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Mephiston WIP


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I've started on my mephiston model!:




I typically don't use white primer as I prefer the naturally created shadows that black primer provides. However, with such a neat model, I had to try my hand at a slightly higher quality of painting.


I'm trying to focus more on color theory, lighting and the smaller details. For example, the face was done with several washes of purple and blue to bring out the yellow-y skintone.


The inside of the cloak which Ive begun painting is a dark green which I feel will bring out the reds and pinks and yellows of the skintone and armor. the blonde hair was also washed with dark green for contrast.


I've also determined my lightsource to be the upper right hand side of the frame and will shade and highlight accordingly instead of just doing random extreme highlights on the armor like i usually do.


So far I've spent about 4 hours on the mini.


I'm having trouble deciding which color to paint the tubes leading out from his psychic hood. I'm thinking green but I don't want it to overpower the bright reds i'm planning for the armor.


any thoughts?


here's a closeup of his face


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  • 7 months later...
I'm having trouble deciding which color to paint the tubes leading out from his psychic hood. I'm thinking green but I don't want it to overpower the bright reds i'm planning for the armor.


Any updates yet? As for the tubes, I'm planning blues for mine, and I think it would compliment nicely without overpowering the rest.


That face is just spectacular by the way, very jealous. :lol:

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