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WOLF-TIME [scenario]


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Including what we should have





Crown Of Gram ( Iron Halo Property's Found Beneath The Planet Gram)

MOTW (Learned in the EOT by a lone 13th company scout)

Master Crafted Lightening Claws

Adimantium Wolf Fur Cloak ( A Relic Found In The EOT On a Great Hunt)

Wolf Pelt

Wolf Tail Talisment


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i would leave the fang

grabbing my chainsword stirly,bolter in the other hand

putting on my helmet, watching the air filled with hostile ships in orbit,

watching my wolf brothers once more

then a loud howl and storm down to the deployed forces of evil,trying to kill more of them then rRuss himself!

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  • 2 months later...

terminator armour

double headed frost-axe


wolf pelt cloak

wolf tooth neclace

powersword (so when i leave my axe in magnus the red ill have something to kill abdon with)



and of course a good old ale horn

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Hmmm... if Russ returned I think I would still stick to my carapace armor. Every Primarch needs at least one sneaky little bast@rd to watch his back. So a Bolt pistol, grenades, and of course my trusty poking and stabbing object. (aka the frost shovel.) And don't forget the keg that I keep in my nearby "borrowed" rhino. (Don't tell those dress wearing marines, but I nipped it from them.)
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If I were a Wolf Lord I would have:

Frag Grenades

Melta Bombs

Runic Armour

Runic Charm

Wolf Pelt

Wolf Tail Talisman

Wolf Tooth Necklace

and master crafted frost claws - could not decided between frost blade and pair of lighting claws so I created a relic which function as a pair of lighting claws which give +1 strength like a frost blade does and are master crafted (found on a great hunt)


Otherwise good old bolt pistol, chainsword, power armour and a stein of ale



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1.Get a new helmet finally(Got drunk and sat on it)

2.Sneak into the armory, avoiding the drunken swings of the other Wolves.

3.Grab a bolter, wolf pelt, frost blade, and chain a stick to a ceramite pint glass so if all else fails, I have a damn tasty mace.


Then I'd just wait untill we hit planetside, erupt from my drop pod and start blasting away at.......whatever the hell we happened to be fighting, but then it never really matters, does it?

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I'll have my Wolftooth necklace, Runic Charms, Wolfpelt and Wolftail talisman ready (no lord can do with these nowadays)


Get myself some nice shiny TDA armour stormbolter and my trusty Frostaxe.


(Tell my Wolfguard to take out their best suits)


That pretty much sums it up. Maybe i'll add a Howl to it and some ale and meat. Can't fight on an empty stomach now can we.

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Runic armour




Melta bombs

Runic charm, wolftooth necklace



mastercrafted frost axe



My 4 wolves

that make me about 250 points of killing :)

And id be first in the enemy's of Russ

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i think id be a little modern and drop a cuppla nukes of ale on there heads :P happy to be of help

I'v edited the unnecessary swear word in disguise out of your post, this be course the B&C staff have found that there is more and more use of sterisks or other symbols to disguises the word from the swear filter, from now on the staff will be looking for these and in time we will be handing out warnings for these to.


Carry on with the thread and be nice ;)

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Ok, my list at the moment would be;


Rune Armour (TDA is too slow)

Master Crafted Frost Blade

Master Crafted Combi Bolter

Signigifcant wolf charms (counting as a pelt & necklace)

And several dozen wolves


Oh and one of those hats with the drinks on either sides, one drink would

be combat stims (why not aye?) and the other would be ale

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I'd gather a retinue of my finest warriors, let them gear themselves appropriately, and load them up in my trusty Land Raider Crusader Variant, Bloodmoon.


After sending them off to the battlefield, I'll catch up after dusting off the old Leman Russ Exterminator I used to drive, before I became inducted in the Wolf Guard. I intend to take those Autocannons to the grave if I have to, and have them fitted to my (As of yet inactive) Dreadnought when the time comes.


I'll enjoy watching the looks of horror on those traitorous faces as they face off against a storm of shells!


Of course, when things get down to combat, I wouldn't mind hopping off my old Exterminator clutching Plasma Pistol and Frost Axe. All I need at my waist is my Belt of Russ, with microgrenade dispensers.

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well as a proud member of the 13th, we would be popping out with our hella old school Mk II-V armor which since its golden age technology is all likely to be equivalent to artificer(sp), figure what the heck, I'm a wulfen with WS5 and ST5 so I'll trim the claws a bit for a larger pair (dual lightning claws) and grab a few frag grenades and meltabombs looted from our foes. Walk out with a nice 10-15 pack of beloved wolves with me and a few other wolfen brethren to watch my back. Oh and since we meeting at the good old Fang, finally drench my 10,000 year old thirst for some good fenrisian ale.



golly, reading my old post and seeing that new collectors model with the twin lightning claw, THEY STOLE MY IDEA, hahaha well at least the model looks kick ass lol.

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Giovanni Sangornok stared at the elaborate mosaic tiling of his grand meeting chamber, thoughtfully scratching his chin. The recent months were troubling, as many of the rune priests under his command were reporting that strange visions were coming to them. He had ordered all wolf priests not on active duty to seek insight into these visions and each one that came to him had the same to say…

The Wolf Time Grows Near…

He exhaled steadily before taking a long swill of ale from the heavy tankard by his side.

“So it begins,” thought Giovanni Sangornok Great Wolf of the Night Howlers a successor chapter of the mighty Space Wolves.

“Then we must prepare the fleets for Russ’s arrival.”

“Commodore Jerlo, We need to call back the pack my brother, we need to return to our shattered home world to regroup and prepare…”

“Sir is it as the priests say? Is it…?”

“Yes, Jerlo it is… the end times are upon us.”

“Right away Great Wolf We shall begin communications with our fellow wolf chapters! The Emperor and Russ Protect!”


Well thought I’d write a quick bit on this to!

As for me I’ll be taking my suit of power armour which I have mended time and time again, the elaborate Bolt pistol given to me by my great mentor and friend, The Great Hammer Forseti, and my trusty storm shield. Oh ya can’t forget the runic charms wolf tooth necklace and the wolf tail talismans. And the pelt of a mighty wolf to top it all off!

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  • 1 month later...
with the 5th edition here, and the new Space Marine codex not far.. I'm liking the storm shields cited as granting 3+ Invulnerable vs all attacks (shooting and assault) so my wolf guard assault terminators will be branding those and taking names in the name of RUSS!! having Sternguard Veterans special ammo types would come in very handy at the battle, but if all else fails nothing says Space Wolf than a chainsword hacking away at my foes!!!!!
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I smile as I watch all you pups head out into the heat of battle. I gather the last 4 survivors of my former blood claw pack, let everybody stock up on ammunition and the biggest guns they can find and a barrel of ale for everybody. Then i'd put on my warm underwear, could be a long and cold day you know.

After taking a tour in my trusted ol' razorback with my buddys we set our camp somewhere in the mountains. We will be laughing about the old times, tell insane stories of heroism and maybe be a little melancholic because all our friends have long died. Then, after having drunk all the ale we had, we finally see the enemy approaching. I, as the pack leader, watch as my old long fang brothers let fire and death rain upon the enemies of russ, telling them who they should shoot.


Then, when i see an incoming bullet heading for one of my old buddies i will jump right into it. As I lie there and bleed to death i'll say something like " I'll miss you ugly ogrin-lovers, be sure to get that bastard who shot me. Have a drink on me, will you?"


They will have to do without split fire from then on, but they don't need it anymore anyway because they will aim everything they've got at whoever killed me ^^

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I know I am not a true wolf (my guys just kinda like to thank you guys for saving them and so imitat your traites) but i will still answer the call.

I'll just grab my power armour, crusade sword (a frost weapon, that can be held two handed. str7 anyone) and my twin automatic bolt pistols and I'll see you on the ground, last one to the kill buys the beer.

*leaps onto a speeding Rhino, regardless of safty and howls "Its not a Dark Angel robe! its a trench coat"*

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