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Silver Towers of Tzeentch

Dark Bjoern

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I want to build like 50 THOUSAND OF THEM!!!! lol not really maybe one, but this was my idea make a circle base, na dmake it look like a tower but with some guns poking out and make it look Tzeentch-ish. Does anyone know what it supposed to look like just wonder whats with that no picture thing, gets me mad! but happy more Chaos data sheets!
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The old Epic one was 3 towers on a round base that looked like rocks below. I would suggest something at a minimum the size of a CD or something slightly larger (maybe the smaller hubcaps) add foam to the edges for rock effect, then use PVC pipes for 3 towers with some Fantasy add on bits....
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Rocks, well thats disapointing, I had always pictured inmy head that it would look like a disc with 3 towers that resembled maybe mushrooms. The entire thing would be a super reflective polished silver, and the Stems of the tower(the main bit before the discs on the top) would have carvings\sybols etc on them that in a fluff universe would be constantly changing but obviously not on the model!


Maybe FW will release a model for these new super heavies?

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What would the base be because I don't know what you mean by saying CD, also you can put icons of tzeentch on the rocks, and other stuff, I thought the sliver tower from data sheet was only one tower not 3.
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CD = compact disc as a base. I think that's a mite small for a Superheavy skimmer. I'm thinking at least a 9" diameter, roughly the length of a Baneblade, as a base. 12" vinyl record ought to cover it. :HQ:


The datasheet describes it as a "cluster of towers on a floating disc", which implies multiple structures on one base.

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when I'm reading it again and again it talks about fluff wise that it comes with other towers on an island floating thing, I can get the idea of multiple towers but it seems like that it talks and gives points for just one tower.
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when I'm reading it again and again it talks about fluff wise that it comes with other towers on an island floating thing, I can get the idea of multiple towers but it seems like that it talks and gives points for just one tower.


I think that the entire island is the "tower" rules wise, but modeling wise and fluff wise you could have anything from a single tower to a city up there. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I tried mine last Saturday in a 10k/side Apocalypse battle. It's ability to "shroud" friendly units was the most useful, as the poor thing turned into a fire magnet, and finally was reduced to 0 structure points in turn 2. Of course, it then provided cover for my corrupted Hellhammer for the rest of the game. The shooting of the tower is rather nasty, and having BS4 was a plus- using the d6 shot gun (Forget the name) I was able to down an Eldar Nightwing. Sadly, there weren't any tasty targets for the bolt of power due to a misplaced Blind Barrage- Damn allies :P.


Would I take it again? Maybe. But it makes such a large target I might be better off paying a few hundred points more for a ground-based super heavy.

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I've always envisioned them likes Sauron's tower:

I'd take a CD spray expanding foam on, then flip it and continue with a sick awesome tower(expanding foam on under side of CD, tower on overside) Appropriate fire effects, semi translucent tower parts, and enormous lightning bolts would also be added of course...

You know what? I'll build one. I'll post my progress here :P





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  • 3 years later...

Ok, this thread has been dead for a while, but I'm wondering if anyone , except this guy: http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.p...(silver)-Towers


has actually built Silver Towers that look awesomely Tzeentchian? I stumbled upon these the other day and thought to myself "Holy [a number of inappropriate curse words] those look like the hottest and most awesome things i have ever laid my eyes upon! (Maybe except for the bodyrock.tv girl, and a 68 Dodge Charger), and i began thinking how I could build my own.


I have had thoughts of converting Bastions and combine them with wall sections from the Sanctum Imperialis and Administrorum Or maybe combining a WHFB Fortress Tower with various Sanctum and Administrorum bits, and possibly building some sort of Aztek-ish step pyramid looking thing with magic guns, daemons and more magic guns and daemons, (hippie) crystals sticking out and a good, solid 8-9" base that looks like the Tower has just been ripped from earth and is floating around with parts of the earth hanging from beneath it.


I would like it to be five sided, and slightly pyramid shaped, raising to a sleek monolith or two. No round towers here...


Perhaps a Drop pod could be the start of one? Or plasticard?


My Alpha legion is by the way being more and more influenced by the Changer of Ways...

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A local guy did these, never really saw a good place to post it before.




Ohh! Those look great! is he going to paint them as well?

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Well... its been a long-time and I can't find the threads as I researched them before.


custom-cut acrylic


I've seen pictures of other custom-cut acrylic stuff painted with airbrushes, and those seem to work out well.

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