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Crimson Fists, a Black Skull and a Scythe of the Emperor


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Great to see your painting gracing the boards again, Brevik. Your Benedictors Champion is fantastic, the dark yellow and purple (is it purple?) look wonderful. The Inquisitor looks great as well. A unique take on his armor and that sword is just a beauty. :)
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Thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated.


this is why i hate this site... just hits home how bad i am at painting (although i am only 15 so i have plenty years of practice ahead of me! hehe!)


Mate, it is just practice, and being willing to learn - I've spent a couple of years now reading forums and sites like CMoN to improve my painting.


IRT punkfish - it's been a while since I did that gold so I don't remember the exact sequence - I think it was burnished gold, washed with the old Citadel brown ink, highlighted with burnished gold and then add mithril silver to it gradually for the top highlights. Now to do gold, I start with tin bitz, wash with a 50:50 mix of chaos black and scorched brown, then go through the graduated mixes from tin bitz through burnished gold to mithril silver - I think that makes sense!


IRT JMcL63 - regal blue, ultramarine blue and finish with ice blue, with 50:50 mixes in between. It's darker than an Ultramarine colour scheme, but not too dark.


...and finally, cheers Darth, yes that is purple (dodgy light in the GW display cabinet makes picking that out tricky from the photo), apparently it was the purple/yellow combo that won it for me. :)


The armour on the Inquisitor "paints itself" (a phrase pinched from a mate of mine in the store), the paint scheme almost got decided for me as I looked at it unpainted. I wanted it to look different to the Forgeworld paint job and the black just seemed to work. I'm particularly chuffed with the chest piece, before I painted it, it made me think of the carved ivory Christian icons & small sculptures in the British Museum, so that's the look I went for. I kind of wish there was more of that type of stuff on the model.




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  • 3 months later...

A bit of threadomancy...


Finished the Razorback for the Crimson Fists:






As always, comments and criticism welcome.





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The lone Razorback. You paint as slow as I do, Brevik! ^_^

In my defence mate, I have been painting lots of other stuff - I've started a blog as not all of it is Power Armour.


However, that looks absolutely fantastic. A well representation of the vehicle markings and a nice weathering touch to boot! Great job. :lol:

Cheers! I'm really chuffed with it, and it looks good with the rest of the boys in blue.


A while back I said I'd get better pictures of my Benedictors Company Champion - well, this has been achieved by getting someone else to take them...




Hopefully this shows off the chap a bit better - he's not perfect (I can already see where I've been improving recently), but I think he's quite effective.


As always, comments and criticism gratefully received.





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Well it's no wonder that you won that local painting competition with the Benedictors champion, he looks gorgeous. The purple and yellow go together well, as they usually complement each other, but the added dash of dark green on the loincloth really finishes the model, in my opinion. Your gold is also very stark, but the model looks great as a whole!
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Cheers guys, compliments much appreciated - but please feel free to criticise where you think I've made mistakes or where I can improve. :D


First of all, I would just like to say that your skills in blending and highlighting are class A. I absolutely love Rex, you did that awesome model justice. I'm not a big fan of your color choice on the EC, but you did do a great job painting them, and in a way that is not easy to achieve. However, if I can put forth one bit of constructive criticism, it is that the colors of the Chaos Lord are all very dark. They blend together in a way that they look terribly monochromatic when taken at a glance. I would add some brighter (not super bright, just a little) contrasting colors to break up the dark hue of the mini.



- Darth Bob

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Im not usually a fan of intensive highlighting, but yours doesnt bother me... just subtle enough I think.


Frankly though, your table top quality from the start of this thread is about what my display quality is. And to think, a number of people have asked me for painting advise this last year- those who cant do, teach ;).

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Cheers for the comments guys! <_<


However, if I can put forth one bit of constructive criticism, it is that the colors of the Chaos Lord are all very dark. They blend together in a way that they look terribly monochromatic when taken at a glance. I would add some brighter (not super bright, just a little) contrasting colors to break up the dark hue of the mini.


Good shout Bob, I'm seriously considering stripping him down and trying another colour scheme on him - what I was happy with a year or so ago, I'm much less happy with now, and I think he would look a lot better in a different colour scheme. I gave up on the Black Skulls army after painting him, so it's not a disaster if I dump the scheme.


Traditional Khornate colours would work well I think, but I'm also considering a black and purple, Slaanesh inspired scheme, although I don't think Slaanesh is big on skulls...


Otherwise I could always fit him in with my Nurgle army.


...and to think, a number of people have asked me for painting advise this last year- those who cant do, teach...


Regardless of painting ability, I reckon we all have something to offer in advice to others, and there's always something to learn in this hobby. Plus, I bet you can paint good looking stuff quicker than I can ;)

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Hooray, I was wondering if this thread would get any more updates from you, looking forward to seeing more of your work.





I wonder if I'm the only one who finds gold really hard work, he looks OK, but I'm not totally happy with him. I'm not likely to be doing a Blood Angels army any time soon, so he'll just be sat in a display cabinet. I found the miniature in my local hobby shop for £1 (bit of a bargain I reckon), where I also bought the Ultramarine one from the same period (sans cloak sadly). I'm now just keeping my eye out for any of the rest of that collection.


The arm is from the horse-hair-crest Sargeant that came with the SM Army box at the start of V4.


Thanks for that, I'm surprised they put a limited edition arm in a blister pack, but I guess they must have had a surplus of them.


What is that model?

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Hooray, I was wondering if this thread would get any more updates from you, looking forward to seeing more of your work.





I wonder if I'm the only one who finds gold really hard work, he looks OK, but I'm not totally happy with him. I'm not likely to be doing a Blood Angels army any time soon, so he'll just be sat in a display cabinet. I found the miniature in my local hobby shop for £1 (bit of a bargain I reckon), where I also bought the Ultramarine one from the same period (sans cloak sadly). I'm now just keeping my eye out for any of the rest of that collection.


The arm is from the horse-hair-crest Sargeant that came with the SM Army box at the start of V4.


Thanks for that, I'm surprised they put a limited edition arm in a blister pack, but I guess they must have had a surplus of them.


What is that model?


My Mistake, not Tycho, just a regular Blood Angels Captain.

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You are really modest in your painting talent man! They are awesome!


How did you paint the black on your Benedictors Company Champion? I'd love to now a i can never get it to look natural like yours.

Oh and one last thing, do you mind if I "borrow" your crimson fists painting technique for when i start mine? (by borrow I mean steal)

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My Mistake, not Tycho, just a regular Blood Angels Captain.


I recall hearing something along the lines of him being the inspiration for Tycho, based on him appearing in a battle report in WD. However, this has come from the very darkest depths of my mind, so I could have just imagined it...


Stuff of Legends link to the miniature.




You are really modest in your painting talent man! They are awesome!


To be honest, in comparison to some of the stuff you see here, like Olliekickflips' Njal (which is incredible), and on other sites like coolminiornot my stuff is average - but thank you anyway. ;)


How did you paint the black on your Benedictors Company Champion? I'd love to now a i can never get it to look natural like yours.

Oh and one last thing, do you mind if I "borrow" your crimson fists painting technique for when i start mine? (by borrow I mean steal)


Do you mean the purple mate? That's just GW's darker purple (I can never remember the name) with codex grey gradually added for highlight. Thinking about it, that would be a nice way to highlight black...

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Great job on your fist. Seeing these guys almost makes me want to get back to painting mine.


Go for it man, it would be great to know I've inspired someone else. :D


Did you free hand the fist on the Razorback? Looks good.


Cheers mate - yep, all the symbols on all my stuff are freehanded - for the sole reason that I hate transfers, or rather the application of them, a (probably irrational) hatred earned back when I was a youngster and making model planes.


Bloody things folding over on themselves and tearing... :D


Oh and to S. Bloodhowl, of course you can use my "painting technique", I don't think I can claim ownership to it anyway. ;)





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My Mistake, not Tycho, just a regular Blood Angels Captain.


Yes and no. He is officially a generic BA Captain model. He was also the model used to represent Captain Tycho when he made his first appearence in a WD battle report.

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Just a quick little update, finished this chap recently, let me know what you guys think. I'm not totally happy with the red, but it's not too bad. I'm finding it a tricky colour to paint for some reason.




As always criticism is welcome.





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I have one question though, where did you get the vet Sargent >>insert name here<< because i've been looking all over for that model!


He was one of a blister pack I bought ages ago - he was the reason I bought the blister pack to be honest. As far as I know he's been discontinued, which is a real shame as I always thought he was the best of all of them - your best bet is eBay I guess... :P

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The Crimson Fists and the Emperor's Champion look great. The one thing that bugs me is your black. For table top or gaming standards it is fine but on your miniatures it just pulls them down. Have you considered doing a "true" black where you start off with a very very dark blue and work your way up from there. If your interested in it I can post up a recipe that is in a White Dwarf magazine. It is a rather long process but the results are stunning and would really put you up above your "average".


Cheers, Messanger


Edit - HERE is an example of what "true" black looks like.

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