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Imperial Fists Log

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Hey guys,


I've been out of modelling for about 2 years but have recently got the bug again and begun an Imperial Fists army. Found a recipe for yellow that i dig and am fairly happy with my work so far. Anyway, just thought i'd share my progress:


Vet Sarge of my fist Combat Squad:



Scout Sniper Sarge:



Scout Snipers:






Blurry squad pic (sorry bout that...)



I'll keep postin pics as i go along, im workin on my Vet sarge's buddies atm.

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Updates :)


Finished the Combat Squad that goes with my already completed Sarge :)








Starting work on the second squad today ;)

Those are the true colors of the Imperial Fists! These have got to be one of the best representations of the Chapter, Outlaw. I particularly like the scouts, especially the Sergeant. The face-paint and the camouflage looks great, the urban greys and whites go well with the yellow of the Fists. One last detail that caught my eye were the bases, they look really cool. I'm looking forward to more of your stuff soon, hopefully. ;)

Ahh, someone else working on some Fists. Nice job, I know first hand how tricksy yellow can be. This is a deep, rich yellow with strong shading. Inspiring me to keep working! I originally wanted black tactical arrows too, but wussed out of free handing them and am using the white decals along with the Fists icon. Kudos for trying the free hand!


Also.. good choice for the chest eagles. The white stands out against the richer colours you've used.

Thanks for the comments guys!

The second squad is coming along nicely :lol:


Tybrus, yeah i am aware of what Insignium Astartes directs the chest eagles to be ;) didn't appeal to be honest, i tried it and didn't like it, too much red with me doing the company i am :)

More updates ^_^


Got my second combat squad finished and also managed to figure out the rudimentary functions of the photo view i have to autofix the images so they are hopefully a little clearer and brighter now :) i may go back and take some better piccy's of the scouts too :)


Anyway, onto the Sons of Dorn:









Next up a 5 man Assault Squad :)

i like the marine with the wound to the head. However, i would add some gloss and a bit of black ink to the blook(really more of a mix of black ink thinned down, followed when it dries by red ink wash, then varnish). Blood should look more ichor like, and it just looks like a painted rock. and a tatoo on his face. A tatoo was what i first saw, then i looked and noticed the helm had red, the red on the rock and realized it was suppose to be blood. Just a tip.


Otherwise, your fists look spectacular, the poses add lots of character, and its definitly an army to be proud of.

Also...i am wondering, why you put this thread in the WIP section and not the hall of honor. Nothing of the pics so far in the thread are works in progress, they are all beautifully finished marines.


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