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[LPC] Chapter Masters - Templar COMPLETED!

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I was a little disappointed when I held the box of Chapter Masters at the local hobby store. Metal...no mods for me...forced poses. The poses on the back of the box are more of a statue than an active "I'm ready for battle" type of look. So I put the box down and picked up a box of Termies instead.

Master of the Watch - With Auspex in hand, he is ready to guide the battle or tear it up with a few nastys. On duty 25/7 (allowing for leap hours), he provides the Chapter Master with up to moment reports of all pyskers, witches, mutants who need a good dose of the Emperors justice.


Master of the Arsenal - Have guns will travel, maxed out for close combat, and distance. Don't run or you'll just die tired. He's here to demonstrate a mastery of all that goes BOOM!


Master of the Fleet - This flyboy has style, if you don't agree ... just let him know during the next boarding action.


Master of Recruits - Join now or die! This banner toting baldy is the poster marine for the Chapter complete with full heraldry and purity seals regalia. They say he can pick a quality candidate with one look from his stealy eyes. Those who don't meet his approval - tap out or pass out.


I know they were supposed to be in standard armor but why? When better stuff is available for any in your face conflict.

Another way to make them look like Chapter Masters, is do like you said and convert them give them capes and some fancy adorments. Don't get me wrong the models look great especaily the one with the wings & the T-hammer(sorry if that sounded bitchy).


One thing I did that came out really well, was to use the Terminator models as a base, but I didnt use the back torso section. Instead use a standard SM back section, it will be covered up in the end so shouldnt look out of scale. I have a few pics of what I mean if anyone wants to see.


Again I'm not being an ass, even though it sounds like it, just trying to help you get a Chapter Master feel to your guys.

WIP Means just that...some ideas are good, some are great, all are accepted. Thats what I love about this folder, a great place to get ideas. Sometimes my own thought well runs dry.


So thank you one and all. I will make a few adjustments, see how they look, and try to post an update soon. We are branding this weekend and have a rodeo so I will be busy over the next few days. Not much time for my hobbies.


Thanks to all!

@Brother Richard, heres the SM's we discussed.


All in need of a repaint apart from the last one. Well maybe his head could use a touch up, and based a damm sight better.






This one was for my DIY chapter the...LEGION OF THE INVICTI SOLIS. As I remember it translates into "unconquered sun", in which I was going to have a heavily heat weapon based army, which I may pick up again one day.



I can do one of those show you how its done thingys, but pretty stright foward.



Damn I love Terminators, and to think when they first came out I shuned them.

  • 7 months later...

Here is a work in progress pic... update. Dusted these guys off last night and started with a Helbrecht type golden paint job for the Librarium painting challenge.

I have a couple of cloaks for them from the Warhammer Marauders sprue... thanks to Neal! Not sure that I can post a pic of Helbrecht and his golden armor.. but here is one WIP pic.


@Eberious - great pics.. sorry I didn't follow up sooner, I got sidetracked and did not see it until the librarium painting challenge revived the topic. I love the look of those guys! I have a squad of sword brethren who will be benefiting from your advice.

@ TIH- I like to hand prime my special characters...sadly these received the same flat black spray primer most of my troops are blessed with.


@ Starbuck - the right should pad is already adorned with the Templar Cross from the crusaders upgrade sprue.. later pics will be easier to see.


The grey is approx three coats of codex grey wash to make it easier to paint white, and bone for parchments.


The gold is sadly metalics because I just can not do justice with Non metalic metals yet.. still practicing when I get a chance. Metalics are really difficult to water down for a better flow, they just don't seem to mix well. I will have to search for a tutorial on that. In the meantime, I am doing a three parts paint to one part water mix, brushing it on the model and then going back over it with a wet-with-water-only brush to remove any brush strokes. It seems to be working okay at the moment.

Update - WIP number 2

I just read about a better method of painting metalics by baseing with a similar color, and then dry brush on the metalic color... so I have started with two coats of watered down snakebite leather on my Master of the Fleet and promptly dropped him ..broke off the wings.. ;)


I can see where this will be a big improvement over the gold on black look. I can't wait to see the difference.

Here is progress since last night...


I turned the Master of Recruits so you can now see the Templar shoulder pads..

Master of the Recruits - Update 14 Jan 2009

A little more work on the face and some red thrown on for good measure, the goal is for the plates to be golden in color but the base armor to be black as befitting the any Templar warrior. I wanted to get the base red on the shoulder pad before I brought in the white. It is so hard to cover any mistakes once the white is on, whereas right now I can clean up with grey.


This was my first attempt at hair stubble, with a few carefully controlled washes of grey on the top of the head and a cover of bronzed flesh as a wash. I think it came out pretty good.

I am looking at ways to show which company each Master came from which is difficult due to the lack of codex colors in Templar icongraphy/heraldry. So I am reviewing old legion era info for ideas.

My opinion, since BT don't really have permanent companies, and since these guys would probably be Marshals (the equivalent to a Captain in a codex chapter), maybe create a different crusade badge for each one? Or maybe personal heraldry?
  • 1 month later...

Thank you for the comment StrangeGuy.. as you will see below I have followed through and finally completed.

Each Chapter Master is a Marshall from his own crusades, yet all are working together for the mission of purging the vile xenos during the Declates crusade, so on each you will find a token of their brotherhood bond with the crimson fist, and each is sporting at least two crusade marks.


More pics when I get home to a real camera.

I must admit this is far from my better work, but I am away from home right now with alternative supplies. I want to redo the banner.. its just blaa


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