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DIY Lemartes.

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  Bracks0682 said:
Went into GW to get Lemartes but alas they had none :D . So here's one that I'm starting from scratch out of me spares. index.php?autocom=gallery&req=si&img=17478

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I cant see the pic so I went in and looked at your posting then copied the link.

But anyways I like it. Not sure why you would have wanted the lemartes model to begin with.... (Someone has to remind me to do a fusion dance lemartes sometime after towmorrow...)

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There is only one Chaplain model I like, and he's armed with a powerfist :wacko: (Cassius would be great but with a head swap).


This is a definate step up from Lemartes, but I don't like the crozius. For a Blood Angel, the crozius should be fairly ornate and artistic looking to fit with the background.

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[one thing though: may I ask where the shoulder pads are? ]


I'll be putting them on after I've finished the Painting of the main piece.

Off corse painting them seperatly...


[but I don't like the crozius. For a Blood Angel, the crozius should be fairly ornate and artistic looking to fit with the background]


Again as above Still awaiting fluffy bits to add on after painting....


Thanks for all the feedback.

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