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Heresy Era Death Guard-Mortis Custodis!

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I love the way you've painted your tanks! THe paint job is clearly INTENTIONALLY sloppy, not the result of a lack of skill on your part, but rather a result of the Death Guard not caring for fancy paintjobs. So they slap on a layer of paint, and off the tank goes to destroy the foes of the Emperor - I mean Horus!


("We're warriors, not house painters, dammit!")


Excellent work!


Thanks for the comments!


That i what I was aiming for and I am glad it shows on my tanks. I wanted to paint them like that after I saw how Germans repainted their tanks in WWII in winter camo.They would thin down white paint and slop it on their tanks without caring about its looks. Then when winter was out the window they only washed the tank with a thinning (dont remember exactly what) and they would have their normal camo again.


So that is what I wanted to achieve.A slop on paintjob on a dirty tank.It would have been much easier to paint the tank in any other conventional way and get a more flat color and then highlight it.


I am thinking of also adding some dust on the tracks and the skirt of the tank.But I am not sure yet...

Here are todays results after some painting.


I divided the number of models in half so that I can paint them in groups.They will all share the same colors so squads will not be a problem to create.


First I painted the right shoulder pad and then the left.I have only painted the ones that have boil like spheres on their pads.They fly ones will wait...


I then painted with Mithral Silver all metal parts such as tubing and shoulder pad rims.I then gave all a wash with Devlan Mud.After that I painted on top with Skull White.The models where then painted with Camo Green on the decorations on their legs.Not all of them have gone through this procedure yet but I guess I will have finished them tonight.


So here are some models to update my work and how my Mortis Custodis are coming along...^_^


Here you can see the before and after.On the left after the wash with Devlan Mud and then after the white paint job...





Abit blurry can I think you can get the idea...











I have then to paint the damage the models have in such a fashion that it shows and also paint all weapons which will be done together.

The bases will be decorated with ash like gravel to form a post apocalyptic terrain.


Comments are always welcome!!!

  • 3 months later...

I have many things going on now...

I also have stuff getting on for CoCIII so I am all hectic and doning many things at once...

Anyway I am almost finished with my 30 Death Guard Marines.

Not the ones with the renegade parts but the real deal (the bulky FW ones).

I have finished 2 Rhinos and I am getting 2 Daemon Princes painted and a Plague Tower of Nurgle is being converted and getting ready to carry my troops across the battlefield!!!

It will not be huge but it will be big enough!!!

I will post pictures in a few days!!!

So these are the photos of my 2 Rhinos.I only have to paint the hatches with the twin linked bolters.












These are the Daemon Princes that I am working on.One of them has already got a devlan mud wash...








And I am also making a Plague Tower of Nurgle...

I had a 4 year old Land Raider that was going for scraps and I thought of making something out of it...What better than mounting a Siege Tower and converting it into a Plague Tower???

So the project has began and I can't wait to finish it off...:huh:

What I did was take off the lid and put it back on the other way round.I cut of the exhaust and the back of the Land Raider and made it look like a Leman Russ chassis...

I cut the exhausts in half and glued them on the sides.

The plague cannon will be connected with 2 pots that contain liquid which will be placed where the front exit doors are on each side.The plague mortar might be modeled from a giant converted to look like a big plauebearer-guo that will hurl chunks of sick matter to the enemy...

All around the tower where it connects with the Land Raider green stuff will be modelled in such way to make it look infested and daemonic.The whole model will get a nice lot of green stuff....



Here are some photos of the progress....




Ramp up:


Ramp down:



Front view:








These will be the front parts of the tower.Specifically the left on will cover the 1st hole in the tower and will have the puss cannon.

The right with the Rhino hatches will be the front doors for the Land Raider.



Truthfully, I'm not feeling the Plague Tower thus far. It looks like what it is: A siege tower sitting on top of a Land Raider. Do you intend to blend them together somehow? I'll be watching to see what you intend to do.


I have the same feelings.But as I said I am going to blend them.I will place green stuff and metal plates to bind them.I may also put some chains but I am not sure yet.

In the end it will look like one single piece.


Thanks for the C&C guys!!!



  • 2 weeks later...

Here is an update on my Plague Tower.

I have made two demolisher cannons that will be added after they are painted.

Gaps and stuff will be closed with green stuff or plasticard.

I am still searching for something to put in the front side doors to make as containers for the plague cannon.I have tried out many stuff but nothing looks good enough. :D


Anyway, here are some photos:







The Plague Mortar is under construction.

There will be more plastcard added to the model on the sides as plating and more chaos icons and nurgle symbols added!!!



  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a photo of a complete squad, also featured in CoCIII...










The Rhino had mud added to the tracks:










Also some more Plague Marines:








Some Close Ups:




















The Champions are waiting to be varnished and glossed...


That is all for now...But soon there will be updates on the Plague tower....


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