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Screaming Eagles WIP

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So here is my first test model for the Screaming Eagles chapter I am creating. They are based on the 101st Airborne from WWII. Specifically Easy Company. He isn't quite finished. Just working on getting the highlighting the way I like it. I did the left arm in the right color, then mixed up a pot for use on the rest of the army, not realizing I did it too bright. So it will be a bit darker than it is right now, but it gives you an idea. Ill post my progress here.
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THere just one thing, I really don'T understand the highlights on the pads.


Eh its not a final idea. There will also be chapter insignia, rank, squad number ect on the pad. I'll admit it looks funny up close and personal. However when you stand back on the table it has a nice effect. I still have yet to see them in good light (nighttime here) before I can get a good idea if I really like it.

Cool idea!


I think you have a good start on this guy, with a good handle on the tone of your highlights. I know the fig is in progress, so I'll just ask some basic questions:


1. Is it your intention to ink or put a wash on the grey areas that separate the armor? Or are you thinking of drybrushing that area with a lighter color?

2. I like the chest eagle color, does it have highlights on it, not sure from the picts

3. How big is the eagle patch going to be on the shoulder pad or will the pad be filled with black and the eagle placed inside?

4. Are their inks (i.e. black) on the metal bolt gun areas?

5. What color eyes are you thinking about?


I like this guy a lot. He's very "Raptor-ish" in appearance (founded from Raven Guard) and I see that as being a very good thing.



@ Honda:


1. I actually already did a wash of the joints but it didn't show up that well apparently :D. I'll go back and work on that.

2. Like I said this isn't a finished mini so no the chest eagle doesn't have highlights yet or washes.

3. Haven't decided on the shoulder patch yet. I was thinking of using the Mentors Eagle or something to make it easy so I don't have to free hand as many.

4. Metal has only been basecoated.

5. For the eyes I am thinking Red or Yellow. Probably Red

@ Brother Cambrius: While they aren't going to be 100% modeled after the 506th, they are going to have a lot of similarities. Winters will no doubt be a special character. I actually have a more in detail project I am starting but it is IG so will not be discussed in length. Needless to say it will be a more exact replica of the 506th, with all the individual characters modeled.


@ Darth Potato: Mohawks? Def not. I don't know which 101st from WWII you are reading about but there will be no mohawks in this chapter.

Actually the 101st did have mohawks at one point. 64 years and a day ago of me posting this a lot of the paras had their hair shaved into mohawks. Read Band of Brothers in chapter "Look out Hitler, here we come!". :tu: They also covered their faces in soot but I'll doubt this lot will...



Some members of the 101st Airborne Division, nicknamed the 'Screaming Eagles', shaved their heads and smeared face paint on, the night before their drop over Normandy. They adopted the mohawks and war paint of the Iroquois Indian tribe, the Native Americans, from the 18th century.


Some Examples:

Here, Here, and Here


EDIT: Dammit Cambrius, always have to be faster than me. :tu:

Sorry Spud. :P I've been watching some of the episodes and reading the book today. I'll post up some ideas for these guys if you don't mind LoneWolven after I've finished reading the drop over normandy bit as it was the 6th yesterday. :tu:



They need Historical names, like Cpt. Winters, 1SG Lipton, SSG Toye and so on.


See, I think if you're going to go down this route, the theme ought to be blurred, slightly. This Chapter's based on the 101st, not necessarily the 101st in Space. So instead of Richard Winters, for example, you might have Captain Rikkard. That way, it's a neat way of paying respect rather than a choking you with a blantly obvious theme.

@Brother and Darth: I actually do remember reading about the mohawks, and I def knew about the face painting. However I don't want to include either in the army. Would mar the look and personally I think Mohawks look retarded.


@Commisar: Not a bad idea deviating from the spelling. However I love the names so I will be using them here and there. Not really all over the place or at the base of the model because I find it tacky but there will be specific representations all over.

Update time. Did a bit of painting today. I finished everything except the chapter logo on the left shoulder pad. Individual rank is on left knee, squad on right knee. Not sure if/how I would do the Company designation but im working on that. Lots of pics, enjoy...


P.S. Not happy with the gun highlighting at all but I can go back for that.










Also not in love with the bolter grip. May just do Black or Metal but for now it stays leather.

OK, if you're going that way with the companies, keep in mind that in WW2 the Americans used different call signs to their companies unlike today's Alpha Bravo etc. It was the following IIRC:


Able, Baker, Charlie, Dog, Easy, Fox, George, How, Item, Jig, King, Love, Mike, Nan, Oboe, Peter, Queen, Roger, Sugar, Tare, Uncle, Victor, William, X-Ray, Zebra


But if you want to use the modern one it's the following:


Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Dog, Easy, Foxtrot, George, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu


Hope that helps you although I would probably use these call signs for the squads instead of the companies.



Yah I think I'm going to do the companies the way it was done in WWII.


So what do you guys think about bases? I was thinking a combo of ruined city/town and forest. However I kinda wanted the bases to contrast to the armor. Any ideas


May I humbly suggest a white base then as if they were on the Ice World of Foy? ;) For the comapnies I would suggest having the colourse of the companies codex wise and then have the letter on the shoulderpad/kneepad.


@ Marshall Costello: What??? Ambrose is dead? :P RIP to that great writer.



I actually kinda like the idea of having them based as if they were fighting in the Ardennes forest. Perhaps some ruins of Bastonge at their feet. I'll have to find a good way of modeling muddy snow tho. That could get tricky. If anyone know of a good tutorial let me know.


Busted out my search skilz and found some tutorials. I think I'll do the "Snow Paste" technique from Linky and mix in some brown with it to get it muddy.

Sounds good LoneWolven. I may just use that tutorial myself...


I think it was the battle for Foy more than anything that Easy took part in when doing the battle in built up areas during the Ardennes. Surely you must include in the chapter's history the captain of the 4th (Dog) running through the enemy lines to contact the 6th (Fox) company behind the enemy?


Are you going to have the markings from the helmets of the 101st anywhere? (ie the spade on Easy's helmet and the circle for Able)




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