombs, frag and krak grenades and combi-plasma gun. Termie armour is nice but if I were to fight in the wolf-time with my battle brothers such as yourselves, I'd want to sweeping advice my enemies hahahahaha


what happens after the greetings, http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...amp;hl=wolftime

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I prefer a TDA, a Rune Staff and my Frostblade. I like the idea to smash with a LR into the enemy lines and rip them apart together with my WG retinue. Cloaked into a psychic storm the enemy will not see the death come until it´s too late. I have a pic that fits this imagination very well.



@MaveriK: Nice story, by the way how was your fight against the Eldar?

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I stand proud in my Runic armour in the original dark grey colour scheme.

Frostaxe in my righthand and Mastercrafted Bolt pistol in my left.

Frag and krak grenades, a melta bomb or 2 and a large sharp knife.

The wolf fur cloak gently billowing in the light breeze and the low whining hum of my jump pack on idle.

Surrounded by my Wolfguard I feel like a bloodclaw again... I want to bite and kill things... The hearts are pounding hard in my chest as if trying to burst out, the blood rushing around my body is almost deafening. On the very edge of succumbing to the curse, I feel the power it gives to me. I am an instrument of death and the wolftime is upon us.

Words are impossible now and me and my wolfguard howl and bay like the wolves of Fenris that we are.




Kudos to the Russ model I spotted in there Maverik :P

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As everyone rushes to the armory, I rush to the keg stores and fill my great companies ship to the brim with all the booze I can gather before everyone returns!


Then grab my bolt pistol and beaten chainsword, along with my beaten and dented power armor...there is a reason I will always be a blood claw!

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My shopping list from the Fang's Armory:


TDA (No Helmet)

Assault Cannon

Thunder Hammer

Master Crafted Stein of Ale ;)


Then when we are all engaged with the chaos scum, I can drink from the stein some of the Fang's finest ale while blazing away with my AC. When charging into CC, I can throw the MC stein of ale at a 1kson marine - much better than a frag grenade ;). What a SW would do in CC with the thunder hammer is pretty obvious ;).






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i think i would run up into the highlands, with my artificier armour, frostblade and stormbolter


then i would return an hour later...


... holding a huge dragon from the 'dragon-kin' on a leash, with some sea snakes in a sack on my back from the great sea, whilst riding on the wolf MORKAI after i had visited the land of the dead and brought back the thousands of dead SW's that have left us over the years



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My list of things I need to wage our good fight would be as follows



Frost Blade

Assault Cannon

Wolf Tooth Necklace

Wolf Pelt


I have fought in fierce battles and done my duty, so I'm not going to claim anything more than this. I still have much to learn, as do we all. Just to keep in mind that when such a glorious day as the returning of our chapter back to its legion status with our Primarch to lead us, we must keep one thing in mind.


Our foes would notice, and we will soon have the kind of fight we have always wanted to have. One Great Company at the Fang, and Every other loving Brother Son of Russ going to knock Chaos, Tau, Eldar, Necron, Tyranid and Ork skulls around because it's what we do and what we love.


For Russ! For the Wolf-Time!!!


Oh and raid the ale for good measure.

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My list of things.


1. Sober up.

2. A bloody good breakfast with bacon and eggs.

3. Two lightning claws.

4. A day glow warning triangle for my backpack so that my brothers know there is a wulfen out there dealing death and mayhem and rock bottom prices.


Praise Russ!

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Right, my to-do list:


1. Replace TDA Pads...

2. Clean and polish my Frost Mace

3. Charge Combi Melta

4. Check I've got Runic Charms, Wolf Talismans, Ale, can of whoop ass...

5. Mount up in my LRC

6. Call the Legio Olympia, ask them whether they want a Beer (My scratch built Titan Legion, pics coming soon)

7. Find Cypher, parade him in front of the DA to see what shade of puce they turn :P

8. Sort out Armageddon. I mean, you just can't trust the Guard these days...

9. Find the Author of "The Wolf Of Fenris" and hurt him. Utter :pinch:

10. Get utterly plastered whilst killing the Thousand Sons, then making sure they stay dead...


There, should sort all the problems out, and by then it should just about be "Beer-o-clock!!" (A cookie for where that comes from!)

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I would be there on my Bike with frost blade in hand and plasma pistol on my hip. My runic armor with the running wolf icon would be shining underneath my Wolf cloak. Around me, my pack would be on thier bikes. All ready to run down the foes of Russ.
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Cool Topic ! ;)


I would want my Terminator Armour ,Let the blood claws run down the foe if they flee. If they run from me , I will have my WolfGaurd mow them down with their assault cannons . For my weapons and wargear I will have: Frost Blade & ThunderHammer , a Wolf Tooth neclace , Runic Charm , and Wolf Tail Talisman.

For something different and cool I would want a Cloak of the Iron Wolf ( counts as admantium mantel ) ;)

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well as a proud member of the 13th, we would be poping out with our hella old school Mk II-V armour which scince its golden age technology is all likely to be equivlent to artificer(sp), figure what the heck, i'm a wulfen with WS5 and ST5 so i'll trim the claws a bit for a larger pair (dual lightning claws) and grab a few frag grenades and meltabombs looted from our foes. Walk out with a nice 10-15 pack of beloved wolves with me and a few other wolfen bretheren to watch my back. Oh and scince we meeting at the good old Fang, finaly drench my 10,000 year old thirst for some good fenrisian ale.
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Am I going to be the only one out there with normal PA on? You Barst*%ds!! Taking all the good kit! You utter Barst*%ds!


No re-roll for poor ol' brother Jonny. Sod im. He'll be alright, that'll learn him for taking the mark of the wulfen!


Now now , be a good Blood Claw and take out all that pent up aggression on the enemy ;) There is a good boy , now drink your ale :D

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Hmmm I would put up my new Power Armor(its almost as big as Haegr's :huh: i'm a big one :) ) then get my two-handed axe and my boltpistol, and would be waiting for one of the older wolf's order to get up on the transport machines to kill my enemies.
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Kriek Storm Lord's eyes unclouded and in a calm but joyfull voice proclaimed "He has returned! The lord of wolves has returned." Nearby Wolf Lord Thein Whitefang rose to his feet "Then we make for Fenris. Logan's vow be damned, we have paid for our crimes twice over and all loyal sons of Russ should be at his return." Amidst the cheers of the assembled Space Wolves he roared "Make ready the Thunder of Fenris, the Whitefang Company is going Home."


Thein will be armed with:

Rune armour

The Hellfang(frost blade)

White wolves pelt

and plasma pistol

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I would go with the classic Assault Cannon, Heavy Flamer, and Dreadnought Lightning claw for I am Venerable Dreadnought Odin Stormhammer, former Rune Priest.


Or "Odie" for those who dare nickname a Venerable. It tends to work out fine for my pack, but not so well for those standing against the wolves of Russ.

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Strapped into my black power armour and bearing the Crux Templarii upon my tabard, I would raise bolt pistol and power sword in battle. Let not the Sons of Russ go to war without their brothers in the Black Templars beside them!


For Dorn! For Russ! For the Emperor!

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Strapped into my black power armour and bearing the Crux Templarii upon my tabard, I would raise bolt pistol and power sword in battle. Let not the Sons of Russ go to war without their brothers in the Black Templars beside them!


For Dorn! For Russ! For the Emperor!


Its good to see our brother chapters ready to join in the fun! I hope you know, we wolves will fight along your side anyday!

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