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Hey guys

Finally started on my world eaters, here are the first 2, please let me know what you think, especially about the beastmen heads, I'm not quite sure about them, I'm really looking forward to painting these, I will go for a very frenzied looking WE lots of movement, all comments appreciated.








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The poses are great, they really capture a berzerker charge ready to deal some death!!! They will add a cool sense of motion and dynaimic charge feeling to yuor army.


The heads are cool, but they are missing something...maybe a few dreadlocks, more gore or stuff dripping from them...

Add your sculpting skills to their faces and see what happens! IMO just plain plastic skulls form the WFB skeletons plastic warriors sprue would look great as helmets, and just beef them up with some sculpting and cables...


By the way, what type of modeling putty are you uisng? I've never seen it before.

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hey, i love the concept, my only critigue is the well, extra soft armor you have on the knees and leggs. They seem to bulky and i think they should be lessened. Terminators are degigned to be bulky and althought the idea of them being in running charging poses, these poses are more typical of the unarmored, or standard power armor, not the terminator armor. The idea is they sacrifice alot of movement for the sheer bulkyness and extra protection from the armor. With the extra soft armor, they look less likely to be as survivalable as a sniper woudl just simply aim for the exposes softer armor.


On the note tho, i do like the plasticard work and the use of the beastmen heads is brilliant. THe fact that they are the same shape as standard terminator helms, just warped to be more besitial in nature. It looks perfect, especially if you end up painting them like armor and not like flesh.

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Thanks for the replies guys

hey, i love the concept, my only critique is the well, extra soft armor you have on the knees and legs. They seem to bulky and i think they should be lessened. Terminators are degigned to be bulky and althought the idea of them being in running charging poses, these poses are more typical of the unarmored, or standard power armor, not the terminator armor. The idea is they sacrifice alot of movement for the sheer bulkyness and extra protection from the armor. With the extra soft armor, they look less likely to be as survivalable as a sniper woudl just simply aim for the exposes softer armor

Thanks for the feed back Midnight angel but it was the only way I could get the pose I wanted, and I happy to make a small sacrifice here.

By the way, what type of modeling putty are you using? I've never seen it before

Hi Capt. Kenaz it is Tamiya 2 part putty

these are great however i don't really like the heads.

Hi Sons of Horus I tend to agree and will work on that part. Maybe sculpt a re breather over the mouth/nose.

Keep your eyes open for updates on this thread.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, I have been very busy with my Lamenting Angels and the DIY swap project but now back to work on some WE, have been experimenting with the colours I want and this is getting there, what do you think of the head, its not glued in so I can change it, all comments welcome.








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I really like the deeper red that you have on them now. In general, I really don't like bright reds on Khorne guys as it looks too cartoonish to me. The posing is very dynamic and certainly implies rapid movement on something that is quite large. I'm not a real fan of the spiky bits, but that's just me.


Initially, I thought that the heads looked too much like everyone else's who's done that, but your skin tone makes them look rather skullish and I really like that effect. So good job on that and I will be borrowing that idea when I get back to my Khornate forces.


Your figures are just packed with good ideas!

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It's looking good so far, but as already said the marine helmet needs some more colour in it. Also, the head itself could use a bit more shading, it may just be the pic but it looks like it could be a bit darker in some areas.

Good work though! Keep it up!

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depends what you feel like painting. having him running over a member of the Emperors children. that fits in with the fluff.


alternately, just abput any loyalist chapter will do. i would vote for the ultramarines - maybe third company. the red of the third company will tie in with the zerker.....or would it clash? hmmmm

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@ Shinzo: Two running terminators? ;)


@IT: Looks great so far, the plasticard work is inspiring (should really get on with my own projects), and the putty work looks quite nice with some paint on. Love the red, and the WE logo on the shoulders is beautiful. I am also a great fan of the beastmen heads.




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