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hell talon

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hey all been a while .

i thought i would show you a little project i have been working on ,now i know the painting is a bit choppy but trying to do something like this takes sooooo much patience ,and i have the attention span of a toddler ;)





the idea is for a tzeentch inspired army of which i will be showing soon

c and c always welcome

cheers :P D

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that is one sweet Hell Talon...i allways wanted one :P now your making me fork out money for one >.<


i love the attention to the scheme you've done i absolutely, 110% love the runic light blue pattern...!


so, what do you plan on painting on it next?


best of luck to you ;)



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That is an absolutely stunning paint scheme. Wow, I don't know what more to say other than...wow!


Ok, maybe one thing. Are you going to darken the gold? The only reason I ask is that the blue runic pattern is so incredible, it would be a shame to overwhelm it with a really shiny metal.


Wow! Go dog go!

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That is an absolutely stunning paint scheme. Wow, I don't know what more to say other than...wow!


Ok, maybe one thing. Are you going to darken the gold? The only reason I ask is that the blue runic pattern is so incredible, it would be a shame to overwhelm it with a really shiny metal.


Wow! Go dog go!


a fine point, Honda ;) i gotta agree...you could try a darkened metallic or NMM effect...hell, do anything to preserve that BLUE! its gorgeous :)


i would hug you if you lived close by :devil:



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Very nice runic effect on the blue, but I agree with the others: The gold is too bright. If you can find them in your area, try Blighted Gold from the P3 paint line, it's a very dark greenish-gold color that makes for a very nice base/shade for gold that isn't quite so bright.
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Good job. The worst part about a paint scheme like that is once you start it, you have to do every plate section the same insanely detailed way. My rhinos and my landraider taught me that lesson. Of course Blastmarker Billy and other snazzy models I've done since the Vancouver GT have shown I didn't lose my lesson. But on such a big piece those tiny lines can break your will to live or at least to paint...


I too will probably one day do a Forgeworld flyer. I like their stuff, but even one of their dreads took me so long to get done to a high standard, but I'll do another one, maybe two somday.

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WOW thanx for the comments guys ,as for the name yep i was wrong its a hell blade (well spotted guyver074) funny thing is i always see it as a talon as it is the smaller craft maybe its just me ,the same as my mate thinks the sonic blaster should have been the heavy weapon as he says it sounds like a heavy weapon but i digress. :lol:

the blue is actually hawk turquoise which i think is such a cool underated colour topped with a mix of hawk turquoise and ice blue 50/50 ,it is in wip because i now have to go over the pattern with a lighter shade to make it pop.

the gold is actually a dark brassy colour but the lights i used kind of put a big shine on which is not evident in reallity,and it has been inked a lot to darken it ,hey thats metallics for you.

and muskie you are so right it does kind of drive you mad ,wishing you had'nt started but knowing you have to finish it.i found the hardest part was making the patterns up as you go along, soooo mind numbing thank the chaos gods for i pod.

as for time scale the hawk turqoise gets a great finish in a couple of coats ,and the pattern was done over a couple of free hours over two nights ,and still more to do

cheers D :)

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I learned that lesson hard doing the Diseased Sons, especially my landraider for the Vancouver GT. I don't know why I started doing crazy stuff while painting it, I didn't do as much highlighting as you plan to do and certain portions of it are cooler than other parts.


I will say this though, after this afternoons frustration with a tiny bit of greenstuff, I'd rather do free hand than GS work that is real finicky.


Now I gotta find a picture in iPhoto...


I actually have my army in the same country as me again, even the same city, but I have no internet access at home. Luckily I have a photo of what I want I just had to crop it. The tank is covered in all sorts of wacky freehand, some game out good, some not so good. I used Goblin Green over Dark Angels Green with some washes and glazes and maybe a little Striking Scorpion Green. I was definitely in a hurry, a lot of long days and late nights painting that GT army. Here is my favourite mudflap:



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update time

as you can see i have done one sides highlights and hopefully you can see that the metal is darker than previouse pics ,i repositioned the lights to try and get a more realistic pic

and muskie thats one wicked mudflap :wub:

once again thankyou for the compliments it inspires to push oneself.

cheers D :tu:

OOPS forgot pics here goes




lol cant beleive i did that :D

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