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my champion for a csm squad with nurgle icon


before anyone states that he does not look like a nurgle champion: i know


yet the fluff i wrote up for my chaos war band states that these worshippers of nurgle secretly hate their chosen patron for the mutations he brings them. (this hatred is of course pushed by the slaanesh lords that lead the war band). thus, the nurgle marines in my army chop off mutated parts of them and replace their bodies with bionics until nothing is left of them.


there have been enough fluff nazis on a german board (coincidence? XD) who have stated that this idea is bull<DELETED BY THE INQUISITION>, but it's my army, and i cry if i want to






he also supports my first attempts at NMM


c&c welcome of course, bring it ^^

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The pose is very cool and I really like how the bone color of the shoulder pads breaks up the color sceme. It compliments the red and black nicely.

I feel that the model could use one last sharp highlight on the edges of most of the areas, the black in particular.

Cleaner lines where two colors meet come with practice and thinning your paints can also help alot.

Apart from that it has a good (or brutal and intimidating) feel to it.

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I don't know why people started thrashing your fluff - it makes perfect sense to me and actually has precedent (i.e. Iron Warriors) I ran a similar idea with my Slaanesh Army.


It does appear that it could use a highlight or two (Or maybe it is the camera washing them out) but I think he looks great and I love the pose. Would love to see a whole squad of Red Nurgle Marines :)

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i just compared the mini to the picture and the camera does wash out some of the highlights.


i wanted to go more for a fleshy look with the red so it doesn't look as much like armor and more like well... flesh


the thrashing my fluff got was more for the fact that slaanesh and nurgle minions are joined together in my warband and people kept ranting on for pages on how freakin impossible that is


i argued that it's chaos and nothing is impossible ^^


it will (someday) be a ten-men squad but i only wanted to paint the icon bearer and champion red. but maybe the whole squad? well, i'll see

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I had a full out IW army b4 the new codex and I now run all my troops as DG it is very fluffy to get +1T FnP and -1I do to bionics(wich isnt around)and blight grenades are very techish if you think about it.Your fluff makes perfect sense to me keep it up cant wait to see the full squad.1 problem though if they cut off mutations why are there arms growing outa his backpack?
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1 problem though if they cut off mutations why are there arms growing outa his backpack?


well of course they just cut off the useless mutations. giant scythes growing out your backpack aren't the kind of thing a warrior chops off in anger ^^


@gideon bane: who? what? where? Oo


the icon/standard bearer of the squad is also built and primed and the remaing seven are more or less assembled but are no major conversions. will take me a couple of days to finish but i want the whole 2000 pts painted for whatever summer brings -_-

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  • 6 months later...
the icon/standard bearer of the squad is also built and primed and the remaing seven are more or less assembled but are no major conversions. will take me a couple of days to finish but i want the whole 2000 pts painted for whatever summer brings <_<

Hahaha, look at me the big joker! Time to commit some serious threadomancy!

I just finished the squad, hope you like 'em, comments and critisism is of course appreciated!

RanknFile Chaos Marines 1:



RanknFile Chaos Marines 2:



'Musician' and Banner Bearer



And a close up on the banner. Counts as a Nurgle Icon.


I do realize the Slaanesh symbol on the drum of the Musician is misplaced on a Nurgle Icon Squad member, it was one of those times where you paint something, are really proud of how well you did it, and then you start to think ":cuss what did I do?" ^^

Here are two not-very-good-and-quite-blurry pictures of how the Squad works together, I think it looks cool, but hey, I might be a little biased ^^



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I think you made great effort.


Really good use of Battle force :turned:


As Im working with Battle force of Chaos space marine my self I recognize the parts. But I use Zerg parts only for Zergs :P


You color scheme is very well done. I must admit that is great to be original.

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I actually got the full army set for when the codex came out ^^


I won't have Zerkers in my list so it doesn't really matter much where I use their parts.


I really want this army to be finished sometime 2009. Coming up for them will be:



Chaos Lord in Termi-Armour and Double LC's (built)


Sorcerer on (Jet)bike (built)


1 Counts-as Lucius/Khârn


5 Terminators (built and being painted)


10 Chosen (a couple built)


10 Noise Marines with custom made sonic weapons (a couple built)

+ Rhino with Extra Armor


10 Chaos Marines with Slaanesh Standard

+ Rhino with shovel


a Rhino for the guys above (which I will build out of a Carnifex because I am crazy)


2 Defilers (one 2-legged, one normal / both built)


1 Spawn (built)


Yeah, that's about it. After Christmas, I will have all the boxes I need, Muahaha!


Thanks for the feedback guys!

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  • 3 months later...


I posted the Sorcerer on Jetbike in its own thread, but I do want to have a little more content in here, too.

Renegade Ironclad Zaen, formerly of the Salamanders Chapter:




More pictures on my B.L.O.G.

Btw, I hope the flames look alright, they were really easy and fun to paint... which always makes me suspicious...

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  • 8 months later...

Thanks everyone!


@Müller: Yeah, they have lots of colors. While I am a fan of the grim and grimy darkness of the far future, I could not bring myself to paint my whole army in a simple one or two color scheme. I like to experiment with loads of colors and see how it looks. It's going to be even worse soon, since I paint nearly every squad in a different scheme... :)

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