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The Belial Project

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I've just started out on a project to convert a model to represent Belial, I don't actually play Dark Angels but I occasionally branch out to other chapters/armies to break things up when I'm working on other projects.


I've actually never worked on a terminator model before and so far I'm liking having a bit more space to work with than your standard marine. Here's a few pics of what I've done so far, any input or feedback from you guys would be hugely appreciated.


These are the components I've picked up so far; Commander Culn from Forgeworld and lots of plastic components from the Dark Angels sprues. (cheers BW Bits!)




I've not done a great deal so far, mainly cleaned up all the components, removed mold lines and flash. The main progress to date has been removing all the Red Scorpion iconography from Culn using a file & knife. I'm planning on either using GS or plastic components to add some more suitable detail.




I've also modified the head I'm using, I couldn't get it to fit into the space for a normal Terminator head so I've chopped a bit of the folds at the back and filed off the rounded part at the base and it now fits into the torso quite well.





I'll keep posting as I progress but would really appreciate any suggestions you have for the conversion.

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Looking good so far. I like the hooded head.


I'll keep posting as I progress but would really appreciate any suggestions you have for the conversion.

:P Twin lightning claws ;) . OK seriously, can't think of much to suggest apart from how about some Fallen chaos items on the base?


Culln makes a good dynamic Belial of best of luck on the project. I shall be watching.




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:unsure: Twin lightning claws ;) . OK seriously, can't think of much to suggest apart from how about some Fallen chaos items on the base?


Could do, I'm probably going to base it quite high on some slates, seeing as it's a one-off. Why do you suggest Chaos items?


I don't really know the fluff surrounding the Deathwing all that well, which is why I could probably do with a few suggestions to ensure it doesn't turn out totally generic. If the Deathwing has a long history of duking it out with Chaos then I'll definately get some gory trophies in the mix!

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Now this is one thread I will be watching, as i've been trying to find a decent model to use to make my own Belial - I had an idea of using Marneus Calgar and his honour guard, with a few weapons and head replacements (the Calgar model would be Belial, while i would use the honour guard as the Company Masters) That was until i found out how much flippin Ultramarine symbolism there is on the whole lot :'( So now i'm just going to use them and see about entering the National GW Painting comp thats on till 28th June. With regards to Belial, according to the new DA Codex, you could either arm him with a Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, or in times of dire need, the Sword of Silence. Personally the latter sounds better, but i'm not sure what decent swords there are out there. I'll be watching this closely, and good luck!



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Don't let Chaplain Lu hear that I told you this, but you could say that the Deathwing has a long history of killing and/or capturing Chaos marines. 10,000 years of it, in fact. If I told you more, I'd have to kill you myself, before Chaplain Lu got ahold of me and made me WISH I was dead.
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I actually just searched for Belial to see the best way of equipping him, only to find out that you too had the idea of using Culln as a Belial base.


My Culln came in to day and I was excited to get working on him. I think I will be leaning towards the SoS/SB gear, as I think he would look better posed with those items vs. the 2 LCs.

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I'm definately going for the Sword of Silence and Storm Bolter combo, it just reeks of fluff!


I could do with some input regarding the sword in question, I've got a few options and was interested to hear which people thought was best. These are the options at the minute, as always additional suggestions are always appreciated!




I blu-tacked the model together for a preview of how the head should look once I've finished cutting it back to fit the cavity on Culln's torso.




Overall I'm quite happy with the look so far.


I noticed that a lot of the deathwing models have feathers as decoration on them, please could one of you deathwing fanatics explain why? I was thinking I might GS feathers onto the purity seals on the shoulder pads.

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I agree, the 2nd sword looks the most ornate & would look amazing on your model if you put it on the Forge World arm. I would also suggest applying some GS over the engraving in the sword & adding your own engravings into the GS to give it a more DA feel.
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The model is looking great so far, but put somethig non his bare chest to fill it out. As for the sword, use the Second one(Emeprors Champion Arm), but put it on the Forgewrold arm


Hmmmm I'd be tempted to leave it blank.


Nice room for some freehand and some religious iconography...or even just left blank. Sometimes making your mini too 'busy' can ruin a good conversion.


BTW OP nice job so far :geek:

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Hmmmm I'd be tempted to leave it blank.


Nice room for some freehand and some religious iconography...or even just left blank. Sometimes making your mini too 'busy' can ruin a good conversion.


BTW OP nice job so far :D


Thanks very much and thanks for the feedback everyone, I've decided to go with the Emperor's Champion's sword so I've got some sawing, drilling and pinning to do!


I've been playing around with the torso and came up with this:




I've still got some work to do if I decide to stick with this, I'd have to file it down a lot so it wouldn't stand so proud from his chest, but I quite like it as it's not too busy and leaves some space free. What do you think?

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Now the idea of the winged angel on the torso is a damn fine idea. I was going to suggest adding a little bit of GS and maybe carving the Deathwing symbol, but that looks better. Not a fan of the head though. In my mind, Belial doesn't have a hood, although maybe the finished version will convince me otherwise. With regards to the sword, while i always have liked the terminator power sword, i have to agree with the other guys - the second one fits in better with what i thought the sword of silence would look like. Not sure which Forgeworld arms they're talking about, but there is an alternative - on the DA Chapter Upgarde Kit IIRC, there's a Deathwing terminator arm holding a power sword. Maybe swapping the blades onto something like that would give it a more Deathwing-esque feel? Either way though what you've got here is going to turn out to be a superb version of Belial!



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Sorry for the delay in posting, I've been a bit busy lately. I've cleaned up the sword and arm and hopefully should be getting them pinned together tonight. In the meantime I wanted to hear your opinions on the other arm.


I've been looking at the storm bolter and I'm really not sure whether or not to leave the scope on the top of it, to me it seems a bit strange that a twin linked rifle would have one! What do you think? I'm also at a bit of a loss deciding how to modify the panels on the side of it, would purity seals look a bit naff there?







Thanks again for all of your input so far.

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It's master-crafted, therefore the scope. Looks all cool, keep going :)


Fair point, it should probably stay. I did pay through the nose for a detailed FW model to start this conversion with so I should probably not file that money/detail away recklessly!


I think for the inside blank panel I will attach a standard Tac squad single purity seal and then do a GS one with feathers instead of parchment to make a cluster. I'm trying to think of ways to make him look more 'Deathwing', as always I'm open to suggestions. I want the conversion to have plenty of character without going overboard and making everything too fussy.

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I say add a tabard and a cloak to the back of the model. not a full robe, as that would cover up too much detail.


also add a wing sword or sword to the other leg with just the scroll. Give him a Helmet Bearer with a winged Terminator helmet.


I love the Dark Angel Upgrade Kits. So many goodies on that sprue.

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I say add a tabard and a cloak to the back of the model. not a full robe, as that would cover up too much detail.


also add a wing sword or sword to the other leg with just the scroll. Give him a Helmet Bearer with a winged Terminator helmet.


I love the Dark Angel Upgrade Kits. So many goodies on that sprue.


The DA kits are brilliant, so much plastic goodness!


I'm thinking quite seriously about a cloak but I'm retiscent to do a tabard as I would lose so much of the existing detail on the Culln model. Good suggestion re: the Helmet Bearer, I'll have a dig through the bitz and see if there is anything suitable.


I've added two winged swords to that leg following your suggestion, I'll upload some more pics soon.

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Not a fan of the head though. In my mind, Belial doesn't have a hood, although maybe the finished version will convince me otherwise.


I'm thinking quite seriously about a cloak but I'm retiscent to do a tabard as I would lose so much of the existing detail on the Culln model.


If you aren't going to do a cloak, does a hooded head make sense?



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If you aren't going to do a cloak, does a hooded head make sense?



I think so, I think if I put a cloak onto the model it would be seperate to the hood, from this picture I think that this head looks like an internal item of clothing, rather than part of a larger garment.




If I did do a cloak I'd probably do an over the shoulder job with purity seals securing it to the blank space either side of his torso. Though at this stage I'm not sure if I will do one, for one my GS-fu is not the best and I'd be wary of such a large amount of GS work, for another I tend to think cloaks on the battlefield are a bit daft, it's not like a terminator is going to get chilly in his tactical dreadnought armour!

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Think of the cloak as a sign of rank, like purity seals, not a conventional item of clothing.


Personally i think a cloak, or robe like that of the old Terminator Captain would lokk great on this guy, here is a picture to show what i mean:






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Apologies for the lack of updates, here's a wip pic with most of the bits blu-tacked on:




And here's a few close ups of the winged swords on the blank leg:







I'd really like some input as to what to do to the sword, it's got a lot of detail on at the minute, how would you suggest I Deathwing it up?


Cheers all!

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  • 11 months later...



I've finally got down to doing some more work on this project, here's some of the latest pics.












What do you think?


I've not secured the head yet, I'm still mulling over my options.

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And here's a few close ups of the winged swords on the blank leg:




"Sorry guys! I slipped!"






I'd really like some input as to what to do to the sword, it's got a lot of detail on at the minute, how would you suggest I Deathwing it up?






I'd say go with the emp. champ. sword, put green over the existing engaving and do a little 'break' engraving, so it's like the deathwing sword, also try and green some wings for the hilt, so it's basically the deathwing symbol in sword form



just my 2 pence



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