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Heavy Support in 5th Ed

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What do you guys think will be the best heavy option for an infantry based army in the new fifth edition. I have always been a fan of the defilers and oblits but now im not to sure if i they will remain a viable option. You guys have any imput on this?
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Especially when supported by defilers. They blat swathes of little things with their cannon (touched by the template = hit, no more partials rolling!!!), while the obliterators target the vehicles and, well, obliterate.
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I too have not been much of a fan of obliterators ever since their base toughness got dropped to 4, and especially now that even their modified toughness is 4. They die about as easily as a terminator, but for double the points. Sure they can cause some damage, but so can havocs, especially since from a purely psychological standpoint I have always found that my opponents tend to try a lot harder to kill the big scary looking oblits than the small unassuming havocs.


PS: Yes I know that oblits can morph plasma cannons, but they are still too fragile for my tastes

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I don't really like the energy based terminators(obilterators), to me they are overpriced models(monetary wise) and are illegal models be the current codex layout... if you add the assault cannon and bolter weapons on them....


With the new vehicle rules I may actually field land raiders now..... though I may be selling my chaos stuff off to start Ultramarines, since so I hear PoMS allows a vehicle to move and fire all weapons!

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For me its havocks. Its the best way to fit much needed heavy weapons in the army. Gone are the days of my cheap frontline 6-8 man troop squads with cheap heavy's and specials. If vechicles do get this boost with the cover save thing and a less brutal damage chart then I may start taking defilers and possesed landraiders w/ havock launcher. May as well pay the pts premium for a better tank because the main attraction of the pread is what it can do now in 4th ed. I predict people will use more raiders, defilers and dakka preads w/ havock launcher for weight of fire and cheapness. I have never been sold on vindicticators and tri las pred's, ever since I started 3rd ed. They always came off as gimmicky and one trick pony. IMHO they should have left oblits the same as in the old dex but with their change to HS, the pts bump but keep them at the 0-1 limit. Thats how I would have done it. The gain of the plasma cannon, multi melta and limit restriction removal dose not really make up for what they lost IMO.
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well it kind of a depands what your terrain is and by that , I mean if its 5ed geared[lots od openings no high walls , no area forest etc ] or still 4ed [area terrain builds] . the 5th does take the punch from the oblits . the 6/9 oblits + 2 lash is a no brainer for a chaos army [not that this set up is weak in the 5th or anything]. the sniping and generally the LoS rules in the 4th made the oblits the only good hvy support option aside maybe the dakk pred [but thats horde meta a lash oblit army should deal with horde without dakke preds] .


havocks in +2/3 cover save in the 5th armed with hvy bolters/auto canons can be a very nice option , if the terrain is 5ed and not 4ed . but thats all they give options . in the 5th you can still do the lash/oblit pie plate of doom combo and it works well . the problems for the oblits are the new units in the new sm dex . I think that in the 5th people will move to a 4/6 oblit build and maybe a pred . its more flexible then the 9 oblit used now .

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Except that predators will only be able to move and fire a single heavy weapon, while two obliterators can move and fire two better weapons. True, it will be harder for a lascannon to destroy a predator vs an obliterator (5 to pen, 5 to destroy + cover save vs 2 to wound + inv or better cover, instant gib).
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A predator with just the twin-linked lascannon only costs thirty points more than an obliterator. It can move and shot, is very accurate, and is fairly hard to kill with the way the vehicle rules work out.
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though I may be selling my chaos stuff off to start Ultramarines, since so I hear PoMS allows a vehicle to move and fire all weapons!


You might want to borrow a codex and read that rule before buying an entire army.

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A predator with just the twin-linked lascannon only costs thirty points more than an obliterator. It can move and shot, is very accurate, and is fairly hard to kill with the way the vehicle rules work out.



the problem is that those 30 pts per 3 tanks is 90 pts , now if you play huge games 2k+ that may be ok . but in normal battles 1,75-85k they just dont fit in . After you buy those lash princes and PM there just isnt enough pts for 3 predators , but there is pts for 4/6 oblits . also one

Also I didnt want to dis oblits , I too think that they are still the best hvy support . they just arent as good as they were in the 4th edition .

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Where do you go to sell your armies in bulk?


Off topic: Ebay would be your best bet methinks


Im thinking the defiler is going to become a lot stronger in 5th ed since its a walker so whilst moving can fire its two guns (unlike tanks whilst moving) or its battle cannon and all vehicles are getting increased toughness due to changes in the vehicle damage chart so it wont be as weak as it is now. Also cos its a walker it wont use its rear armour in close combat i think. Im quite looking forward to this cos its an awesome model.

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Except that predators will only be able to move and fire a single heavy weapon, while two obliterators can move and fire two better weapons. True, it will be harder for a lascannon to destroy a predator vs an obliterator (5 to pen, 5 to destroy + cover save vs 2 to wound + inv or better cover, instant gib).

:cuss? they aren't considered MC's.... Oops I forgot about the S&P giving Relentless to models... but I doubt that will stand anyway, it would make Obilts way to powerfull now.

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S&P gives Relentless...considering Obliterators have always had this combination of rules, I highly doubt Obliterators will suddently become too powerful...
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A predator with just the twin-linked lascannon only costs thirty points more than an obliterator. It can move and shot, is very accurate, and is fairly hard to kill with the way the vehicle rules work out.



the problem is that those 30 pts per 3 tanks is 90 pts , now if you play huge games 2k+ that may be ok . but in normal battles 1,75-85k they just dont fit in . After you buy those lash princes and PM there just isnt enough pts for 3 predators , but there is pts for 4/6 oblits . also one

Also I didnt want to dis oblits , I too think that they are still the best hvy support . they just arent as good as they were in the 4th edition .


If there are points for six oblits, there are points for three predators =P


In point of fact, if there are points for four oblits, there are probably points for three predators (the predators being only 15 points more in total).


Three predators does cost more than three obliterators, but they still make for affordable, reliable, mobile anti-tank units.


Also, obliterators cannot shoot two weapons. My suspicion is that Seahawk was saying that a pair of obliterators (which have a cost similar to that of a traditional Predator) can shoot two weapons--by virtue of each being able to shoot one--while moving.

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