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jgemrich Crimson Harriers Army blog - Jan30th Update


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So I finally bought into 40K and have started a space marine army. All in anticipation of joining the local group for 5th Ed.


I spent the better part of the last 2 weeks assembling, priming and a base coat. I thought I'd log some progress in here.


Started with a concept




Then a test figure




Base coat on the figs






Started on the Dreadnaught first. Base coat done and the sarcophagus complete.





I hope to get 1000pts painted then move from there. I have a selection of old RT figures (termies and tact squad) that will accompany this yet unnamed force.




John - These are looking really good so far! :P Did you use a spray can for the base? And what colour was it? I like the look of the test marine and the dread. If the test figure is a regular marine have you thought about how you will represent veterans as codex chapters usually represent veterans with the white helmet? Looking forward to seeing some more.



Did you use a spray can for the base? And what colour was it?


I used an airbrush w/ Black Gesso (liquitex) as a primer followed by

Vallejo Air #38- Camo Medium Brown - also available in Model Color.


However, Tamiya spray, red brown (TS-1) is a very close match. In fact the test figure was done with this color. The dread with the Vallejo.


A quick wash/glaze of black and you definately can't tell the difference.



I like the look of the test marine and the dread. If the test figure is a regular marine have you thought about how you will represent veterans as codex chapters usually represent veterans with the white helmet? Looking forward to seeing some more.




The face plate will be red with the Vets, staying with a white helmet. (at least that is my plan for now).

Here is some more work on the Dread.... finished the red and brown plates.


Again thanks for the love


....and the base work is amazing


I'd love to take credit for that but it is a resin base from www.dragonforge.com

Wastelands II line.



jgemrich, as in the Krystal Keep jgemrich, as well? Maybe we will meet in the near future John as that is the store I frequent the most ^_^


The colors look well together. It looks as though they are battle worn already. Any ideas what the name of your chapter is? Background ideas? Please share!!!!!



jgemrich, as in the Krystal Keep jgemrich, as well? Maybe we will meet in the near future John as that is the store I frequent the most ;)


The colors look well together. It looks as though they are battle worn already. Any ideas what the name of your chapter is? Background ideas? Please share!!!!!



Yes Krystal Keep (when I can afford to drive there anymore....lol). Used to make a 3 trips a month now it's every other from Cincinnati.


Name? Background? I'm a nightmare at fluff and I really don't know enough about 40K fluff to do the chapter justice.


I've got a some ideas for names but it really depends on what I choose to do with the heraldry. Been working on a couple of things....stay tuned. :P



Here are 5 of 10 in an old RT squad. Painted for TT play and still tweaking the recipes. Overall, I'm liking the layout and I think these will fit in despite the obvious lack of casting quality. Several mold errors made them a bit of a challenge to hide the flaws with paint.


Hope you likey




Upclose of the Sgt. This is the same figure as pictured in Apocalypse pg. 42. Note the helmet on his hip. I was asked about Veteran helmet color and the red inset will indicate the force vets.





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