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Sanctus Crusade

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Right, I finally have pics for you.


First up, my Stormraven work:



Hopefully you can make out the homemade canards and straightened main wing. I've moved the ML to the turret up top. Current idea is to leave the assault cannons on there as well to leave a 360 degree turret o' death, that can fire on pursuers if I leave the top intake off.


Next up is the start of Sigismund (himself).



I hope the intent of the pose is clear (he's missing the black sword from his right hand), but I'm currently trying to decide on what to do with his armour.


Either I want it to be really ornate, lots of sculpted decoration; or I want it to be very plain and smooth, possibly with painted ornamentation. What do you guys reckon?


Any other C&C appreciated!

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The Stormfinch is nearly done. (excuse the elastic bands)




I really like how it's turned out, actually. Still got to have a go at adding some VTOL thrusters on the tail but otherwise just waiting to paint the interior before I glue everything together.

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That Stormraven looks hugely impressive! I like what you have done with the turret, i think i shall "borrow" that idea!!!


I think a dark grey would go well or something similarly dark, i think lighter interiors don't go well!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Managed to get the interior done, but couldn't be bothered keeping it open to look inside (:D) so I've put the whole thing together, here's what my stormraven pattern looks like! Still a couple of finishing touches to make before I spray it.


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