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Collaborative Chapter Creation III


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White Minatours


"I noticed that there Dev squad was armed with Heavy Bolters and I thought it interesting with their gold armor."

"A chapter which has caught my eye would be the White Minatours, to see if we can avoid the temptation to make them combat crazed killers like the red and yellow brethren. The Heavy Bolters could (but don't have to be) used as a hint towards a theme, a chapter that loves rapid fire weaponry. It ain't much, but it is something to build on."

"Ornate gold armor; preferring to engage the enemy from range with rapid fire and melta weapons before cutting them down in close combat, but not siege oriented. Think hail of withering fire vice big guns from range."

"If we do go along the lines of White Minatours then perhaps the theme should relate round Greek legends...if i may be so bold as to give an example......... The Home world of the White Minatours is known as Grete. It has one main landmass several smaller islands the largest of these is named Knossus where the chapter of the White Minatours is based in the Monestary known as the Labyrinth. "

"There is also the ancient Egyptian god Apis is often depicted as a bull, or bull-headed man

and Ushi-oni another bull-headed monster; from Japanese folklore. (I can see a Monastery Fortress looking like a Japanese Castle.) **I like this one**

They can also be found in Mesopotamian mythology Shedu had a bull body and a human head."

"Ok I know it looks like it is leaning towards the White Minataurs, The name just makes me think of 13th founding no matter what color or name is put in conjunction with it, but I would like to throw a couple others in for consideration,"

"A gun concious bunch who prefer shooting from afar than in close combat (although as marines they still do so often during fighting)."

"Umm I might be on my own here, but I really don't think that the White Minotaurs should be range based...although I could see them having a distrust of more complex tech (e.g. plasma) so they stick to 'traditional' weapons (e.g. heavy bolters)...that is if we are going to do the White Minotaurs"

"I would avoid the Greek/Minatour reference, just because it is so obvious, and generally I dislike this. This could even stretch to the other bull-headed gods/creatures, I would be more inclined to suggest looking at what 'historically' bulls have represented."

"Their home world is in the Cetaurus Arm of the Galaxy, but they have outposts in other regions, generally on boarders of imperial space.

Are quick to be angered.

They are known for helping deal with the aftermath of a campaign and when they encounter fledgling Imperial outposts they often offer aid.

They have a distrust of more complex technology and prefer to use tested and reliable technology and weapons.

In battle they are known to deal massive amounts of damage to their enemies.

Double edged axe is awarded to battle brothers who have distinguished themselves in battle"

"With the White Minatours they scream "Greekness" but personally I would like to stay away from that its been very done.

But, Minatours are pretty exclusively Greek. I would still like to consider maybe the Japanese aspect"

"Although, to distinguish them from their berzerker cousins, I think the White Minotaurs are a more civilized & enlightened form of destroyer. Yes, they may be quick to anger, but they are focused. And there is certainly more than Greek symbolism. Take the basic form: the Bull. In Hinduism, Nandin is a pure white bull which is ridden by Shiva, the Destroyer. In this case it symbolizes physical energy which Shiva transforms into spiritual energy. Shiva's white bull also represents strength, justice, and the cosmic order."

"Minotaurs could represent strength or cunning, eagles could represent power speed or nobility, and that's not even thinking of the descriptive words and whatnot!"

"If we have to do the White Minotaurs (I'm not a fan of the name) maybe lets take a look into the Spanish bull fights - there are 3 (or more, I'm not sure) different types of fighters and every one has its specific role-maybe the Combat doctrine of the White Minotaurs could mimic the bull fights in some way?"

"I vote for the White minatours though based on the Minoans, not the Greeks"

Angels of Fire


"A 'Cleansed Fire Blade'? How cool is that?

They have a decent history, having participated at Armageddon in the Third War, yet having not been stringently detailed. Works for us. They could also be taken in a number of ways, depending on the whims of the community. "

"they scream Blood Angels with a twist to me. I do agree the power sword is a mystery that could be expanded on."

"Angels of Fire, to me, scream a similar philosophy to the Sisters of Battle, purge everything with flame. Very obvious from their name, which i'm not an over fan of, but with the flames on their armour, this guys would awesomely scary marching through the flames of your fallen comrades."

Dark Sons

""interesting color scheme/logo, which is alot for me because I hate green normally."

"The Dark Sons sound quite interesting, a nice gothic chapter with some brooding going on. Maybe they don't feel loved."

"Ultramarine stock, founding TBD, an Astartes Preas chapter located dangerously near the Ulthe Craftword. There time spent in and near the Eye has caused the Sus-An membrain to mutate instead of allowing them to hybernate it causes severe insomnia that can potential lead to madness and makes them a very dark and brooding chapter, they also have had many alliances with the Eldar against the forces of chaos, a somewhat close and as yet determined connection to the Eldar. Still needs alot of fluffing out."

"I too would like to see the Dark Sons done. Maybe their are a chapter that isn't so proud of its heritage and genetic legacy? Maybe their ashamed by the impurity of their geneseed? They could be the Raven Guard or Blood Angels successors and hate their Primarch for coursing their genetic impurity."

"I vote Dark Sons there is alot of potential just in the name for story archs and fluff, the others just seem to generic. "

Eagle Warriors

"The eagle warriors could be based on american indian tribes, each company representing it's own tribe based on an idol, like the hawk or lion etc. Probably close to the codex with a little divergeance in company or squad make up. A pre-disposition towards cc or fast lightning strikes using land speeders, assault squads and scouts. The chapter would probably be nomadic, like indian tribes, not settling on a particular homeworld, but gathering initiates from any planet they come across, or those who prove themselves in battle. Just a little brief"

"I like this idea. I've always loved the American Indian feel since Deathwing was introduced in Genesteeler.

Each fighting "tribe" set up much like the Salamanders with a council instead of a Master. Each tribe can

represent its own fighting style and specialty. The Council "members" hold the Chapters Terminator

armor, tribe "Crow" uses Jump packs while tribe "Eagle Feather" used Speeders.

"Eagle Warriors are a much more flexible force and while Meso-Americans

culture is interesting I still would want to look into the American Indian aspect I

believe it may offer more options."

"As tempting as the Eagle Warriors may be, symbols of courage & sky & freedom...I must cast my lot with the White Minotaurs' supporters. Bull beats Eagle. Give me a storm over a clear sky any day of the week. "

"When called to action the coucil with gather and decide/debate what elements from what tribe will have

the honor of representing there Chapter on the field of battle."

"On the Eagle Warriors, you could also look at other 'ranks' of the Meso-Americans instead of Native Americans, which would introduce themes such as sacrafice etc "

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Dark Sons


A Chapter often working with the Eldar may have adopted some of their tactics/doctrine as well as values of their society. This would obviously put them very close to, if not already, committing heresey which always makes for plenty of scope in fluff as well as good opportunities for battles between the chapter and =I=.


The other ideas all seem to have been done before.




EDIT - oops, didn't see the vote buttons!

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Dark Sons - not my favourite of the names but a Chapter where no one has any preconceptions of what their homeworld culture should be like. With the rest of the chapters you have that preconception game going on. Angels of Fire must have flamers, Minotaurs are Minoan, etc.


The interesting direction would be to define a chapter's character by their actions and history rather than a homeworld culture or theme overtly linked to the name.

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I voted for Eagle Warriors, because I'm interested in how other people view 2nd Founding fluff. Being as I've (started) writing my IA on the Patriarchs of Ulixis, there's never enough love showed to the Primogenitors... the Progenitor Legions get all the glory!
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Dark Sons


I just really like the idea of a chapter that resents not only themselves, but what they do. The Eldar angle may be a bit old due to the DoW stuff, but it seems sufficiently different. That and you don't see many green colour schemes...

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for me, gotta be Dark Sons, don't know anything about them but i love this idea -


Their time spent in and near the Eye has caused the Sus-An membrain to mutate instead of allowing them to hybernate it causes severe insomnia that can potential lead to madness and makes them a very dark and brooding chapter


a chapter full of insomniacs who are all being slowly driven slightly mad, very jumpy, paranoid and going psychotic, cool!

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