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Adeptus Custodes Army

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  Firepower said:
Though on a related note, I hate you, and everyone else that somehow masters the art of painting gold. All I have are hideously shiny test models that angrily glare at me from their shelf. :)


That's negative waves Oddball , I am no master of anything; anybody can do what I'm doing, you gotta think the gold will be there and it will be. :P

I already posted my recipe but I promise I will post a Tutorial (i'll try to convert it into the new paints ).



And I DO think that what's on your shelves are far better that what you pretend (or at least what's on mine) :tu:



@ EgoDraconumNigrorum; what I did is ONLY kit bashing, anybody can do what I 'did'.

I posted the tutorials for that. Problem is you gotta have a huge bits box or molding skills.

The winged rhino is trickier ( at least it was for me) but it's only a question of time spent.


And thanks anyway brothers for your praises.

Helps a lot when I'm thinking of cancelling this since Forge World 's gonna produce far better than what I could ever do.



Kaleb Daark

Beautiful work. Just beautiful. The whole Custodes look never did anything for me, but the Terminators certainly do.


And what did you do to create the ghost terminators? A hot glue gun? Because you definitely made them look like they are materializing out of thin air. A squad of them would strike fear into me the player if I saw them on the other side of the table.


Looking forward to more.

@Ghostly ; You know that forgeworld's gonna produce him any time soon ( well when I say soon, might be a year or two, or four or five....) My point being; You might wanna wait a litlle.... After all we waited for this for more than 15 years now, what's a couple of years more?


  Newtype said:
And what did you do to create the ghost terminators? A hot glue gun?


No, as previously explained, I used my usual terminator bits and I butchered some elements of the WHFB coven throne. ;)

That way You don't have to shape things; they're already shaped. With a full ghost base and shields set you already have enough to build 3 terminators....



Thanks again for your kind words.


Other questions will be answered ( except for those I already replied more than twice :lol: )



Kaleb Daark

  • 1 month later...

Hi there

Now, I'm on vacations, so let's do it !

After GD and one or two orders ; Got my hands on


Grey Knights part


Dreadnought Contemptor Relic



Nothing special here except that I'm now offiacially out of WHFB old Night Goblins dagger....





The goal here was to get every squad up to 10 (with two special weapons each).

I must say I'm quite proud of the two with falchions. The one on the left was insipired by poses from some classic 80's/90's figure. The other one from a grey knight diorama I recently saw and I wanted one with a real dynamic pose.

Only one left,i'll update my tutorial with it.


Land Raider


Nothing special here too, Each door will get an Eye of Terra ( Ijust have to find the correct buttons)


Count As Justicar Thawn





This one I didn't plan to do,There's no fluff equivalent for the Custodians, But I liked his rules and it's a good opportunity to paint one with battle damage wich is something I wanted to do for some time.


Count As Assassin Eversor


This one is a real great gift from my buddy REG.



Space Marines Part


Honor Guard








These might not be so fluff acurate , but I had this idea in my head for some time so...

Note :The champion is missing his cape and backpack and the Banner some purity seals and other détails.



Kaleb Daark

Poweeeeeerr !!! (Clarkson tm)

I'm speechless. I CANNOT believe how I haven't seen this project log yet. I thought I would never see something as cool as the Dave Taylor Custodians from WD300, but these take the cake. Wow. Keep it up, because this is really something special that you're working on.
  firestorm40k said:
THese conversions are looking fantastic, KD - great to see you back on here! B)


Thanks buddy, I'm never outof this project, I'm just slow cauz of real life matters . But now I've got nearly a month of vacations and I'm gonna convert and paint like hell!


@ Loketh: Thank you very much for that awesome (yet undeserved) compliment.


Currently working on the tutorial Mk2 and on some more Ghost Terminators, pics as soon as they're finished!



Kaleb Daark

Hey man,


I actually registered because I wanted to comment on your thread! ^_^


I dropped by just yesterday and was really excited to see that you had posted some new content. So I spent some time going through the whole thread again and marveling at your models: Fantastic thread with some really stellar conversions and great paintjobs all around! Your Custodes army was actually one of the main inspirations (along with Dave Taylor's Custodes -- everybody loves those, right?) for doing my own small Custodes project (it would be an honour if you could take a look ).


Thanks for being such an inspiration! Simply cannot wait to see your next update! Keep up the great work!

It seems I inspired a lot of people including these Spikey bits you mentionned on your blog.... Their tutorial clearly reminds me of something..... that was published here page 2 in 2009..... But I might be mistaken....


But let us all remember that Dave Taylor was the one who started it all. He was my inspiration too.



Kaleb Daark

  Kaleb Daark said:
It seems I inspired a lot of people including these Spikey bits you mentionned on your blog.... Their tutorial clearly reminds me of something..... that was published here page 2 in 2009..... But I might be mistaken....


Hmm, you may be right: The recipe does look kind of similar! They haven't managed to put out anything rivaling your awesome Terminator recipe, though :D


By the way, I've found the new Dark Vengeance Terminators to be pretty useful base models for Custodes conversions, and some other models from the box make for excellent Custodes too. I was really happy that I could actually use both halves of the set's contents, even though I am not playing a DA army :yes:


In closing, let me say that I was kinda stuck on a conversion of a Custodes Terminator with a flamer yesterday, but browsing through your thread gave me a great idea yet again. So please keep this coming! ;)

  KrautScientist said:
In closing, let me say that I was kinda stuck on a conversion of a Custodes Terminator with a flamer yesterday, but browsing through your thread gave me a great idea yet again. So please keep this coming! <_<


In that case you might wanna wait a little, I could have something interesting for you very soon....


Now 3 more Ghost Knights (for the Count As Mordrak)


First one






Second one






And third one







I tried to make 'em a little more "dramatic" or at least dynamic, less ordinary...



And I also finished the two honor Guards








Banner Bearer







I have to say I'm quite pleased withe poses I gave 'em


Here it is for now, A lot of Pics ( I thought of M.Malevolent) but a lot of Work, Believe me!



Kaleb Daark

Now Fellows, I'm back from FWD 25!



For pics

And As I oftenly said the French Waagh is soooooo Good for your Hobby! And I submit the following testimony to the co:rt!

I sent my customary prè-FWD mail asking for 3 RT Rhinos and if possible still on sprue.


"Dream on!" you say?


Here's what I got!




No less than six Rhinos, and 5 were still on sprue ( I say "were" because one is alredy getting converted on the picture).


Then I finnaly got my hands on 5 Zealot miniatures motojets, one was converted during the FWD.





I must say that for the Eagle head and body I kinda did with what I had. Not satisfied with it. If anyone 's got an idea please tell me!


I also got a FW order received of 2 Contemptor Relics, one's finished.





I aslo got my hands on some quite large quantity of bitsduring the Sunday Morning Bits Party, among them the Chaos gargoyle bit I needed for the Heavy Flamer Terminator ( that's for Krautscientist) :







Also got the two remaining Honor Guards finished:






And the Emperor 's beeing repainted






Kaleb Daark

I rest my case :)

Whoa, mate, that flamer guy is excellent! Although I have to admit that I couldn't wait and build my own Terminator with flamer this last weekend. Take a look (sorry for the less than stellar photos):








As you can see, I chose a very similar approach to yours constructing the flamer, though. Maybe great minds really do think alike? :P The muzzle was inspired by one of your earlier Terminators.


The Honour Guard are great as well! This is rapidly becoming one of my favourite threads, you know?


Keep it coming!

  KrautScientist said:
As you can see, I chose a very similar approach to yours constructing the flamer, though. Maybe great minds really do think alike? ;) The muzzle was inspired by one of your earlier Terminators.


I think there's just not a thousand ways to build a flamer.... ;) :tu:


On a related matter I'm not sure about using Ork hairs, I find them quite disturbing, they don't blend so good with Marine bits IMHO.


Now back to the subject at hand.

  KrautScientist said:
Keep it coming!


I gotta have 3500pts painted by august so be sure I will.


Next to come:

The four remaining jetbikes ( and their bases)

Painting of the first Contemptor



As usual C&C MOST welcome.



Kaleb Daark

  • 2 weeks later...

Even If real life matters aren't much of a help, I got some time;


The Third Contemptor is up:






The idea was to reproduce the one from this artwork:



I had to use the hand of the second one bacause I'm out of Night Goblin daggers for the moment.....


I also got three more motojets









One left to build (another with melta) and I still can't find how to get the eagle on the front correctly....


So again if somebody's got an idea or knows how Angels_Blade did his:



Plus I must say that they're not really accurate because the wings should be on the bolters and not under, but I just didn't like the look...... :devil:



Kaleb Daark

Who wished for less busy holidays....

Once again, fantastic work, mate!


  Kaleb Daark said:
I still can't find how to get the eagle on the front correctly....


So again if somebody's got an idea or knows how Angels_Blade did his:



Will I don't know how he did it, couldn't you just cut off the top from the bike banners that come with the Ravenwing kit (picture here ) and place it between the Sanguinary Guard wings for a reasonably similar result? It would end up a little stylised, to be sure, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing.


Looking forward to your next update!

  KrautScientist said:
Will I don't know how he did it


I do know now, that eagle seems to havebeen a part of the kit, part I didn't get....


  KrautScientist said:
couldn't you just cut off the top from the bike banners that come with the Ravenwing kit (picture here ) and place it between the Sanguinary Guard wings for a reasonably similar result?


I don't think so, I've got that bit, tried; definitely way too thin.

I'll think of something, it's not like I"m so short on time now.


  KrautScientist said:
Looking forward to your next update!


I'm painting for now and if things go well I'll have another 295pts (minimum) finished by next wenesday.

No I won't tell what it is :P .



Kaleb Daark

teasing bastard

  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Thanks mate. No worries this is a long time thread msn-wink.gif .

As usual, I had to take a little break from all this gold and red, plus I have another Inquisimunda project going on , but it's time now.

So let's get back at it!




A sister of silence/scout sniper...
The lens isn't painted yet since I'm not sure if I go with red or green...
As you can see for the Sisters that will be in squads I went for the other paintscheme shown in the HH artbooks, the red and gold. I just think it's make the scout squad blend better in the army.




REG's gift is finally painted , yes I know 'bout time!

Coming next ( yes It will I promise and not in 5 month) a Contemptor, the Mickael Corbenus (both almost finished) and the Land Raider Spartan.

As Usual C&C is most Welcome

Kaleb Daark

YES! I was so hoping you'd come back to this army, and finally seeing it happen is so awesome!


Love the two new models, especially the scout/sniper Sister -- I've been looking for a suitable colour scheme for my own Sisters of Silence, and I guess I'll be copying this one to the best of my abilities, if it's alright with you ;)


Anyway, fantastic job! More please! And soon...;)


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