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My road to a full Blood Angels 4th Co. + supports

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*Sigh* I'm having a headache because of this so am keeping this entry simple :)




Quite the boring guy. Cut up a standard bolter marine leg, repositioned, and the rest is putty. Still needs another strip of parchment on his purity seal though.




Replaced the MM canister to the other side. Added a 'blood' seal (just another purity seal shaped for BA, like BT's crusader seals =P ). Mount is made of sprues and plasticard. An putty 'rivets'




Plasticard, sprues and putty and extra bits are the order of the day. The back of the seat is kinda simple. And oh, more putty rivets!




PS. At the time I copied the above texts over into this thread, I've concluded the passenger's purity seal's parchment, braced the fender to the strut by puttying (and have a welded effect) as well as the trim around it. All I need to do now is have some braces under the sidecar ,rivets on the trim and BAeutification and it's another month-long painting :D


And oh, before I forget, thanks to the posters above :tu:

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  • 2 weeks later...

This post is my first official update for the LPC (shouldve been last Jan31, but real-life takes priority :) ) Anyways...


Of the tactical squad I've commited, most of the marines done can be found in my blog entry here...


As for the rest, here they are hung upside down while waiting for their turn to be painted ;)



And some on my work area:



1. The front plate for my Rhino. From the Baal Pred box, actually a test piece for the red I'll use as spray... turned out ok tho...

2. Heh, not much to say for this one: it's left shoulder's where I throw my extra putty to bulk things up before I do the actual shoulderpad shape...

3. Four searchlights, four smoke launchers and a head. Didnt want to waste time on doing just 1 set of these vehicle accessories. Why just the head? It's a test mini for item #4

4. Test pieces (colors on primer gray). To speed things up, I'm looking for a shade of red equal to GW Blood Red+GW Purity Seal since for some reason, GW Purity Seal darkens the red a bit. For example(s), compare these two (I swear it aint coz of photoshop)



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Update time yet again!


I'm excited to nail the coffin on this squad: but I have to be patient and wait for glue, cement and as well as some enamels to cure proplerly before I topcoat them.


Here're the final pieces of the 1st Squad puzzle:


The grenade-lobber and the 2nd-in-Command. As I mentioned somewhere before, my 2iC, should I choose to combat squad it, will lead the other demi-squad. Therefore, I had his 'side-loincloth' with yellow (originally planned black, but decided otherwise coz of the limited number per decal sheet) BA icon over red (not seen much at their rear-view). I also experimented with a rattle-can red, but found it too deep for BA (as you may notice on the 2iC left greave).



The 1st squad's dedicated transport, driven by tech-adept Balthazar. Main colors painted by a friend, I just painted the searchlight, smoke launchers, details (such as scriptures, squad/company marks, army badge and rivets) and the BA icon plate at the front. The extra armor doesnt appeal to me much rulewise, so it's just there for cosmetic purposes.


Next off would be the attack bike sidecar+passenger and Corbulo! (coz 'counts as' is sooo in nowadays hehehe :) )



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Gonna put in a quick one: BARE HEADS!




While tedious and frustrating to paint, everything goes away once it/they are finished. Learning curve? It's like a plateau, with a mountain just before the crest... why a mountain for the climax? The EYES! Gawd it's hard to paint those without the proper brush, or one fine enough to hold paint and keep it wet till you're comfortable and dot the iris... I also noticed that the newer bareheads have smaller eye/sockets, or rather less prominent... just my bitter observation though :P ahh well, in the end it's worth it :tu:

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Oookay, another update time, let's see if I could spot the difference between the first update and these batch of pics:


Tactical Squad finished! Here's their group shot, though I'm not happy with how the photo turned out, but heck! To tell you the truth, this' the very first squad I ACTUALLY finished painting for my army :)




Next item: BA SHP Corbulo:


Let's see: he's 75% done: needs touching up, another (brighter) coat of red and some missing details. Topcoat, and only then I could say this one's finished...


Next: attack bike sidecar...


What can I say? Meh, let's say 65% finished...


Last item: Venerable Furioso Dreadnought... progress? Bah... still the same 25% overall progress...


Oh well...

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Your work is top-notch. I think my favorite thing you've done so far has got to be your custom chaplain. The positioning of your marines is great! You have only one problem in my opinion and it is a huge one...How will you ever be able to decide which mini to remove for casualties? They are to good to leave the table! Keep up the good work man, I am watching your progress like a hawk.


When do we get to see the Death company? How many points are you going to do as well?

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Thanks bud! Turn that envy into something positive and you're almost set :P



Hehehe, yep, that happened to me already when these boys first saw combat last weekend. But I just noticed that follow the order in the pic starting from the backmost row and that's how I'll remove casualties ;) As for my DC marines, they're still BS4WS4. Might take some time before I update them :)



Thanks! My recipe is:

black undercoat

VMC Red Hull

VMC Carmine Red

GW Blood Red

GW Blazing Orange highlight

GW Fiery Orange highlight


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For this week's update:


Needed to vent my frustration on something (and turn the energy instead to something positive) so worked on these and declared them "done". Perhaps I may work on them in the future, but as they they stand now, are good enough for the tabletops (For example, I got lazy on adding coats of Blood Red to get the proper hue and be consistent with the rest of my army). Nonetheless...


I present you my take on BA SHP Corbulo:



...and the Attack Bike sidecar+multi-melta+passenger/gunner (from 8th Co.)



So... my LPC vow is roughly 75% complete... which brings me to the final item in my commitments: the Venerable Furioso Dreadnought.

*Sigh* It's been a while since I assembled something, and with only one week left in the challenge, I will be cramming this one up: let's see how fugly this one'll look by the end of this month nyahahaha

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Wow Baal what can i say this stuff is is words fail right now other than wow wish my BA or painting ability was as good as yours.


I might have missed it when picking my jaw up but do you have a full army shot or are you waiting till your LPC vow is complete?

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I might have missed it when picking my jaw up but do you have a full army shot or are you waiting till your LPC vow is complete?

Thanks Ocid <_<

Below is the army shot I did for the BA Army showcase thread, sorry but not yet worth an update since I've done only a handful since then :D


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