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Crimson Fists, a Black Skull and a Scythe of the Emperor


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@Smogmunky - cheers for that mate - I know what you mean about black undercoats!


@Thraximus - how did I do what with the stormbolter? Do you meant the paint job? Sorry if I'm being a bit thick... :)


<Monty Python>And now for something completely different...</Monty Python>


Well not too different - all the blue and red was getting a bit monotonous, so I fancied doing something a bit different for a day or two, before cracking on with the Crimson Fists.


Back in my wild reckless youth I bought 10 womble marines (in one of those little boxes they used to do, after they'd stopped doing the box of 30) on a whim. Me buying miniatures on a whim was pretty common back then...


If I'd known what I know now, I would have bought 5 boxes.


So, looking through my old boxes of stuff, I have 10 of these marines (some still in bits, some painted in an awful attempt at a Dark Angels colour scheme :D ), an attack bike(? - a bike with sidecar and a multi melta) and a chaplain on a jet bike, all from around the same time. I have no idea if that would constitute an army or not, but I think it might make a 400 point force...


Sergeant Crassius


I'd been buggering about for a few weeks working out what colour scheme to paint this guy (and at some point, the rest of them too), he was in a pretty awful static pose, painted in dark green. Apparently (and fortunately) I'd used some pretty crappy plastic glue to put him together, so he came apart OK, and Fairy power spray dispensed with the green mess.


I'd toyed with Revilers, Blood Drinkers and Lamenters before deciding on Scythes of the Emperor.




I find yellow an incredibly frustrating colour to get right, so started with Snakebite Leather (the 15 year old version of the colour - not sure if the new one is the same) and mixed in Sunburst Yellow until the top highlights were just the yellow with some skull white.


As always, comments and criticism welcome.

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If I am correct Thraximus wants to know how you converted the stormbolter, unless it was like that originally. Keep up the good work!


Ah, nope, not a conversion - that's a "standard" arm.


As for the yellow, back in the day I always used to shade yellow with orange and it looked crap, this has a much better effect in my opinion.

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If I am correct Thraximus wants to know how you converted the stormbolter, unless it was like that originally. Keep up the good work!


Ah, nope, not a conversion - that's a "standard" arm.


Yar, I was asking about the stormbolter. That arm must be long out of production because I've never seen it before.



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Yar, I was asking about the stormbolter. That arm must be long out of production because I've never seen it before.


No idea if it's OOP or not, I only bought the blister pack around Christmas (just after I think), so I would hope not - of course, I can't find the miniature at all on the GW website... <_<

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  • 1 month later...
Yar, I was asking about the stormbolter. That arm must be long out of production because I've never seen it before.


No idea if it's OOP or not, I only bought the blister pack around Christmas (just after I think), so I would hope not - of course, I can't find the miniature at all on the GW website... ;)


Bit of threadomancy on my part, so apologies for that - just had my "Introduction to playing WH40K" session at the GW store in Swindon (day off work today) - a good laugh, and nice to play against someone who shares my philosophy on playing games (i.e. playing for fun, not necessarily winning).


No-one there seems to have seen that arm before either... :huh:


Hopefully have some more pictures of miniatures to post in the next couple of days...

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Hooray, I was wondering if this thread would get any more updates from you, looking forward to seeing more of your work.


Real life has got in the way, so finding time to sit down and paint some stuff is proving difficult... :tu:


No more Crimson Fists yet (I have 5 more marines, 5 scouts and a Razorback to go), but one thing I have completed is this chap, although the camera work is appalling, I'll try to take a better picture at some point:




I wonder if I'm the only one who finds gold really hard work, he looks OK, but I'm not totally happy with him. I'm not likely to be doing a Blood Angels army any time soon, so he'll just be sat in a display cabinet. I found the miniature in my local hobby shop for £1 (bit of a bargain I reckon), where I also bought the Ultramarine one from the same period (sans cloak sadly). I'm now just keeping my eye out for any of the rest of that collection.


The arm is from the horse-hair-crest Sargeant that came with the SM Army box at the start of V4.


Thanks for that, I'm surprised they put a limited edition arm in a blister pack, but I guess they must have had a surplus of them.

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Very nice, what's the recipe for the brown on the chaos lord ? Keep up the good work =)


Easy one, Just gradual building up of Graveyard Earth from the black, then adding Bleached Bone to it at the end - then all of it, including the metalwork, is washed with watered down brown ink.

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Motivation and concentration span are up so I've got something else finished...


Chaplain Cicero




Easily my favourite of the chaplain models, I'm pretty chuffed with him, although I still have to work on my highlighting as it still looks a bit "thick". The writing on the scrollwork on the chest is "representative" rather than actual words, as I was struggling to get neat looking lettering to work. I hope it doesn't detract too much from the model.


The crozius handle is meant to look like old worn red leather (like an old armchair), but it looks quite bright in the pictures, no idea why that is.


Criticism always welcome...

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To me the chaplain doesn't really show what chapter he is from, but other than that the work is outstanding. And for some reason his skull helmet is reminding me of Grim Fandango (And that I should go play that game again ;) ).


Also, I remember my grandfather having an old, red leather chair and I think you pulled it off quite nicely. :D

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As always thanks for the comments.


To me the chaplain doesn't really show what chapter he is from...


I had a bit of a dilemma with the chapter thing, if I followed what I've done with the rest of the Crimson Fists I guess I should have painted the studded shoulder pad blue with red studs, but I didn't think that would work particularly well - I've never thought Dark Blue and Black work anyway (whether it's miniature painting or personal clothing choice). I'd really like to leave him as he is, but I suppose painting the red fist symbol on the other shoulder pad and the opposing knee pad would work.



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  • 11 months later...

Hi all, long time no post...


Not been painting many space marines recently, hence the lack of updates, but I have a few now. I've been doing a lot of research into how to improve my painting, and I think that time spent is starting to pay off.


NOTE: Apologies for the shocking photography, the pictures are from my phone as that's the only thing I had at the time...


Benedictors Champion/Captain type character


This chap won me the single miniature category in the Swindon GW store's painting comp, hopefully I'll get some better pictures sorted out at some point.




I won a bloodletter stuck to an old paint pot, painted gold - but hey, I've never won anything before, so it's a decent start...


Forgeworld Inquisitor


Off the back of my win and me "self-pimping", one of the store staff asked me to paint a couple of miniatures for their upcoming WH40K campaign. The base is going to be done by another store staffer to match the store armies. These are probably going to be the only pics I will have of him as he's been handed over now. This model is an absolute joy to paint, it feels like he should be difficult, but he's not at all.


I'm not totally happy with the top of the cloak, but he was handed to me already constructed and I wasn't going to mess with that










Next up is Huron Blackheart, I've looked at the model in pieces, and I'm not sure he's going to be such a pleasant experience to paint...


As always, comments and constructive criticism greatly appreciated.




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Your work is very nice Brevik, and it is a mark of the quality both here at the B&C and in the wider hobby that you think you are merely average. Your blending in particular strikes me as skillful (I wish my own was that good - really, it isn't :) ). That blue in particular looks lovely. Congratulations, and keep showing us the pictures.


I really like your Tycho. Very nice job on the gold. Fancy sharing your recipe?

And please add the recipie for the blue too. I'd love to experiment with on a librarian. ;)

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