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Crimson Fists, a Black Skull and a Scythe of the Emperor


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Hello all, I've been a long time lurker at this site and really been impressed with some of the work on here (especially some people's conversion work, which is still WAY beyond me at the moment), but I thought I'd bite the bullet and post a few things I've painted recently.


By way of an introduction, I got into the hobby when I was 11/12 years old (scarily 20 years ago, what the hell happened?), playing Advanced Heroquest (imo, one of the best things GW ever produced), progressing onto WHFB 3rd Ed just before the first boxed edition came out (and GW entered it's brightly painted toy stage :yes: ). I bought the odd WH40K miniature but never really got into it. The hobby fell by the wayside when I went to Uni and all my stuff was packed away in boxes.


Then a few years ago I discovered the Dan Abnett novels in my local Borders...


The wife is happy as it's helped break my addiction to online FPS games, and she is now helping feed my addiction to miniature painting.


I still don't have the WH40K rulebook or a Codex, but I'm enjoying painting the miniatures, and the idea is to have a fully painted army at some point!


Anyway, miniatures...


I'm no David Bailey, so apologies for the photographs (they did turn out better than I expected though).


Captain Gaius (Yep I know it's Latin, but what the hell...)


This is the chap who will be in charge of my small Crimson Fist contingent (2 squads complete, one more to go, then a Razorback). IMO one of the best miniatures Citadel have ever done, I can't actually remember when I bought him - but he probably has the dubious honour of being older than half the people in my local Games Workshop store... :(


Fairy Power Spray rescued him from a half finished Dark Angels paint scheme...





Hakkan Seth


My wife bought me this one for Christmas, thinking it was a loyalist Space Marine Lord, she was horrified at her mistake and offered to take it back to the store for a refund. I saw this as a convenient excuse to start a Chaos Space Marine Warband...


I'm not entirely happy with the skull on the banner, but my better half informed that it looks like a Cthulhu (sp?) skull and was therefore cool - so it stayed.




Comments and criticism are definitely welcome, neither models are varnished so amendments can be made. They won't win any awards, but I'm rather proud of them.





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Got anymore because i'm always looking for more ideas?


Veteran Sergeant Draco and out of focus squad




Well chuffed with this guy - not sure why the blue is so bright in the picture though, as he looks more like an Ultramarine here - needs a better picture of the whole squad (well, what is actually required is a better photographer, but hey...)


I'll take a few more pictures when I get the chance - I realised most people seem to take front and back shots of their miniatures too, so I'll do that at some point as well.


The results of your return to painting are looking good so far :rolleyes: The captain is nice and crisp and the lord is suitably chaosy. What colours did you use for the blue and red on your captain? And any pictures of the squads?


Thank you! I'm really no expert on painting so I've been making this stuff up as I go along...


The blue is pretty standard for painting Crimson Fists I think - regal blue over a black undercoat, highlighted with regal blue/ultramarine blue mix, up to pure Ultra blue and then ultra blue/ice blue mix.


The red on the captain is red gore equivalent* over a black undercoat, shaded with a base coat/black ink mix, then highlighted with the base coat, up through blood red and a mix of blood red and bleached bone for a final highlight.


On later models I've used the Mechandrite (sp?) red as a base coat.


*It's called "deep red" (I think) from a company called Gamecraft - when I bought that (a long time ago obviously), I could get it from my local model store, but they've stopped selling it. The only place I've seen them recently is Orc's Nest up in London

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Looking good ^_^. I paint my green in the same kinda style you paint your blue. It gives a way more better transition to the extreme highlight and really makes the model look brighter. Keep up the good work!
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looks good brevik ^_^


and i whole heartedly agree with your comment about that commander. he is one of the best ever produced by GW and i wish i still had mine :P


and congrats in getting back into the hobby.

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Cheers for the kind comments guys - very much appreciated!


I chose Crimson Fists mostly because of the colour scheme, but partly because I hadn't seen them done much elsewhere. There's also that nostalgia bit - even though I never bought the book, the front cover of the original rule set still stands out for me


Maybe it's because I'm a bit older now, but painting seems much easier than it used to be - I think increased patience is probably part (most) of it, but when I was a lad (even though it wasn't THAT long ago) we didn't have places like this as a reference/inspiration/educator - even simple things like "thin your paints" I never even knew about before I stumbled across the B&C.


The only problem with having increased patience is now I could possibly be the slowest painter in the world...


Another veteran sergeant (I love the veteran models) should be done soon, plus the rest of his squad.


Honest... ;)

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Welcome back, bother. Love the 'eavy metal style paintjobs. The Wash blends are gorgeous. The use of the metalics is nice and balanced. All in all thats a great looking group.


Great to see another old schooler. :lol: This army will look great at this high of quality of work.

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I'm going to add my voiice to the clamour...


Awesome models Brevik. I love the Crimson Fists paint job, and like the fact that your blue is as dark as it is. Frequently you see CFs that have been highlighted too much so they end up looking like Ultras with red hands. That and the fact you seem to have a really good handle on painting reds and blues makes for an excellent final product.


Both those models you showcased are classics - The Sergeant is one of my favourites - it is a shame he was limited edition (oops - no he's not - the guy with the crest I was thinking about :D )




Looking forward to seeing the rest of them.





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Again, thanks for the comments guys, really very much appreciated (and in stark contrast to the feedback I got as a mapper for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory if anyone ever played that).


@Widowmaker - I would love to get my hands on that ltd edition sergeant, ah well... ;)


Like I said, I'm a pretty slow painter, so apologies for the lack of updates:


Veteran Sergeant <<insert name here>>


Not sure what to call this chap yet - he's a fantastic model, probably my favourite of the veterans, and surprisingly straight-forward to paint. The gauntlet style fists made him ideal for a Crimson Fist army IMO. There are a couple of ropey bits on the model (don't look too closely at the greaves), but otherwise I'm pretty happy with the way he looks - I don't know if my painting skill will ever match some of the guys here, but I'm aiming for gaming quality, rather than display pieces.




The sheer amount of black around the studs is more a product of the camera I'm using rather than my painting as far as I can tell...


Back of Hakkan Seth


Not really that exciting, but it shows the cloak quite nicely




I have a habit of blathering on far more than I should (ask work colleagues and the wife), so if you lot think I'm writing too much in each post please feel free to tell me to stop it!

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Nice job...


Always liked the Veteran in custom Mk8 errant armour (the one with the power maul), my

favourite of the old(er) veterans in the current range.


You say gaming quality, hmmm I'd say these are better than the average gaming quality,

only thing seperating them from a nice place in a cabinet (when they're not mowing down

aliens, mutants and heretics that is) would be a little more fine detail, particularly the eyes.

But hey, I'm a display kind of guy anyway...


Liking the Chaos Lord, fairly original paint scheme. Cthulhu skull?? rings a bell, but not sure...

The skulls on spikes could probably do with being bone rather than black, would add some nice

contrast to the top of the model and make him stand out more on the table top.


Feel free to share any new stuff when you get it done, quite interested to see how this army




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I have one problem with that Veteran Sargent. His torso is very under-highlighted compared to the rest of him. It stands out as being too dark.


Apart from that, I like what you're doing. Keep up the good work!

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I have one problem with that Veteran Sargent. His torso is very under-highlighted compared to the rest of him. It stands out as being too dark.


Cool, thanks for that, I think I'd left it that way because of the fairly substantial chain running across it and the larger right shoulder pad - I'll highlight a bit further up from the bottom edge than I have so far.


Liking the Chaos Lord, fairly original paint scheme. Cthulhu skull?? rings a bell, but not sure...

The skulls on spikes could probably do with being bone rather than black, would add some nice

contrast to the top of the model and make him stand out more on the table top.


The name I'd come up with for the Chaos Warband was "The Black Skulls" (Neither clever nor particularly original, but hey...) so the black skulls on the miniature were kind of a theme, I'll have a think about painting them bone, but it would be nice to have an "undo" function...

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Brevik these are great, really, really REALLY great. After 20+ years away myself I'm struggling with black undercoat (ooh it were all different in my day) and finding something I'm happy with but I will persevere because you've just shown me what we lesser mortals (i.e. we're not 'eavy metal bods) can achieve. I look forward to seeing some your other stuff when you get it done.
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