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i have been following your blog OMG but thats amazing!

How did you place?



We didnt do too well sadly :( I blame myself largely.


I made some bloody novice mistakes in 3/4 games and wasnt firm enough with a blood hungry partner of mine in the other >_<



OMG and I had a GREAT last game where we absolutely destroyed a SM drop pod force- i gave away 160 VP only he gave away 400 odd (+200odd for additional stuff) and we all but wiped the board of the opponent HOWEVER......neither of us read that we had to kill the transports of the enemy too- so we wound up drawing or..even losing our last game >_< big dissappointment there.


Koyote and I also had a great game together where 2 more inches of movement would have made all the difference.

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Looks great guys. The shirts markers and display rock. I didn't get to see you all on Saturday, but believe we met Sunday when my Blood Angels were taking on an army of Death Guard. On of my my few wins over the weekend.


Wish I could have seen your armies in action.

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You know, I'm not one for tournaments much anymore, but this sounds like it was a lot of fun. Now if only I didn't live 3,500 miles from any major gaming conventions...



I flew from Japan matey - no excuses for you.


OMG is also a self-confessed non-tourney player. But, the team event it much more than just a tourney =D

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At random, I have to ask how the landspeeders did for you. I'm still one of the weirdos that runs them over our attack bikes (I can tack a flamer onto it and multi-role it for cheap). I'm especially leery of the 100pt model that you're running, but curious about how they've done for you.
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I do love my speeders. I learned how to use them by the local Eldar master who really knew how to make Saim-Hann lists work. All is possible with the proper model placement; sniping heavy weapons & characters, anti-hoard, anti-tank (w/plenty of rear armor shot potential), last turn objective grabbing, etc., etc.

There’s little they can’t do but they do require careful planning & optimal placement.



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I enjoyed the Dakka game :D ...but..daaaaamn i was stupid with one move >_< *a head full of what ifs*


Lists were:






10 Tac- Las/Melta/PW

10 Tac- Las/Melta

8 DC

1 Tornado

1 Tornado


Morticon -



10 Tac - Las/Melta/Fist

10 Tac - Las/Melta/Fist


7 DC

1 MM Attack Bike


SteelArmadillo -


Chaplain - JP

10 Tac - Las/Flamer/PW

7 DC

5 Dev - HB/HB/ML

5 Termies- AC

2 Attack Bike- HB/HB




Chaplain- JP

10 Tac- Las/Plas


10 Dev - 4ML


9 DC

1 Attack Bike - MM.

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We had a really good run at the tourney. Mucho fun to buddy up with guys from the board. I was pleased with how my troops turned out. Mine were the wost of the four but not so much as to make me cry and hide my face in shame. Still need to work on in game skills. DEPLOYMENT DEPLOYMENT DEPLOYMENT!! Koyote is the master at this skill.


Mort mentioned being stuck with an overzealous partner in one game. That is me. I am way too impatient and push forward way way to early. The biggest win I had was paired up with Koyote against tau. The termies saved the day at the end by surviving an onslaugt of tau shooting to capture the primary objective.


OMG and I squeaked out a draw in our game and so did Morticon and I. However Koyoted and I did not pay attention to the objective rules and blew it on the last game. We fought the drop pod asscan army with endless "6's". It was rend-o-rrific. Neither of use to roll a save or a decent armour pen or armour damage. Not pretty.


Great fun, barely catching up on sleep today. Weeeeee!! :D

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Good to meet all of you there! Your armies looked fantastic, even yours Steel Armadillo! I think you all did the BnC proud, especially the Blood Angels portion. Also SA, if you ever want to get some more practice in lemme know. I still stop in the Shorewood store sometimes Tuesdays through Thursdays. Ever since they stopped Greybeards I never see ya around.


-the Hat

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