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Sons Of Guilliman...no wait...Ultramarines....no wait....

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OK, so awhile back I started to play 40K. So far, I LOVE it. I've been painting minis for WELL over 15 years now. I have painted in competitions, been successful in some, still chasing a GD though. Anyways, I never collected an army before so I thought I would post my progress in collecting what was originally going to be a Sons Of Guilliman army but is now, FOR SURE going to be an Ultramarine army. I switched for 2 reasons: time and money. Time: Because I am going back to school, my time has become even MORE scarce. I know I can crank out a decent blue scheme in no time. White is a major PAIN!

Money: If/when I decide to sell this army, or if I find that there are certain units that I bought and assembled but don't play with, I think I would have an easier time selling them on eBay if they were painted as Ultra's. (I know...I know... :cuss right?)


So now for some pictures. First up is my magnetized Predator, I still have to make the autocannon turret and lascannon sponsons.







And the parts that make it up, and the magnets:




Next up is my Land Raider. Nothing magnetized on this beast, I glued all the doors shut and the sponsons move.




A Devastator with Multi-Melta:



And some more Devastators, plasma cannon, and two lascannons:



my magnetized dread!


The parts:



One set of arms:



And the other set:



Here are three rhinos that I have done. The whirli is removeable and I also have some turrets done for a razorback. The two on the right are all glued down (my first two I ever did).



Here is a standard landspeeder, waiting for priming, I have another one still on the sprue that I might make into a Tornado, I'm not sure yet. I might wait until 5th ed comes out:



Here are 5 termies and behind them you can sort of see the dreadnaught. All the weapons on the dread will be swapable. I also added some small etched brass symbols to the termies. I have another box to put together of them as well:



And here we have a vintage vindicator and a vintage rhino. I'm not sure what I am going to do with these yet, but it will involve a lot of plasticard and green stuff! Got them off eBay fairly cheaply:



Here is my 10 man assault squad, primed and waiting:



Another tac squad, primed as well:



Some snipers:



And some minis in my paint booth:



That's it for now. I'll have some painted minis posted by the end of the month (hopefully)

  • 4 weeks later...

8*EDIT: Posting images that are not board appropriate is the fast track to a warning. Don't do it again. **


Anyways, on to the real topic of this thread. Some more marine pictures!! I figured out a nice, speedy method for painting my Ultras consisting of drybrushing (something I hardly EVER did in the past), and inks (no I haven't tried the new GW inks, I will once they figure out how to make a decent spraygun!) Overall I really like the look this gives the marines. I am in the middle of reading the Horus Heresy books and the description of the power armor was stuck in my head while painting these guys. The whole ceramic/ceramite/polish etc. adjectives kept ringing in my head. I think these guys look pretty ceramic and polished. I only have their armor done, not sure what company they are going to be yet. Everything that is black has yet to be painted. The paint job is shinier than I like because of my use of the old school inks. ONce they are fully painted I plan on spraying them with dullcote. C &C always welcome!


some nice dry brushing there, excellent for troops! You using a tank brush, I find this has sped up base coating single colour troops a great deal, especially as the design of brish and paint consistency allows for thin coverage :> Are you using the new washes?
Nope, still using old school inks. Need to get some $$$ before I can get new washes. I am not usig a tank brush either. I have 3 brushes I use for Marines. A medium sized red handled GW brush (pointy), a super small Windsor and Newton series 7, and a medium sized old brush for dry brushing (this one is close to 10 years old, no manufacturer name on handle).
  • 2 weeks later...

I have finished half of my first squad. I have also chosen to collect the second company of the Ultramarines. I tried to free-hand the squad markings, wasn't real happy with the results and attempted to apply the decals instead. These models are the first time I have ever tried using decals. I am EXTREMELY happy with the way they turned out. I also attempted some minor weathering around the feet. I am happy with those results as well. The Ultramarine symbol is a decal, the tactical marking is free hand. From here on out I am using decals! So, next up are the other 5 marines from the squad, including a sargent with power fist. As always, C & C are always welcome!!



  • 3 weeks later...

Finished up the rest of tactical squad 1. Here is a group shot of the second half.



And now a close up of the sargent. I wanted a tough, leather looking banner on his back, hence the dirty brown. My freehand is a bit weak so I added two transfers, one for the UM symbol and the skull to indicate he is a vet sarge.



A close up of the heavy bolter. I went predominately metallic on this guy as I felt it gave the piece that "heavy" look.



And the plasmagunner.



And a final shot of the full 10 man squad.



So now I don't know what to move onto next. I wanted to do a vehicle next but was going to wait until GW got their spray gun fixed as the thought of painting an entire vehicle by hand doesnt appeal to me. I guess I'll move onto my ML devastator squad. As always, C&C are always welcome!!

  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry it's been awhile since my last update. I am rushing to finish building some models to fill out a 2500 Ard Boyz tournament list and am short some models. So I have stopped painting for the next two weeks to get building! I need a chappy w/jump pack, about 3 diff assault sargents, 10 tac marines, and 10 assault marines.


Yesterday I whipped up this chappy with a jump pack. I used some FW bits I had laying around to add icons to his pack and a FW UM termi shoulderpad. I used a chaos SM head, a power axe handle, and an icon from the captain sprue to make the Crozius. All that is left is to fill in some gaps with GS and put something on the base.


I still feel he could use a little something else as well. Not sure what to add though as I don't want to put too much on him to make him too cluttered. If any one has suggestions, I would be interested in hearing them.













Thanks for the comments guys! I didnt realize how much motivation one can get by keeping a log of an army build! The comments really help me stay on this project.


I plan on adding some bits to the chaplain's lower half to even the bulkiness that is the top half. I have some DA vet bitz on order and will post new pics once they are applied. I have also added some brass UM icons to his legs to add detail.


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