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My road to a full Blood Angels 4th Co. + supports

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Thanks guys! :devil:


@bluewolf74727: yep, most of which are accumulating dust and the rest in my army bag :D


@Ocid: Again thanks :) And yes mechanized, missing the days of rhino-rushing


@Spagunk: yep, it is overloaded. Unfortunately it'll take some time again before I make another rendition of Corbs


@War Angel: The collection is around 5766 points already (and a lot of penalty for army composition hahaha)


@Brpther xares: Thanks! :tu:

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  • 5 months later...

Geezahs, my thread is so dead mushrooms still hasn't stopped evolving :P (are the mods good with this? 5 months and I dont want starting another thread with just the same topic: my WIP notes)


Just sayin I've made most of my modeling posts over at my B&C Blog (see link under my sig), only has 4 (seemingly) useless entries since Feb 26, 2009 (the above-posted's date)... below are 3 that has substance:

Another toy soldier will be added to my to-paint batch

Another month, another blog entry

This post is useless without pics


On the lighter side, I get to squeeze in 30 or less minutes of modeling time everyday... provided I'm not yet groggy after night shift (and most of the time, I procrastinate ;))


Might as well CC my entries here for all to see as well... stay tuned then!


Cheers! :blink:

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Let's face it: Forgeworld stuffs are DA BOMB! And I'm not a fan of the current GW Whirlwind plastic. After acquiring some spiffy magnets (see separate entry), I decided to get my bits out and magnetize one of my Rhino chassis to accept the Whirlwind turret.


For reference, please visit Forgeworld's Whirlwind pics:



Aaand, my version:



First-off: the turret:


  • decided to permanently place it on one of the top-plates: surely we're gonna get extra bits of those after a few predator/rhino kits
  • magnetized the mount since I plan on converting a Damocles command Rhino some time in the future
  • removed just enough plastic from both sides of the "pallet" so they mate with each other
  • 1/8 x 1/8 magnets on the rear to coincide with the magnet on the mount
  • detail in-between the front: from the hunter-killer missile bit


Next: the sensor "mini-turret"


  • the "cover" is from the heavy-bolter turret of a razorback/land-raider (which I have to come-up with again once I decide to finally continue with my landraider ;)
  • the turret sits on the "peeping-top" bit from the vehicle command sprue
  • notice more of the hunter-killer missile bits up front (sensor and part of the HK body assembly glued on it's side
  • the small lens up front-mid is from the searchlight bit of the SM vehicle command sprue


Lastly: how I magnetized my Rhino doors:


  • as you can see, it was a recepient for Predator sponsons, which fortunately was lightly cemented (next time I'll use PVA glue for such applications)
  • The FW extra-armour are applied with PVA glue (to allow some flexing)
  • 1/8 x 1/8 REmagnet down there (lines up just fine if I put something ferromagnetic behind the sponson... loose-change anyone?)
  • notice the stubs on each corner of the door: this is to prevent the door from sinking into the hole (and to line it up with the extra-armor)


Hope this inspires you to convert one for yourself, cheers! :)

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Did some short stuffs on the sensor thingy, not sure if the part is supposed to be turning together with the turret or not (though I'm fine if it doesnt either), dont have any pics, though I might be able to get some shots the next few days while I charge the camera up...


Guess painting season will be up soon again ;)

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Wow I remember this thread for the first few updates but seem to have missed all of it untill now. I love the army, and I will definately have to read through the blog to see some things that may not have made it here.
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